ASCE 9780784411735 2011
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
ASCE | 2011 | 4924 |
This collection contains 505 papers on environmental and water resources engineering presented at the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011: Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability, held in Palm Springs, California, May 22-26, 2011.
PDF Catalog
PDF Pages | PDF Title |
1 | Cover |
9 | Table of Contents |
50 | 13[sup(th)] Annual Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium Asset Management Burst Detection and Location in Water Distribution Systems |
60 | External Risk Assessment of Pipe Leakages |
69 | Fast-Growing China’s Hydropower Systems and Operation Challenges |
79 | Field Work Sampling and Condition Assessment of Ductile Iron Pipes |
91 | Network Hydraulics Investigation on the Influence of Utilizing Average Hydraulic Pressure and Maximum Hydraulic Pressure for Pipe Burst Rate Prediction in Water Distribution Networks |
100 | Short-Term Generation Scheduling for Hydropower Systems with Discrepant Objectives |
110 | SMART OPS—Simulation and Modeling Assisted Real Time Operations |
117 | Effect of Parameter Uncertainty on Water Distribution Systems Model Prediction |
128 | Parallel Artificial Neural Network Using CUDA-Enabled GPU for Extracting Hydraulic Domain Knowledge of Large Water Distribution Systems |
142 | Predetermining Pressure Surfaces in Water Distribution System Design |
152 | The Computational Efficiency of EPANET-PDX |
162 | Network Models Application of a Stochastic Test Case Generation for Water Distribution Systems |
170 | Determining Realistic Criticality of Large Water Distribution System Facilities |
178 | GIS Based Applications of Sensitivity Analysis for Water Distribution Models |
186 | Influence of Network Properties and Model Purpose on the Level of Skeletonization |
195 | Network Optimization A Scenario-Based Optimization Model for Water Supply System Planning |
205 | Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Branched Pipeline Systems: Analytical Probabilistic Assessment of Fire Flow Failure |
215 | Performance Study of Differential Evolution with Various Mutation Strategies Applied to Water Distribution System Optimization |
226 | A Logical Approach for Water Distribution System Optimal Design |
239 | Design of the Anytown Network Using the Penalty-Free Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimization Approach |
248 | Formulation of Chlorine and Decontamination Booster Station Optimization Problem |
255 | Network Reliability Global Maximum Entropy Minimum Cost Design of Water Distribution Systems |
263 | Penalty-Free Evolutionary Algorithm Optimization for the Long Term Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Water Distribution Systems |
273 | Reliability/Availability Analysis of Water Distribution Systems Considering Adaptive Pump Operation |
283 | Network Water Quality Build-Up of Discolouration Potential in Networks As Function of Treatment Performance |
292 | Hydraulics and Mixing Efficiency of Small Public Water Disinfection Systems |
302 | Impact of Sustainable Urban Water Infrastructure on Water Quality |
312 | Water Security Adjoint-Based Probabilistic Characterization of Contaminant Sources in Water Distribution Systems under Realistic Flow and Sampling Conditions |
317 | Bayesian Inference of Contaminant Source in Water Distribution Systems |
325 | An Agent-Based Modeling Approach to Evaluate Protective Action Strategies in a Water Distribution Contamination Event |
332 | Modeling Discrete Interconnection Events of Two Water-Distribution Systems to Reconstruct Historical Human Exposure |
340 | Quantification of the Relative Importance of Factors Contributing to Intrusion in a Distribution System Using a Full Factorial Design |
353 | A Bayesian Approach for Probabilistic Contamination Source Identification |
363 | Alternative Approaches for Solving the Sensor Placement Problem in Large Networks |
373 | Using Niched Co-Evolution Strategies to Address Non-Uniqueness in Characterizing Sources of Contamination in a Water Distribution System |
379 | Minimize Impact or Maximize Benefit: The Role of Objective Function in Approximately Optimizing Sensor Placement for Municipal Water Distribution Networks |
389 | Multi-Criteria Response Planning for Water Utility Contamination Events |
396 | 8[sup(th)] Urban Watersheds Management Symposium Bioretention and Infiltration Case Studies Assessing the Accuracy of Bioretention Installation in North Carolina |
405 | Bioretention Design and Performance in Johnson County, KS |
413 | Treating Highway Bridge Deck Runoff Using Bioretention and a Swale |
424 | Bioretention Design and Modeling Bioretention Outflow: Does It Mimic Rural Water Interflow? |
436 | Impact on Bioretention Design of the Calculation Method for the 95th Percentile Rain Event |
444 | Performance Comparison of Biofiltration Designs |
454 | Bioretention Media Evaluating Media Depth, Surface Storage Volume, and Presence of an Internal Water Storage Zone on Four Sets of Bioretention Cells in North Carolina |
464 | Filtered Metals Control in Stormwater Using Engineering Media |
477 | Treatability of Organic Emerging Toxicants in Urban Stormwater Runoff |
490 | Emerging Issues in Urban Stormwater Management BMP Performance Analysis Results for the International Stormwater BMP Database |
499 | One Water One Watershed Plan—Breakthroughs in Collaboration and Sustainability |
506 | Potential Maximum Use of Harvested Stormwater Volume at a Site Level |
516 | Erosion Control Eroded Particle Size Distributions for Southeastern U.S. Soils |
526 | Turbidity Modeling Based on the Concentration of Total Suspended Solids for Stormwater Runoff from Construction and Development Sites |
536 | Hydromodification in Urban Streams Incompatible Uses: The Dichotomy between the Flood Control Use and Other Designated Beneficial Uses of Streams in the Los Angeles Basin |
548 | Predicting Hydromodification Impacts Using a Four Factor Approach |
558 | Relating Stormwater Control Measure (SCM) Discharge Design Standards to Stream Erosion in Piedmont North Carolina: Case Studies in Raleigh and Chapel Hill, North Carolina |
568 | Integrated Water Management in Southern California Integrated Water Management Efforts in the Greater Los Angeles County Region: Accomplishments and Future Direction |
577 | Stakeholders in Ventura County Collaborate in Addressing Water Management Challenges through IRWM Planning Process |
587 | LID Computations and Modeling How Are Low Impact Stormwater Control Measures Simulated by Different Computational Models? |
596 | Modeling Low Impact Development Water Quality BMPs with IDEAL |
607 | Low Impact Development Computations—WWHM |
626 | Spreadsheet and Design Storm Routing Approaches to LID Computations: From Permitting Perspectives to Detailed Design |
636 | Hydraulic and Hydrologic Modelling of Permeable Pavement |
