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BS EN IEC 62282-7-2:2021


Fuel cell technologies – Test methods. Single cell and stack performance tests for solid oxide fuel cells

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BSI 2021 52
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IEC 62282-7-2:2021 applies to SOFC cell/stack assembly units, testing systems, instruments and measuring methods, and specifies test methods to test the performance of SOFC cells and stacks. This document is not applicable to small button cells that are designed for SOFC material testing and provide no practical means of fuel utilization measurement. This document is used based on the recommendation of the entity that provides the cell performance specification or for acquiring data on a cell or stack in order to estimate the performance of a system based on it. Users of this document can selectively execute test items suitable for their purposes from those described in this document. This first edition cancels and replaces IEC TS 62282-7-2 published in 2014. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to IEC TS 62282­7-2:2014: – users can substitute selected test methods of this document with equivalent test methods of IEC 62282-8-101 for solid oxide cell (SOC) operation for energy storage purposes, operated in reverse or reversible mode; – terms and definitions are aligned with the corresponding terms and definitions in IEC 62282-8-101; – symbols are aligned with the corresponding symbols in IEC 62282-8-101.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
2 undefined
5 Annex ZA(normative)Normative references to international publicationswith their corresponding European publications
12 1 Scope
2 Normative references
13 3 Terms, definitions and symbols
3.1 Terms and definitions
15 3.2 Symbols
Table 1 – Symbols
16 4 General safety conditions
5 Cell/stack assembly unit
17 6 Testing system
6.1 Subsystems in testing system
6.1.1 General
6.1.2 Anode gas control subsystem
6.1.3 Cathode gas control subsystem
Figure 1 – Testing system
18 6.1.4 Cell/stack assembly unit temperature control subsystem
6.1.5 Output power control subsystem
6.1.6 Measurement and data acquisition subsystem
6.1.7 Safety subsystem
6.1.8 Mechanical load control subsystem
6.1.9 Gas pressure control subsystem for anode and cathode
6.1.10 Test system control subsystem
6.2 Maximum variation in control items of testing system
19 7 Instruments and measurement methods
7.1 General
7.2 Instrument uncertainty
7.3 Anode gas
7.3.1 Anode gas flow rate
20 7.3.2 Anode gas composition
7.3.3 Anode gas temperature
21 7.3.4 Anode gas pressure
7.3.5 Anode exhaust gas flow rate
7.3.6 Anode exhaust gas component
7.3.7 Anode exhaust gas temperature
7.3.8 Anode exhaust gas pressure
22 7.4 Cathode gas
7.4.1 Cathode gas flow rate
7.4.2 Cathode gas component
7.4.3 Cathode gas temperature
7.4.4 Cathode gas pressure
7.4.5 Cathode exhaust gas flow rate
23 7.4.6 Cathode exhaust gas component
7.4.7 Cathode exhaust gas temperature
7.4.8 Cathode exhaust gas pressure
7.5 Output voltage
7.6 Output current
7.7 Cell/stack assembly unit temperature
7.8 Mechanical load
7.9 Total impedance
24 7.10 Ambient conditions
8 Test preparation
8.1 General
8.2 Standard test conditions and test range
25 8.3 Components and impurities of anode gas and cathode gas
8.4 Basis of the test procedure
8.5 Confirmation of aging conditions of unit
8.6 Confirmation of criteria of stable state
8.7 Data acquisition method
9 Test procedure
9.1 Set-up
26 9.2 Initial conditioning
9.3 Shut-down
10 Performance test
10.1 Rated power test
10.1.1 Objective
10.1.2 Test method
10.1.3 Presentation of results
27 10.2 Current-voltage characteristics test
10.2.1 Objective
10.2.2 Test method
10.2.3 Presentation of results
28 10.3 Effective fuel utilization dependency test
10.3.1 Objective
10.3.2 Test method
29 10.3.3 Presentation of results
10.4 Long term durability test
10.4.1 Objective
10.4.2 Test method
30 10.4.3 Presentation of results
10.5 Thermal cycling durability test
10.5.1 Objective
10.5.2 Test method
31 10.5.3 Presentation of results
10.6 Internal reforming performance test
10.6.1 Objective
10.6.2 Test method
10.6.3 Presentation of results
32 10.7 Resistance components identification test
10.7.1 Objective
10.7.2 Test method
10.7.3 Presentation of results
33 11 Test report
11.1 General
11.2 Report items
Figure 2 – Typical diagram of complex impedance plot for SOFC
34 11.3 Test unit data description
11.4 Test conditions description
11.5 Test data description
11.6 Uncertainty evaluation
35 Annexes
Annex A (informative) Example of cell assembly unit
Figure A.1 – Example of cell assembly unit
36 Annex B (informative) Calculation of effective fuel utilization
B.1 General
B.2 Calculation method
37 B.3 Calculation examples
Table B.1 − nj for representative fuels
Table B.2 − Anode gas composition, flow rate of each fuel component qj, and njqj
39 Annex C (informative) Calculation of effective oxygen utilization
C.1 General
C.2 Calculation method
40 C.3 Calculation example
Table C.1 − Cathode gas composition, qO2, and Itheory
41 Annex D (informative) Maximum width of the voltage hysteresis in I‑V characteristics test
Figure D.1 – Voltage hysteresis at a given sweep rate in I-V characteristics test
42 Annex E (informative) Current-voltage characteristics test under constant effective fuel utilization
Figure E.1 – Example of the record in current-voltage characteristics test under constant effective fuel utilization
43 Annex F (informative) Test report (template)
F.1 Overview
F.2 General information
F.3 Test unit data description
44 F.4 Test conditions
F.5 Rated power test
F.6 Current-voltage characteristics test
45 F.7 Effective fuel utilization dependency test
46 F.8 Long-term durability test
47 F.9 Thermal cycling durability test
F.10 Internal reforming performance test
48 F.11 Resistance components identification test
49 Annex G (informative) Method for determining instrument uncertainty
50 Bibliography
BS EN IEC 62282-7-2:2021