BS 4073:1966
Specification for heavy rolling stock for mineral haulage in mines
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
BSI | 1966 | 48 |
This British Standard provides specification of materials, basic design requirements and constructional details, including specifications for individual components, for heavy rolling stock of “solid bottom” design, with capacities within the range 60 to 200 ft3, having approximate tonnage capacities of 1½ to 5 tons of coal, or 3 to 10 tons of stone (see Clause 2). Vehicles are of the type employing resilient suspension and having loose wheels incorporating precision bearings.
The dimensions and other requirements of the main components are presented on a basis of alternatives permissible for each size/load combination, so that selection may be made to produce an overall design, made up of standardized parts, as required for particular purposes or service conditions. This standard provides for rolling stock designed to carry different kinds of bulk materials, such as metalliferous ores, as well as for rolling stock primarily designed for coal or stone.
General requirements, bodies and underframes, wheels and axles, suspension gear, coupler and buffer gear and ancillary requirements. Vehicle capacities, dimensions and designations; materials, design, construction and testing. Illustrations: typical mine car, underframe, ram, creeper and tippler engagement assembly, wheels, axle assembly, laminated springs, typical coupler units.