647 | Multiobjective Automatic Calibration of the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) Using Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (NSGA-II) |
657 | LID Implementation Applying Low Impact Development Practices to Meet Multiple Objectives: Case Studies |
668 | Developing Standards for Low Impact Development in San Diego: City of San Diego Low Impact Development Design Manual |
678 | The Farmington River Enhancement Grants: A Tale of Two Towns and the Path to Low Impact Development |
687 | Manufactured Treatment Devices Development of Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Numeric Limits for Constituents of Concern and Evaluation of Proprietary Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the City of San Diego, CA |
698 | Field Study of Total Phosphorus Removal from Stormwater Runoff Using Adsorptive Filtration Media |
706 | Information for Inspection and Maintenance of Stormwater Manufactured Treatment Devices |
719 | Self Fertilising Geotextiles in Model Pervious Pavement Structures |
729 | Urban Area Water Quality Issues A Comparative Study of Water Quality Conditions between Heavily Urbanized and Less Urbanized Watersheds of Los Angeles Basin |
740 | Effectiveness of TSS, TN, and TP As Indicators of Stormwater Runoff Pollutant Concentration and Partitioning |
749 | Pollutant Load Evaluation in Stormwater Systems |
762 | Salinity and Pollutant Stratification at the Margin of San Diego Creek and Upper Newport Bay, California |
771 | Urban Hydrologic Modeling Economic Consideration in Water Quality Improvement Practices under Extreme Flow Conditions: Water Quality Design Storm |
781 | Impact Assessment of Non-Point Source Pollution with the L-THIA Model |
791 | Indirect Determination of Effective Impervious Area (EIA) of an Urban City of North East India |
800 | Revisiting Modified Rational Method |
812 | Vegetated Systems Floating Vegetated Island Retrofit to Treat Stormwater Runoff |
822 | Media Moisture Content to Determine Evapotranspiration from Swales and Bioretention Cells |
832 | The Applicability of Classical Predictive Equations for the Estimation of Evapotranspiration from Urban Green Spaces: Green Roof Results |
842 | Watershed Modeling Integrated Systems Dynamics Model for TMDL Policy Assessment: A Lake Allegan Case Study |
852 | Water Quality Prediction Models for Storm Water Runoff in an Urban Watershed |
862 | 9th Symposium on Groundwater Hydrology, Quality, and Management Aquifer Storage and Recovery System: Operations, Management, and Policy Assessment of the Effectiveness of Dams on the Recharge of the Shallow Aquifer in the Northern Area of UAE |
872 | Spatial Decline Distribution of Groundwater Levels of Confined Aquifer in the Whole Red River Delta, Vietnam |
882 | The Impact of Artificial Recharge Plans on Aquifer and Demand Management Techniques in Shahrekord, Iran |
895 | Wavelet and Cross-Wavelet Analysis of Groundwater Quality Signals of Saltwater Intruded Coastal Aquifers |
903 | California Groundwater Resources: Challenges and Opportunities The Sacramento Regional Groundwater Model |
913 | Planned Updates and Refinements to the Central Valley Hydrologic Model with an Emphasis on Improving the Simulation of Land Subsidence in the San Joaquin Valley |
920 | Geothermal Energy and Related Topics Sustainable Geothermal Reservoir Management Using Geophysical and Hydraulic Invstigations |
925 | Geothermal Energy in a Central European Perspective—Challenges and Opportunities |
935 | Geothermal Energy: Sustainability, Climate Change, and State of the Practice in the United States |
947 | Groundwater (Quality and Quantity) Modeling Tools and Techniques Evaluation of Well Heads by Using Different Approaches: Well Package, Multi-Node Well Package, and Analytical Solution |
953 | Stop Saltwater Intrusion toward Water Wells Using Scavenger Wells |
963 | Trend Detection in Groundwater Levels of Holocene Unconfined Aquifer in Hanoi, Vietnam, by Non-Parametric Approaches |
973 | Use of Simulation Filters in 3-D Groundwater Contaminant Transport Modeling |
983 | Generalized Visualization Modules for Solute Transport in Groundwater |
992 | Analytic Modeling for Aquifer Radial Movement Caused by Artificial Discharge |
1003 | Contrasting Advective Spreading and Dispersive Mixing |
1011 | Groundwater Characterization, Monitoring, Management, and Its Uncertainty Energy-Water Meter: A Novel Solution for Groundwater Monitoring and Management |
1019 | Hydrodynamic Characterization of a Karst Aquifer in the Brazilian Semi-Arid Region with Time Series Analysis of Hydrology Data |
1030 | Policy Implications of Institutional Arrangements for Sustainable Management of Common Pool Resources: The Case of Groundwater |
1039 | Groundwater Quality and Human Health Current Status and Trend of Nitrate-N and Factors Affecting Its Concentration in Shallow Groundwater Systems of Kathmandu |
1049 | Reconstruction of Groundwater Contamination History in Hadnot Point Area of Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, Using Linear Stochastic Control Model |
1058 | Groundwater Sustainability Groundwater Modeling of the Calera Aquifer Region in Central Mexico |
1068 | Interaction of Stream and Groundwater and Integrated Management Modeling Maui’s Freshwater System to Inform Water Resource Management |
1078 | Adjoint Model to Quantify Stream Depletion Due to Pumping in Coupled Groundwater/Surface Water Systems |
1087 | Kinetics and Seepage Forces in Steady-State Ground-Water Flow |
1104 | Sediment Oxygen Demand and Pore Water Phosphate Flux: Measurement, Characterization, and Monitoring in Deer Creek Reservoir |
1113 | Use of Environmental Isotopes to Determine Impacts on Wetlands Due to Lining of Irrigation Canals, Salton Sea Area, California |
1124 | Microbial and Nanoparticle Transport in the Subsurface Encapsulation of Iron Nanoparticles and Trichloroethylene Degrading Bacteria for Groundwater Clean-Up |
1132 | Groundwater Arsenic Remediation Using Amphiphilic Polysiloxane Graft Copolymer Coated Iron Nanoparticles |
1138 | Probabilistic Methods for Aquifer Parameter Estimation, Groundwater Modeling, and Inverse Modeling A Hierarchical Bayesian Model Averaging Approach to Cope with Sources of Uncertainty in Conceptual Ground Water Models |
1148 | A Sequential Monte Carlo Method to Update the Conditional Solute Concentration in a Three Dimensional Contaminant Transport Model |
1158 | Ensemble Kalman Filter to Improve the Accuracy of a Three Dimensional Flow and Transport Model with a Continuous Pollutant Source |
1167 | Use of Regional Covariance in Data Assimilation Method to Improve the Estimation Accuracy of a Three Dimensional Contaminant Transport Model |
1176 | Vadose Zone Hydrology Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Diesel or Ethanol-Blended Diesel on Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Soils |
1186 | Arid Lands Symposium Arid Lands Hydrology and Hydraulics Effect of Spatial and Temporal Variability of Antecedent Moisture Content on Model-Generated Runoff from an Arid Watershed |
