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BS EN 1999-1-1:2023


Eurocode 9. Design of aluminium structures – General rules

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BSI 2023 376
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1.1 Scope of FprEN 1999-1-1 (1) FprEN 1999-1-1 gives basic design rules for structures made of wrought aluminium alloys and limited guidance for cast alloys (see Clause 5 and Annex C). This document does not cover the following, unless otherwise explicitly stated in this document: – components with material thickness less than 0,6 mm; – welded components with material thickness less than 1,5 mm; – connections with: – steel bolts and pins with diameter less than 5 mm; – aluminium bolts and pins with diameter less than 8 mm; – rivets and thread forming screws with diameter less than 3,9 mm. 1.2 Assumptions (1) In addition to the general assumptions of EN 1990 the following assumptions apply: – execution complies with EN 1090-3 and EN 1090-5; – the mechanical properties comply with the product standards listed in 5.2.2. (2) EN 1999 is intended to be used in conjunction with: – European Standards for construction products relevant for aluminium structures; – EN 1090-1, Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures – Part 1: Requirements for conformity assessment of structural components; – EN 1090-3, Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures – Part 3: Technical requirements for aluminium structures; – EN 1090-5, Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures – Part 5: Technical requirements for cold-formed structural aluminium elements and cold-formed structures for roof, ceiling, floor and wall applications.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
2 undefined
17 1 Scope
18 2 Normative references
19 3 Terms, definitions and symbols
38 4 Basis of design
41 5 Materials
55 6 Durability
56 7 Structural analysis
68 8 Ultimate limit states for members
150 9 Serviceability limit states
151 10 Design of joints
211 Annex A (normative)Quality requirements for execution
A.3 General
A.3.1 Basic requirements
A.3.2 Execution class
212 A.3.3 Utilization grade
A.4 Selection process for execution class
214 A.5 Evaluation of utilization grades
215 Annex B (informative)Finite Element Methods of analysis (FEM)
B.1 Use of this Annex
B.2 Scope and field of application
B.3 Use of FEM for design
216 B.4 Modelling
B.5 Choice of software and documentation
B.6 Use of imperfections
218 B.7 Material properties
B.8 Loads
B.9 Limit state criteria
219 B.10 Partial factors
222 Annex C (informative)Materials selection
C.1 Use of this Annex
C.2 Scope and field of application
C.3 General
C.4 Wrought products
C.4.1 Wrought heat treatable alloys
C.4.1.1 General
C.4.1.2 Alloys EN AW-6082 and EN AW-6061
223 C.4.1.3 Alloy EN AW-6005A
225 C.4.1.4 Alloys EN AW-6060, EN AW-6063 and EN AW-6106
C.4.1.5 Alloy EN AW-7020
C.4.2 Wrought non-heat treatable alloys
C.4.2.1 General
C.4.2.2 EN AW- 5049, EN AW-5052, EN AW-5454 and EN AW-5754
C.4.2.3 EN AW-5083 and EN AW-5383
226 C.4.2.4 EN AW-3004, EN AW-3005, EN AW-3103 and EN AW-5005
C.4.2.5 EN AW-8011A
C.5 Cast products
C.5.1 General
227 C.5.2 Heat treatable casting alloys EN AC-42100, EN AC-42200, EN AC-43000 and EN AC-43300
C.5.3 Non-heat treatable casting alloys EN AC-44200 and EN AC-51300
228 Annex D (informative)Corrosion and surface protection
D.1 Use of this Annex
D.2 Scope and field of application
D.3 Corrosion of aluminium under various exposure conditions
230 D.4 Durability ratings of aluminium alloys
231 D.5 Corrosion protection
D.5.1 General
232 D.5.2 Corrosion protection of structural aluminium
D.5.3 Aluminium in contact with aluminium and other metals
233 D.5.4 Aluminium surfaces in contact with non-metallic materials
D.5.4.1 Contact with concrete, masonry or plaster
D.5.4.2 Embedment in concrete
D.5.4.3 Contact with timber
234 D.5.4.4 Contact with soils
D.5.4.5 Immersion in water
D.5.4.6 Contact with chemicals used in the building industry
D.5.4.7 Contact with insulating materials used in the building industry
D.5.4.8 Contact with liquids and bulk solids used in tanks, bins and silos
237 Annex E (normative)Castings
E.1 Use of this Annex
E.2 Scope and field of application
E.3 General design provisions for castings
E.3.1 General design provisions
238 E.3.2 Quality requirements, testing and quality documentation
240 Annex F (informative)Analytical models for stress-strain relationship
F.1 Use of this Annex
F.2 Scope and field of application
F.3 Analytical models
F.3.1 General
F.3.2 Piecewise linear models
F.3.2.1 General
241 F.3.2.2 Bi-linear model
F.3.2.3 Tri-linear model
244 F.3.3 Continuous models
F.3.3.1 General
F.3.3.2 Continuous models in the form σ = σ(ε)
245 F.3.3.3 Continuous models in the form ε = ε (σ)
248 F.4 Approximate evaluation of εuni,max
249 Annex G (informative)Geometrical properties of cross-sections
G.1 Use of this Annex
G.2 Scope and field of application
G.3 Torsion constant It
250 G.4 Torsion modulus Wt
G.5 Position of shear centre S
G.6 Warping constant Iw
253 G.7 Cross-section constants for open thin-walled cross-sections
256 G.8 Torsion constant of cross-section with closed part
