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BS EN ISO 14020:2023


Environmental statements and programmes for products. Principles and general requirements

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BSI 2023 36
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This document establishes principles and specifies general requirements that are applicable to all types of product-related environmental statements and environmental statement programmes. Environmental statements result from environmental statement programmes and include self-declared environmental claims, ecolabels, environmental product declarations (EPDs) and footprint communications. This document is intended to be used in conjunction with other standards in the ISO 14020 family. NOTE      Those other standards contain additional terms and definitions, principles and requirements that are relevant to their specific scopes.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
2 undefined
4 European foreword
Endorsement notice
7 Foreword
8 Introduction
11 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
3.1 Terms related to the environment
12 3.2 Terms related to environmental statements
15 3.3 Terms related to programmes
16 3.4 Terms related to life cycle
3.5 Terms related to conformity assessment of environmental statements
17 4 Principles
4.1 General
4.2 Credibility
4.2.1 Principle
4.2.2 Rationale
4.3 Evidence-based methodology
4.3.1 Principle
4.3.2 Rationale
18 4.4 Transparency and availability
4.4.1 Principle
4.4.2 Rationale
4.5 Confidentiality
4.5.1 Principle
4.5.2 Rationale
4.6 Life cycle perspective
4.6.1 Principle
4.6.2 Rationale
19 4.7 Environmental performance improvement and innovation
4.7.1 Principle
4.7.2 Rationale
4.8 Accessibility and avoidance of unnecessary information and administrative demands
4.8.1 Principle
4.8.2 Rationale
4.9 Interested parties and consultation
4.9.1 Principle
4.9.2 Rationale
20 4.10 Voluntary
4.10.1 Principle
4.10.2 Rationale
4.11 Regionality
4.11.1 Principle
4.11.2 Rationale
5 Types of environmental statements
5.1 General
5.2 Self-declared environmental claim
21 5.3 Ecolabel
5.4 Environmental product declaration
5.5 Footprint communication
5.6 Other types of environmental statement
22 6 General requirements for environmental statement programmes
6.1 Environmental statement programme
23 6.2 Environmental statement programme owner and operator
24 6.3 Involvement of interested parties
6.4 Scope of programme, responsible parties and intended audiences
6.5 Specified requirements and criteria
25 6.6 Quantification methodologies, data quality and reporting
6.7 Conformity assessment
26 6.8 Format of environmental statements, reporting and publication
6.9 Changes or revisions to environmental statement programmes, specified requirements and criteria and environmental statements
27 7 General requirements for environmental statements
7.1 General
28 7.2 Vague or non-specific statements
7.3 Statements of sustainability
7.4 Comparative environmental statements
29 7.5 Use of supporting information
7.6 Use of symbols and graphics in environmental statements
30 7.7 Other information or statements
31 Annex A (informative) Example of a simple environmental statement programme for a self-declared environmental claim
33 Bibliography
BS EN ISO 14020:2023