1196 | Modeling Nutrient Dynamics and Benthic Algal Relationships on the South Fork Humboldt River, NV |
1200 | Using Doppler Radar Precipitation Measurements to Enhance Estimates of Playa Inudation |
1210 | Hydroclimate Assessment and Comparison of SPI and RDI Meteorological Drought Indices in Selected Synoptic Stations of Iran |
1223 | Effects of Coupling in Understanding the Surface Energy Balance in the Snake River Basin, Idaho |
1233 | Seasonal Prediction of Karoon Streamflow Using Large-Scale Climate Indices |
1243 | Water Management in Arid Climates A System Dynamics Approach to Economic Assessment of Water Supply and Demand Strategies |
1253 | Assessment of Agricultural Water Foot Print in Iran Based on Virtual Water Trade |
1262 | California Water and Environmental Projects and Issues The Environmental, Engineering, and Economic Analysis of Large Scale Dam Removal on the Klamath River |
1272 | Application of Geographical Information System to the Hydrological Analysis of Cajon Creek, near Devore, CA |
1282 | Climate Change Symposium Assessment of Climate Risks, Vulnerabilities, and Hazards Climate Change Response of Three Physically Based Hydrology Models in the Connecticut River Watershed |
1286 | The Risk Analysis of Long Term Impact to Reservoir under Extreme Hydrologic Events—Shihmen Reservoir, a Case Study |
1296 | Water and Deforestation in Brazil: Future Challenges for Policy Implementation |
1306 | Assessment of Risks in Hydrology/Water Resources within an Evolving Climate Creating an Index of Flood Vulnerability to Climate Change for Korean Fundamental Local Governments: The Effect of the Four Major Rivers Restoration Project As an Adaptation Strategy |
1314 | Entropy-Based Probability Distribution for IDF Curves |
1322 | Impact of Climate Change on SPI and SAD Curve |
1331 | Hidden Markov Model Based Probabilistic Assessment of Droughts |
1341 | Sea Level Changes along the Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah and Sarawak Coastlines for the 21st Century |
1347 | California Climate Change Experiences Climate Warming Effects on Hydropower Demand and Pricing in California |
1357 | Climate Impacts on Critical infrastructure/Designing for Climate Change The Investigation of Drought Values Fluctuation under the Effect of Climate Change—Case Study: Gharesou Basin |
1367 | Using HEC-HMS for Stormwater Infrastructure Assessment in Response to Changes in Design Storm Depths Calculated from Climate Projections |
1377 | Decision Processes and Climate Uncertainty California’s Water: The Cost and Supply Implications of Water Conservation and Varying Delta Exports in a Warmer, Drier Climate |
1387 | Selecting a Domestic Water Demand Prediction Model for Climate Change Studies |
1396 | Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources Sustainability—AWWA’s Climate Change Committee Report |
1406 | Methods and Tools for Adaptation to Climate Change Analysis of Scenarios to Adapt to Climate Change Impacts in the Rio Conchos Basin |
1414 | California Water Supply and Reservoir Storage for Warmer vs. Warmer-Drier Climate Conditions |
1424 | Seasonal Hydrologic Forecasts in Multi-Objective Water Resources Management: Safeguards against Forecast Failure |
1428 | Modeling the Assessment of the Impact of Climate Change Climate Change and Sea Level Rise |
1438 | Modeling Watershed Hydrologic/Environmental Processes under a Changing Climate Application of a Watershed Environmental Hydrology Model Coupled with Hydro-Climate Model (WEHY-HCM) to Ungauged Watersheds |
1447 | Incorporating the Effect of Moving Storms into Hillslope Hydrology: Results from a Multiple-Slope Soil Flume |
1457 | Water Quality Assessment of Willow Slough Watershed by Watershed Environmental Hydrology Model Couples with Hydro-Climate Model (WEHY-HCM) |
1467 | Scale Issues in Modeling and Analysis of Climate Change Potential Changes in Rainfall Erosivity under Climate Change from Multi-Scenario Projections in Southern Appalachian Region |
1478 | Recent Variability in the Temporal Structure of Precipitation in Portugal: An Analysis across Scales |
1488 | Scale Invariance and Self-Similarity in Hydrologic Processes in Space and Time |
1499 | Communications Communicating the Vision: Winning over Public Perception MSD Storm Water Phase II Communication Efforts through Publication Education, Outreach, and Involvement |
1509 | Developing a Company Newsletter The Strategic Role of a Technical Newsletter As Part of Technology Transfer and Knowledge Management |
1513 | Emerging and Innovative Technologies Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics in Development and Assessment of Innovative Urban Water Management Systems Application of Open Source CFD in Urban Water Management |
1521 | CFD As Applied to the Development of a Hydrodynamic Vortex Mixer |
1533 | Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Emergency Overflows through an Energy Dissipation Structure of a Water Treatment Plant |
1543 | The Use of CFD Coupled with Physical Testing to Develop a New Range of Vortex Flow Controls with Attributes Approaching the Ideal Flow Control Device |
1554 | Assessing Causes of Bank Erosion Using CFD Modeling |
1564 | CFD Modeling of Supercritical Flows in a Flood Control Channel |
1574 | Drainage Hydraulics of Porous Pavement Overlays |
1584 | Simulation of Streamflow to Reservoirs Using a Data Based Mechanistic Model: A Case Study |
1592 | Emerging and Innovative Technologies in Water and Wastewater Treatment Diffusion and Treatability Studies with Biopolymer Encapsulated Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles |
1601 | Use of Biological and Non-Biological Surrogates for Evaluating Cryptosporidium Removal by Filtration |
1611 | Inactivation of Pathogens in Agricultural Wastewater Using Controlled Release Chemical Oxidation Polymer System |
1621 | Peracetic Acid As an Alternative Disinfection Technology for Wet Weather Flows |
1631 | Biodegration of Substrates with and without Aeration |
1640 | Brackish Water Treatment: An Application in Water Reuse |
1650 | Enzymatic Treatment of Alginate to Reduce UF/MF Membrane Fouling for Municipal Wastewater Reuse |
1660 | Environmental Sensing and Cyberinfrastructure Forecasting Hypoxia in Corpus Christi Bay, Texas, by Model Fusion |
1669 | Implementation of Cyberinfrastructure and Multiple Technology Platforms for Water Resources Management: The North Slope Decision Support System |
1678 | Soil Erosion and Sediment Yield Modelling of Watershed Using FEM, Remote Sensing, and GIS |
1690 | Surge Protections for a Major Raw Water Pump and Pipeline System |
1701 | Implementing Water Resources Sustainability through Innovative Strategies Economic Input-Output Life Cycle Assessment of Water Reuse Strategies in Residential Buildings |
1712 | Methodology for the Evaluation and Comparison of Benefits and Impacts of Green Infrastructure Practices Using a Life Cycle Approach |