257 G.9 Shear area
258 G.10 Plastic section modulus and interaction formula
G.10.1 Plastic section modulus
259 G.10.2 Plastic interaction formula
260 Annex H (informative)Behaviour of cross-sections beyond elastic limit
H.1 Use of this Annex
H.2 Scope and field of application
H.3 Definition of cross-section limit states
261 H.4 Classification of cross-sections to limit states
262 H.5 Boundary values of ultimate axial load
263 H.6 Boundary values of ultimate moment
264 H.7 Ultimate resistance
265 Annex I (informative)Lateral-torsional buckling of beams and torsional or torsional-flexural buckling of compressed members
I.1 Use of this Annex
I.2 Scope and field of application
I.3 Elastic critical moment and slenderness
I.3.1 Basis
266 I.3.2 General formula for beams with uniform cross-sections symmetrical about the minor or major axis
271 I.3.3 Beams with uniform cross-sections symmetrical about major axis, centrally symmetric and doubly symmetric cross-sections
272 I.3.4 Cantilevers with uniform cross-sections symmetrical about the minor axis
275 I.4 Slenderness for lateral-torsional buckling
276 I.5 Elastic critical axial force for torsional and torsional-flexural buckling
279 I.6 Slenderness for torsional and torsional-flexural buckling
283 Annex J (informative)Shear lag effects in member design
J.1 Use of this Annex
J.2 Scope and field of application
J.3 Effective width for elastic shear lag
J.3.1 Effective width factor for shear lag
285 J.3.2 Stress distribution for shear lag
287 J.4 Shear lag at ultimate limit states
288 Annex K (informative)Plastic hinge method for continuous beams
K.1 Use of this Annex
K.2 Scope and field of application
289 K.3 Determination of ultimate bending moment Mu
291 Annex L (informative)Cross-sectional ductility and rotation capacity
L.1 Use of this Annex
L.2 Scope and field of application
292 L.3 Moment-curvature analysis of cross-section
297 L.4 Evaluation of rotation capacity
298 L.5 Empirical relations for ultimate resistance
299 L.6 Empirical relations for rotation capacity
301 Annex M (informative)Classification of joints
M.1 Use of this Annex
M.2 Scope and field of application
M.3 General
302 M.4 Fully restoring joints
M.5 Partially restoring joints
M.6 Classification according to rigidity
M.7 Classification according to strength
303 M.8 Classification according to ductility
305 M.9 General design requirements for joints
M.10 Requirements for framing joints
M.10.1 General
M.10.2 Nominally pinned joints
307 M.10.3 Joints among structural members
309 Annex N (informative)The use of the component method for joints
N.1 Use of this Annex
N.2 Scope and field of application
310 Annex O (informative)Screw grooves and screw ports
O.1 Use of this Annex
O.2 Scope and field of application
311 O.3 Tensile resistance
313 O.4 Shear resistance
316 Annex P (informative)Adhesive bonded joints
P.1 Use of this Annex
P.2 Scope and field of application
P.3 General
P.4 Adhesives
317 P.5 Design of adhesive bonded joints
P.5.1 General
318 P.5.2 Characteristic strength of adhesives
319 P.5.3 Design shear stress
P.6 Tests
320 Annex Q (informative)Determining the extent of HAZ from hardness tests
Q.1 Use of this Annex
Q.2 Scope and field of application
Q.3 Determining the extent of HAZ from hardness tests
322 Annex R (informative)Weld studs connected by arc stud welding with tip ignition
R.1 Use of this Annex
R.2 Scope and field of application
R.3 Construction
323 R.4 Design
325 Annex S (normative)Aluminium bridges
344 Annex T (informative)Lattice spatial roof structures
T.1 Use of this Annex
T.2 Scope and field of application
T.3 General requirements
T.4 Double layer reticulated structures
T.4.1 General
345 T.4.2 Connection classification according to axial stiffness
347 T.4.3 Connection classification according to axial strength
348 T.4.4 Connections with bolts in shear
349 T.4.5 Design of connections assisted by testing
352 T.5 Single-layer reticulated structures
T.5.1 Stability checks
353 T.5.2 Buckling length of members connected by gusset plates
355 T.5.3 Connection classification for members subjected to axial force and bending
T.5.4 Modelling of gusset plate connections subjected to axial force and bending
360 Annex U (informative)Composite Aluminium Concrete Beams
U.1 Use of this Annex
U.3 General and main problems
361 U.4 Calculation of Internal Forces
U.4.1 Methods of global analysis
U.4.1.1 General
U.4.1.2 Effective width (“shear lag”)
U.4.2 Linear elastic analysis
U.4.2.1 Creep, shrinkage and cracking of concrete
362 U.4.2.2 Construction stages and temperature effects
U.4.3 Elastic analysis with redistribution
U.4.4 Global nonlinear and rigid plastic analysis
U.5 Ultimate limit states
U.5.1 General
363 U.5.2 Bending resistance
U.5.2.1 Plastic resisting moment of a composite cross section
364 U.5.2.2 Bending resistance of composite section from nonlinear theory
368 U.6 Shear Connectors
U.6.1 General rules
U.6.2 Traditional connectors
369 U.6.3 Innovative connectors
371 Annex V (normative)Modified Buckling Conditions
V.1 Use of this Annex
V.2 Scope and field of application
V.3 Design of flexural buckling for bow imperfections L/500
BS EN 1999-1-1:2023