1722 | The Adaptability and Sustainability of Surface Water Diversion along the Main Stem of the Snake River in Southern Idaho |
1731 | Innovative Strategies and Technologies for Stakeholder Involvement Stakeholder Future Vision Process for the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant |
1741 | Measuring Water Resources Sustainability Using Indicators Expert System Based Water Sustainability Index |
1754 | Rainwater Harvesting: Research and Technology Transfer Opportunities A Process-Based Model for Fluidized Bed in Sand Filled Reservoirs |
1767 | Monitoring of Roof-Harvested Rainwater Quality |
1773 | Water Resources and Environmental Visions for 2050: Talks and Panel Discussion Water 2050: Attributes of Sustainable Water Supply Development |
1782 | Environmental Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management/Remediation Aqueous Phosphate Removal Using Bare and Ca-Alginate Entrapped Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron |
1790 | Arsenic Pollution by Chromated-Copper-Arsenate Treated Woody Debris |
1801 | Optimization of Sampling Plan and Sufficiency for Long-Term Monitoring Plan at Vance AFB Using MAROS Model |
1811 | Retardance of Rainwater-Leached Metals in Amended Soil Systems: A Case Study, Agricultural Amendments Effect on a CCA-Wood Ash/Soil System |
1821 | A Mathematical Model for Ni Phyto-Extraction from Contaminated Soils |
1831 | Biosorption of Cd(II), Pb(II), and Ni(II) on Magnifera indica Leaf Powder: An Equilibrium Study |
1845 | Modeling Transport of High Density Metal Contaminants in Ephemeral Flow Systems |
1855 | Solid Waste Management Environmental Impact of Waste Management System—System Location Issues |
1865 | Surface Water Quality and Environmental Health Aquatic Organism Passage Design Guidelines for Culverts |
1875 | Effect of Sea Conditions on Emulsification Profile of Oils in Coastal Waters after Major Spills |
1879 | Three Dimensional Modeling of Pollution Distribution in Gorgan Bay by Considering Storm Surge Conditions |
1889 | Relationship between Fecal Coliform and E. coli within Kentucky River Basin |
1899 | Effect of Direct Droppings from Bridge Nesting Birds on Bacterial Concentration of Underneath Surface Water |
1907 | Developing Cost-Effective Water Quality Improvement Programs |
1918 | Relations between Basin Characteristics and Stream Chemistry in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA |
1926 | Treatment of Greywater with Shredded-Tire Biofilters and Membrane Bioreactors |
1937 | History and Heritage Selected Civil Engineering History Achievements in the U.S., France, and England I. K. Brunel (1806-1859) and His Extensive British Civil Engineering Contributions: Video of the Life of Brunel |
1941 | Snoqualmie Falls Hydropower Plant—A National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark: Video of the Power of Snoqualmie Falls |
1950 | History of the Marseille Canal in France |
1955 | Water History from Mexico Boundary Rivers to the Northeastern U.S. to the Hoover Dam to the Panama Canal ASCE Visits the Panama Canal in 1994: Next Will Be the Panama Canal Centennial (1914-2014) |
1960 | Celebrating the 75[sup(th)] Anniversary of Hoover Dam: Highlights of the October 20-22, 2010, ASCE Hoover Dam 75[sup(th)] Anniversary History Symposium/Tours/Proceedings |
1965 | History of Irrigation in the Northeastern U.S. |
1973 | Risk Analysis of the 1944 Treaty between the United States and Mexico for the Rio Grande/Bravo Basin |
1983 | Hydraulics and Waterways Application of GIS in Hydraulic Modeling Development and Application of GIS Module in NCCHE Modeling System |
1992 | Live or Die in the New GIS |
2002 | Utilizing Interfacing Tools for GIS, HEC-GeoHMS, HEC-GeoRAS, and ArcHydro |
2012 | Using GIS to Optimize Hydraulic Analysis of Macro and Micro Scale Flow Ways for Macro Scale Wetlands Restoration—Challenges, Solutions, and Lessons Learned |
2022 | Visualization of Urban Area Flood Simulation in Realistic 3D Environment |
2030 | Bank Stabilization Bank Stabilization by Redirective Structures on the Santa Clara River, Ventura County, CA |
2040 | Evaluation of the Bank Stability and Toe Erosion Model (BSTEM) for Predicting Lateral Streambank Retreat on Ozark Streams |
2050 | Monitoring Streambank Properties and Erosion Potential for the Restoration of Lost Creek |
2060 | New Innovative, Habitat-Creating Bank Protection Method |
2071 | Computational Methods Depth-Averaged Two Dimensional Model Using Cartesian Cut-Cell Approach |
2080 | National Ocean Service Formal Skill Assessment Procedures: Review, Application, and Assessment |
2092 | Three-Dimensional Free-Surface Flow Model Verification and Validation: Past, Present, and Future Directions |
2104 | Water Level, Salinity, Temperature, and Current Forecast Guidance Evaluation from Real Time Ocean Forecast Systems |
2115 | Sediment Transport and Scour Analysis for Wadis in Aqaba, Jordan |
2124 | Three Dimensional Model for Particle Saltation Close to Stream Beds, Including a Detailed Description of the Particle Interaction with Turbulence and Inter- Particle Collisions |
2134 | Three Dimensional Simulation of Flow Field around Series of Spur Dikes |
2144 | A Fast Method for 3D CFD Modeling of a Long River Reach |
2153 | Optimal Sediment Control in Alluvial Rivers |
2163 | A Hybrid Finite-Volume/Finite-Difference Scheme for One-Dimensional Boussinesq Equations to Simulate Wave Attenuation Due to Vegetation |
2174 | A Library of Two Turbulence Closure Schemes |
2184 | Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Tidal Flows in the Yangtze River Estuary |
2194 | Flow Rating Improvement for Culverts and Spillways Using Hybrid of Field Flow Measurements and Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulations |
2205 | Implementation and Testing of RANS Turbulence Models for Stably Stratified Flows |
2215 | Development and Validation of a Wave-Action Model for Simulating Wave Attenuation Due to Vegetation |
2225 | Experimental Validation of CFD Modeling of Multiphase Flow through Open Channel Confluence |
2233 | Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Flow and Algal Biomass Distribution in Lake Pontchartrain |
2246 | Verification of an Adaptive Mesh, Embedded Boundary Model for Flood Modeling Applications |
2256 | Dam and Levee Breach Modeling A Simplified Breaching Model for Cohesive Embankments |
2265 | Dam Breach Analysis in Tailings Storage Facilities (TSF) |
2274 | Vertical and Horizontal Two-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Dam-Break Flow over Fixed Beds |
2283 | Flood Hazards Methodology for Estimating Wind Wave Erosion of Riverine Levees |
2293 | NWS/OHRFC Operational Experience with the Ohio River Community HECRAS Model |
2302 | A Community’s Response to an “Inactive” Levee System |
2312 | A Real-Time Interface for Railway Hydraulic Hazard Forecasting |
2322 | Economic Modeling of Flood Damages in Near Flat Topographic Cities: Key Considerations |
2335 | Storm Surge Study of the Hawaiian Islands Using the EST Method |
2344 | Consequence Estimation for Complex Systems |
2354 | Implementation of Engineer Circular (EC) 1110-2-6067—USACE Process for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Levee System Evaluation |
2365 | Levee System Performance Using Future Risk Analysis Tools |
2376 | Fluvial Geomorphology Cyclical Fluvial Response Caused by Rechannelization |
2389 | Inundation Model As an Aid for Predicting Ecological Succession on Newly-Created Deltaic Land Associated with Mississippi River Diversions: Application to the Wax Lake Delta |
2399 | Measuring Erodibility of Cohesive Soils Using Laboratory Jet Erosion Tests |
2409 | The Effect of Sediment-Induced Stratification in Channel Bends |
2419 | A Comparative Study on Lagrangian Stochastic Models for Sediment Transport |
2428 | Depositional Patterns in Steep Mountainous Streams under Low Relative Submergence (LRS) Regime |
2438 | Wavelets Application to Study the Bedforms of Parana River |
2447 | Hydraulic Measurement and Instrumentation Case Study: Utilizing Large Scale Particle Image Velocimetry to Monitor Rural Streams during High Flow Events |
2455 | Development of New Sensors for Monitoring Velocity and Sediment Discharge in a Watershed |
2470 | Entropy and Its Application in Computation of Velocity Distribution in Sewers |
2478 | How to Address Velocity Measurements during High Floods: The Case Study of the Hydrometric Section along the Chiascio River in Central Italy |
2488 | Lab Experiments on Turbulent Processes Causing Discolouration Potential |
2498 | Reservoir Thermal Structure and Its Effect on Hydropower Operation Induced Fish Entrainment |
2508 | Hydraulic Structures Building Hydraulic Structures to Analyze Flow and Sediment Transport Characteristics in the Entrance of Sunset Marina |
2517 | Comparison and Two Operation Rules for Gated Spillways: Application to Karkheh Dam |
2527 | Transition Probability of the Coherent Turbulent Flow around a Circular Bridge Pier |
2537 | Hydraulic Surge Mitigation: Modeling a Pump Intake System with a Long Offshore Pipeline |
2545 | One-Dimensional Modeling Techniques for Energy Dissipation in U-Weir Grade-Control Structures |
2557 | Selection of Empirical Formulae for Design of Stepped Spillways on RCC Dams |
2567 | A Post-Processing Tool for HEC-RAS for the Assessment of Fish Passage Conditions in Highway Culverts |
2577 | Estimating Energy Dissipation in Stepped Spillways with Reverse Inclined Steps and End Sill |
2587 | Maximum Approach Flow Considerations for Formed Suction Inlets |
2594 | Scour-Inducing Stilling Basin Flow Patterns |
2601 | Restoration Modeling and Design Tools Spreadsheet Tools for River Evaluation, Assessment, and Monitoring (STREAM) |
2611 | Using River2D Morphology to Predict Salmon Redd Survival during High Flow Events from Hydroelectric Dam Operations |
2621 | Flume Analysis of Engineered Large Wood Structures for Scour Development and Habitat |
2631 | RiverRAT: Tools and Science for Assessing River Management and Restoration Projects |
2642 | Use of River2D Hydrodynamic Model for Stream Restoration Assessment and Design |
2652 | Stream Restoration Education Designing Graduate Curriculum for Stream Restoration |
2662 | River Restoration Education |
2667 | International China IWHR: Inter-Basin Water Transfer Projects Analysis of Impact of South-to-North Water Transfer Project on Groundwater Exploitation in North China |
2677 | The Multi-Water Sources Allocation Research in Beijing after South-to-North Water Diversion |
2686 | The Necessity of Inter-Basin Water Transfer Analyzed Based on the Status of Huang-Huai-Hai Basin |
2692 | International Topics A Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) Framework for Optimal Utilization of Water and Cropping Pattern |
2705 | Using Coping Zones in the Development of Lake Superior Outflow Regulation Alternatives |
2714 | Peruvian Water Resources The Challenges for Improving the Water and Sanitation Sector in Peru |
2721 | Narrowing of the Rimac River Due to Anthropogenic Causes—Partial Engineering Solutions |
2731 | Irrigation and Drainage Emerging Irrigation Scheduling Technologies AgriMet: A Reclamation Tool for Irrigation Water Management |
2741 | Evaluation of the CRITERIA Irrigation Scheme Soil Water Balance Model in Texas—Initial Results |
2749 | Influence of Wind Breaks and Shade on Evapotranspiration |
2758 | Residential Irrigation and Water Conservation Potential of Smart Irrigation Technologies in the Catawba River Basin |
2768 | Corn Yield Response to Deficit Irrigation |
2778 | Strawberries: Effects of Modifying Irrigation Methods for Transplant Establishment |
2789 | General Topics Potential Design Methodology for Agricultural Drainage Denitrification Bioreactors |
2798 | Scour Evaluation for Protection of Critical Infrastructure on the Hassayampa River |
2808 | Simple Equilibrium Based Erosion Hazard Zone Estimates |
2818 | Understanding Land-Atmospheric Interactions with Model and Observations Implementation and Field Calibration Pipeline Doppler Meters in Northern California |
2826 | Evaluating Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS) Using Aircraft Data Collected during BEAREX07 |
2836 | SEBAL for Estimating Hourly ET Fluxes over Irrigated and Dryland Cotton during BEAREX08 |
2845 | Spatial Interpolation of Daily Reference Evapotranspiration in the Texas High Plains |
2854 | Planning and Management Collaborative Tools and Processes Collaborative Modeling for Decision Support—Definitions and Next Steps |
2864 | Decision Support Systems for Water Demand and Allocation: Economic and Policy Applications Game Theory Insights for the Caspian Sea Conflict |
2869 | Improving Model Performance Using Dynamic Evaluation and Proper Objective Function |
2879 | The Sao Francisco Transboundary Project: Regulation and Sustainability |
2889 | Decision Support Systems for Water Demand and Allocation: Moving toward Watershed Sustainability A Complex Adaptive Systems Approach to Develop Basin-Scale Optimal Management Strategies for Water Resources Systems |
2893 | Assessing Sustainability of Integrated Urban Water Resources Systems through a Complex Adaptive Systems Approach |
2901 | Uncertainty in Agricultural Water Demand in the West Bank: Policy Implications for a Developing Economy |
2911 | Water Resources Management of Ancient Chinese Cities: Case Studies |
2921 | Decision Support Systems for Water Quality Management Assessing the Effects of Nitrate Sinks and Inflow Concentration Rules on the Firm Yield of an Off-Stream Blending Reservoir System |
2930 | Modeling Erosion and Sedimentation Processes in the Chorro Creek Subwatershed to Evaluate and Develop Effective Watershed Management Approaches |
2939 | Optimizing the Placement of Best Management Practices (BMPs) in Agriculturally-Dominated Watersheds in Illinois |
2950 | Evolutionary Computations Search Method for Box-Constrained Optimization |
2960 | Benefits of Meta-Model Validation for Real-Time Sewer System Decision Support |
2969 | G. V. Loganathan Memorial Operations Management Symposium A Different Aspect for Implanting Hydropower Units on the River Flows |
2973 | A Framework for Estimating Downstream Environmental Impacts of Reservoir Extreme Outflows |
2983 | Bi-Level Optimization Model for Daily Operation with Heterogeneous Hydropower Units in Multiple Reservoirs with Application to the Three Gorges-Gezhouba Cascade Power Stations |
2992 | Establishment of Environmental Flow in a Physically Obstructed Tidal River |
3007 | Evaluation of the Effects of Climate Change on a North Carolina Interbasin Transfer |
3016 | Review of Drought Worse than Drought of Record Monitoring Methods for the Lower Colorado River in Texas |
3026 | The Present State of Environmental Flows in Texas |
3036 | Water Availability Modeling for Regional Water Planning in Texas |
3046 | Dry Season Water Management in the Lower Yellow River in China |
3056 | Gated Spillways Operation Rules Considering Water Surface Elevation and Flood Peak: Application to Karkheh Dam |
3065 | Metrics and Risk Criteria Acceptance for Flood Control in Valleys Downstream from Hydropower Plants |
3075 | Planning Operation of Large-Scale Hydrothermal System |
3085 | Comparison of a Daily and Sub-Daily Optimization Model for Hydropower Generation: Does Greater Resolution Result in Greater Operational Insight? |
3097 | Development of a Multi-Reservoir Flood Control Optimization Model: Application to the Karkheh River Basin, Iran |
3107 | New Directions in Hydrology Transient Lunisolar Positions As Predictors of Earth’s Hydrological Variability |
3116 | Stochastic and Probabilistic Methods for Water Resources Planning and Management Stochastic Generation of Daily and Hourly Temperature Data Using Combined Parametric and Nonparametric Models |
3124 | Optimal Multi-Year Management of a Water Supply System under Uncertainty: Robust Counterpart Approach |
3135 | Simple Management Tools to Reduce Water Pumping Based on Hydrologic Probabilities and Supply Shortage Risk Quantification |
3145 | Strategic Multi-Criteria Decision Making under Uncertainty |
3152 | Bayesian WLS/GLS Regression for Regional Skewness Analysis for Regions with Large Cross-Correlations among Flood Flows |
3162 | Use of Stochastic Modeling during the 2008 and 2009 Drought on the Lower Colorado River in Texas |
3173 | Using Proxy Reconstructions for Streamflow Forecasting |
3183 | Students and New Professionals Student Technical Paper Competition Bioavailability of Lead in Urban Soil Environments |
3189 | Comparison and Analysis of Hydrodynamic Models for Restoration Projects: The Case of Pool-Riffle Structures |
3198 | Sensitivity of Hurricane Storm Surge Numerical Simulations to Wetland Parameters in Corpus Christi, TX |
3207 | The Rivers of Madison County: Determination of Escherichia coli in the Flint River and Its Impact |
3215 | Sustainability Symposium Integrated Water Management Plans Green Infrastructure and Sustainable Design for Streets: The Elmer Avenue Neighborhood Retrofit Demonstration |
3223 | Integrated Planning for Water Supply Sustainability—The Albuquerque Bernailillo County Water Utility Authority Experience |
3233 | Water Management by Optimizing Distributed Wastewater Reclamation Capacity |
3239 | Social Sustainability Issues Finding the Socially Optimal Solution for California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Problem |
3247 | Residential Water Use Trend Shifts by Implementation of Best Management Practices for Water Conservation |
3252 | Using the Hydrologic Footprint Residence for Raising Awareness of Stormwater Sustainability |
3259 | Sustainable Land Development An Analysis of Urban Ecological Sustainability in Indian Cities from the East Kolkata Wetlands Perspective |
3269 | Sustainable Land Design in Urban Runoff Management |
3287 | A Decision Support System for Sustainable Urban Water Supply |
3300 | Residential Water Use Reduction during Drought: Relative Effects of Various Water Agency Interventions, Collier County, Florida, 2008 |
3310 | Leading by Example: Promoting EMS, Energy Conservation, and Sustainability |
3320 | Regulatory Requirements and Sustainable Management of Wastewater Sludges |
3328 | The Water-Energy Nexus An Integrated Energy, Carbon, and Economic Analysis of Reclaimed Water Use in Austin, Texas |
3344 | Lifecycle Impacts of Using Coal for Electricity on Water Resources |
3354 | Policies and Instruments Affecting Water Use for Bioenergy Production |
3368 | Can We Rely on Renewable Energy Sources to Overcome Global Warming? |
3376 | Constructed Wetlands for Biofuel Production and Nitrate Removal in an Agricultural Watershed: A Simulation and Optimization Model |
3381 | Water Systems Security Water Security Systems An EWQSK Exercise |
3385 | Planning for Continuity Adds to Resilience |
3397 | The Role of Exposure in Risk Analysis for Critical Water Infrastructure |
3404 | Water, Wastewater, and Stormwater Advances in Treatment Plant Process Design Diagnostic Assessment of Membrane Health and Performance by STransform of Flux Data |
3408 | Intermittent Media Infiltration of Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Prediction Based on FREN for Fecal Coliform Removal |
3418 | Aeration, Media, and Flow Rate Effects on the Ammonia Removal Performance of a Pilot Scale Continuous Up-Flow Filter |
3428 | Use of Sensors in Wastewater Quality Monitoring—A Review of Available Technologies |
3438 | Current Issues in Water Pollution and Contaminant Removal Arsenic Contaminated Groundwater Remediation by Entrapped Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron |
3445 | Novel Arsenic Ion-Imprinted Polymer: Simultaneous Removal As(III) and As(V) from Water |
3451 | The Removal of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solutions by Commercial Activated Carbon |
3461 | Treatability of Emerging Contaminants in Wastewater under Wet Weather Conditions |
3473 | Drinking Water Treatment Calibration of GAC Model in Drinking Water Treatment |
3479 | General Topics Intensive Strom Water Monitoring for Metals in the B-Street/Broadway Piers and Downtown Anchorage Drainage Areas of San Diego, CA |
3489 | Hydraulic Modeling in Pressure Systems Efficient Equations for Circular Partly-Full Pipe Hydraulics |
3498 | Modeling Approaches for the Rapid Filling of Closed Conduits with Entrapped Air |
3508 | Numerical Simulation of Water Pipeline Filling Events with Limited Ventilation |
3518 | Pressure Surges Generated by Entrapped Air Pockets in Stormwater Systems |
3528 | Topeka Collection System Facility Plan Update: The Modeling Challenge |
3538 | Multiobjective Goals for Stormwater Treatment Hydraulic Performance Simulation of Fully Permeable Highway Shoulder |
3548 | Integrated Stormwater Runoff Quality Management System for Rapidly Growing Urban Areas |
3558 | Stormwater Non-Potable Beneficial Uses: Modeling Groundwater Recharge at a Stormwater Drywell Installation |
3568 | Stormwater Retrofit of Highwood Estates Detention Basins to Enhance Water Quality Benefits |
3578 | Small Scale WWTP Options and Case Studies Environmental Assessment Concerning Environmental Load Reduction at Highway Service Areas in Japan by Introducing Low Environmental Load Toilets |
3588 | Stormwater and Gravity Sewer Flow Modeling Innovation in CSO Reduction: Implementing Intelligent Distributed Infrastructure |
3599 | Pressure Transients Due to Compression of Trapped Air in Rapidly Filling Combined Sewer Overflow Storage Tunnels |
3609 | Pre-Treatment of Polluted River Water by Riverbank Filtration for Water Supply |
3621 | Stormwater BMP Maintenance Maintenance Interval for Stormwater Hydrodynamic Separators |
3630 | The Ballistics Test: Proprietary BMPs and Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District’s BMP Performance Verification |
3640 | Stormwater Control Research A Water Quality Model for Stormwater Filtering Systems |
3650 | Evaluating the Role of Evapotranspiration in the Hydrology of a Bioinfiltration Basin Using a Weighing Lysimeter |
3659 | Evaporation from a Pervious Concrete Stormwater Control Measure: Parameterization, Quantifying, and Evaluation |
3669 | Mass Balance Modeling Approach for Nutrient Source Identification of Highway Runoff |
3678 | Using a Weighing Lysimeter to Determine a Crop Coefficient for a Green Roof to Predict Evapotranspiration with the FAO Standardized Penman-Monteith Equation |
3688 | A Multi-Benefit Approach to Planning Stormwater Management Projects |
3698 | Advanced Bioretention and Planter-Trench Experiments: The Science Museum of Virginia |
3708 | Examining the Clogging Potential of Underdrain Material for Stormwater Biofilter |
3718 | Predicting Highway Stormwater Pollutographs Using a Hybrid Evolutionary Data Driven Modeling Framework |
3728 | Water Treatment Management and Planning Managing Water Quality in Saskatchewan Municipal Distribution Systems |
3738 | Optimization of Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Plant’s Pump Design: A Cost Approach |
3744 | Watersheds Applications of Uncertainty and Stochastic and Probabilistic Methods in Water Resources Approximating the Probability of the Probable Maximum Flood |
3752 | Practical Applications of Risk and Uncertainty Theory in Water Resources: Shortcuts Taken and Their Possible Effects |
3762 | The Impact of Multicollinearity on Small Sample Hydrologic Regional Regression |
3772 | Estimating the Joint Probability of Coincident Flows at Stream Confluences |
3782 | Improved Ensemble Streamflow Prediction Using a New ESP Weighting Scheme |
3792 | Improving the Ensemble Streamflow Prediction by Adjusting Hydrologic Ensemble Traces |
3801 | Case Studies Applications of Uncertainty Analysis Capacity Planning under Nonstationary Uncertainties |
3808 | Geospatial Modeling Method to Provide Estimates of POC Flux for Regional-Scale Watersheds |
3822 | Watershed Modeling for the Santa Clara River in Southern California |
3832 | Data Assimilation Methods for Quantification and Reduction of Uncertainty Field Algae Measurements Using Empirical Correlations at Deer Creek Reservoir |
3841 | Satellite Data Based Impact Assessment of Basin Characteristics for Brahmaputra River System of India |
3852 | General A Framework for Incorporating Ecological Releases in Sustainable Reservoir Operation |
3860 | A GIS-Google Earth Based Approach to Estimating the Flood Damage Function in Large River Basins |
3871 | A New Technique to Improve the Emission Uniformity for Trickle Irrigation Systems |
3881 | A Sustainability Index for Water Resources: Landscape Irrigation |
3892 | Analyzing the Future Monthly Precipitation Pattern in Bangladesh from Multi-Model Projections Using Both GCM and RCM |
3901 | Application of an Upscaled Land Surface Process Model to Watersheds for Validation |
3911 | Application of Remote Sensing and GIS Tools in Delineating Environmentally-Delicate Areas for Optimum Land Use Planning: A Case Study |
3925 | Applied Eco-Hydraulics and Eco-Hydrology for Climate Change Conditions |
3931 | Applying Improved Eulerian Model for Simulation of Air-Water Flow in a Hydraulic Jump |
3946 | Assessing Climate Change Effects in Tropical and Temperate Reservoirs by Modeling Water Quality Scenarios |
3956 | Assessing Streambank Stability of Oklahoma Ozark Streams with Rapid Geomorphic Assessments |
3966 | Assignment of Water Allocation Costs of Network Flow Model |
3976 | Biosorption of Acid Blue 25 on Azadirachta indica (NEEM) Leaf Powder |
3990 | Cadmium and Cobalt Removal from Heavy Metal Solution Using Oyster Shells Adsorbent |
3998 | Case Study: Probabilistic Assessment of the Risk of an Uncontrolled Spill of Potentially Contaminated Water from a Mixed Waste Landfill |
4013 | CFD Numerical Model of Solid Waste Combustion in the Incinerator with Moving Grate |
4022 | Correlation between Water Surface Elevations and Bed Elevations for Degradation Analysis |
4027 | Development of Multiobjective Reservoir Operation Model for Flood Control Benefit |
4039 | Destruction of DNAPL through a Green Technology—TCE Source Area Bioremediation |
4049 | Effect of Chromium and Calcium on Hydrothermal Ferrite Process in Simulation Complex System |
4058 | Effect of Continuous Management in the Optimal Use of Urban Flood and Municipal Wastewater to Improve the Environment in Developing Countries |
4069 | Assessment of Long-Term Trends in Extreme Precipitation: Implication of In-Filled Historical Data and Temporal Window-Based Analysis |
4079 | Evaluation of the Viability of an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler for the Velocity Field Analysis of Fish Entrainment Risk at Hydropower Dams |
4089 | Experimental Analysis of First Flush of Suspended Solids and Trace Metals in a Construction Area |
4096 | Experiments on Turbidity Current Regimes in a Straight Open Channel |
4114 | Field Performance Result of UpFlo Stormwater Treatment Device |
4124 | Turbulent Characteristics inside Ingoing Multi-Bend Rivers |
4136 | Forecasting Benefits for Implementation of LID Practices in Future Developments within the Reedy River Watershed |
4146 | Geographical Basis for Regulating Pesticide Use That Prevents Contamination of California’s Ground Water |
4158 | Hydrological Applications of the Approximate Convection-Diffusion Equations |
4170 | Hydrology Models for Climate Change Assessment: Inter-Decadal Climate Variability and Parameter Calibration |
4173 | Improvement of the Trap Efficiency of Vortex Chamber for Exclusion of Suspended Sediment in Diverted Water |
4184 | Improving Sustainable Sites through the Use of Native Species to Reduce Water Demand in Landscape Projects |
4197 | Indiana Rainfall Pattern Trends: The Influence of Large Wind Farms |
4205 | Innovative Technology for Processing Plant |
4211 | Integration of GIS and Hydraulic Modeling to Evaluate the Cost of Ecological Stream Flow Recovery in Irapé Dam, Brazil |
4221 | Investigation of Bridge Scour Reduction Due to Adding Vertical Walls below Bed Level |
4225 | Investigation of Hydraulic Conditions around Bridge Piers and Determination of Shear Stress Using Numerical Method |
4235 | Investigation of Reynolds Stresses Variation in Sudden Expansion Flow |
4245 | Long Term Absorbed Energy Maximization Model of Large Scale Reservoir Systems by Multiple Power Grids |
4255 | Irrigation with Magnetized Water: A Novel Tool for Improving Crop Production in Egypt |
4272 | Mercer on Mission to Malawi, Africa |
4281 | Modeling and Optimization of Fish Passage Structures |
4295 | Modeling Sediment Transport in the Pantano Wash, Tucson |
4304 | Monitoring and Surveillance of Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in the Brahmaputra Floodplain in Assam |
4316 | Multi-Year Optimal Management of Quantities and Salinities in Water Supply Systems |
4327 | Numerical Simulation of Oil Spill Trajectory in Marina Environment |
4337 | Observed Association between Historical Major Earthquakes and Lunisolar Alignments |
4344 | Optimizing the Main Parameters of Landfill Leachate Chemical Treatment Based on Sediment Volume, COD, and Turbidity Reduction |
4352 | Permeability Change Driving Effect on Embankment Dams Case Study: The Zonouz Embankment Dam |
4362 | Phenol Biodegradation Kinetics in an Anaerobic Batch Reactor |
4371 | Physical Tests for Estimating the Water-Hammer Wave Speed in Pipes and Tunnels with Local Weak Wall Stiffness |
4381 | Post-Fire Watershed Response Following the 2009 Station Fire in Southern California, USA |
4387 | Profiling Nodal Water Demands in Statistical Perspective |
4398 | Projecting the Impact of Climatic Change on Coldwater Fish Habitat in Minnesota Lakes |
4411 | Quantification of the Interrelation between Hydrology Alteration and Degradation of Typical Steppe Using Remote Sensing |
4419 | Rainwater Harvesting and Green Roof Irrigation Design for a Peaked Roof: A Graduate Directed Study |
4428 | Rapid Infiltration Measurement of LID Best Management Practices |
4438 | Resilience Analysis of Complex Climate Change Systems |
4445 | Resilience Analysis of Savanna Systems for Sustainable Management |
4452 | Rural Water Consumption Behavior: A Case Study in Southwest Coastal Area, Bangladesh |
4462 | Saline Intrusion Due to the Accelerative Sea Level in the Red River System in Vietnam |
4472 | Scenarios of Future California Water Demand through 2050: Growth and Climate Change |
4482 | Solar Insolation on Uniformly Sloping Terrain in a Changing Climate |
4502 | Sorption Dynamics and Process Development for Removal of Copper from Aqueous Solution Using a Biosorbent Based on Mango Tree Leaves |
4518 | Spatial Analysis of Rainfall Erosivity Trends in South Korea |
4526 | Statistical Downscaling of Daily Rainfall Processes for Climate-Related Impact Assessment Studies |
4532 | Studies on Treatment of Heavy Metals |
4537 | Study on Hydraulic Simulation Model of Pipe Break |
4547 | Study on Urban Water Resources Sustainable Development of Public Evaluation Theory |
4557 | Surveying the Possibility of Constructing Water Quality Trading Market among Point-Sources in Zarjoob Watershed (Gilan, Iran) |
4563 | The Comparison of the Value Engineering Method and Hydraulic Method on Water Distribution Systems Performance Evaluation |
4572 | The Impact of Infiltration Barriers on the Lateral Seepage Flow |
4581 | The Value of a Constructed Wetland in Southern Iraq to Sustainably Enhance Water Quality |
4587 | Theory and Practice of Leakage Control in Water Distribution Pipeline |
4593 | Tracking Potential Trends in the Discharge of Stream Flow into Lake Michigan |
4603 | Transient Study and Design of a Deep Injection Well System |
4613 | Uncertainties of Flash Flood in Context of Climate Change in Sunamganj District, Bangladesh |
4621 | Uncertainty Analysis of Downscaled Precipitation Using LARS-WG Statistical Model in Shahrekord Station, Iran |
4628 | Use of HSPF for Design Storm Modeling in Semi-Arid Watersheds |
4636 | Using Software Quality and Algorithm Testing to Verify a One-Dimensional Transport Model |
4646 | Utilizing a Decision Support System to Optimize Reservoir Operations to Restore the Natural Flow Distribution in the Connecticut River Watershed |
4654 | Waller Creek Tunnel Design and Elimination of Entrained Air Blow Back Conditions |
4664 | Wastewater Storage Pond Design and Mounding Analysis |
4675 | Water Balance Analysis on Upo Wetland, Korea, under Climate Change |
4685 | Water Quality Degradation in the Tributaries of the Brahmaputra-Barak Basin and Their Environmental Management Strategy |
4698 | Water Supply System Dispatching Considering the Influence of Salt Water Intrusion in Coastal City |
4707 | NEXRAD Rain Data Analysis Assessment of Estimation Bias around Rainfall Gage Sites for Five Years of WSR-88D Data over the Mississippi River Basin |
4716 | Average Recurrence Interval of Rainfall in Real-Time |
4731 | Deriving Radar Specific Z-R Relationships for Hydrologic Operations |
4737 | NEXRAD Rain Data Application Advantages of Using NEXRAD Data in Watershed Rainfall-Runoff Modeling with HSPF Model |
4747 | Synthetic Weather Generator SYNTOR: Implementing Improvements in Precipitation Generation |
4751 | Runoff Modeling Development of a Modified Rational Equation for Arid-Region Runoff Estimation |
4766 | Sediment Modeling Development of a Comprehensive Sediment Transport Method in First Order Watersheds with Contour Coal Mining |
4784 | Sediment Discharge Scaling in Large Rivers of the World |
4798 | The Coupling of WEPP and 3ST1D Numerical Models for Improved Estimation of Runoff and Sediment Yield at Watershed Scales |
4808 | Uncertainty Analysis and Methods in Hydrology An Experimental Hydrometeorological Investigation to Address Infiltration-Redistribution Modelling |
4818 | Comparison between Different Approaches for Stochastic Generation of Spatial-Temporal Rainfall Patterns |
4828 | Evapotranspiration Network Design Study: Ground Sensor Network Design for Wind Speed |
4840 | Uncertainty Assessment Methods Addressing the Uncertainty Assessment for Real-Time Stage Forecasting |
4850 | Predicting Hydrologic Effects of Land-Use Change: Problems with the Curve Number Approach |
4860 | Uncertainty Estimation of Water Quality Data Dynamic Multidimensional Visualization for Water Quality Data in Rivers |
4869 | Laboratory Investigation of Sedimentation Effects on V-Notch Weirs |
4877 | Wetland Hydrology Flow Dynamic Modeling of a Large-Scaled Vegetated Constructed Wetland |
4889 | Spatial and Temporal Expansion of Reed Marsh in the Wuliangsuhai Wetland in Inner Mongolia |
4898 | Stemming the Tide: Lessons Learned from the Loss and Restoration Efforts of the Iraqi Wetlands with Comparisons to San Francisco Bay |
4905 | Wetland Treatment Modeling Performance of Constructed Wetland for the Treatment of Pulp and Paper Mill Wastewater |
4915 | Use of the Kiliszek Water Quality Indices (KWQI) to Assess the Impact of a Manure Collection System on Surface Water Quality within a Small Agricultural Watershed |