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BS EN ISO 18081:2024


Non-destructive testing. Acoustic emission testing (AT). Leak detection by means of acoustic emission

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BSI 2024 40
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This document specifies the general principles required for leak detection by acoustic emission testing (AT). It is addressed to the application of the methodology on structures and components, where a leak flow as a result of pressure differences appears and generates acoustic emission (AE). It describes phenomena of the AE generation and influence of the nature of fluids, shape of the gap, wave propagation and environment. The different application techniques, instrumentation and presentation of AE results are discussed. Also included are guidelines for the preparation of application documents which describe specific requirements for the application of the acoustic emission testing. Annex A gives procedures for some leak-testing applications.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
2 undefined
4 European foreword
Endorsement notice
7 Foreword
9 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
10 4 Qualification of test personnel
5 Principle of acoustic emission testing
5.1 The acoustic emission phenomenon
5.2 Influence of different media and different phases
11 5.3 Influence of pressure differences
12 5.4 Influence of geometry of the leak path
5.5 Influence of wave propagation
13 6 Applications
7 Testing equipment
7.1 General requirements
7.2 Sensors
7.2.1 Typical frequency ranges (band widths)
14 7.2.2 Mounting technique
7.2.3 Temperature range, wave guide
7.2.4 Intrinsic safety
7.2.5 Immersed sensors
7.2.6 Integral electronics (amplifier, RMS converter, ASL converter, band pass)
15 7.3 Portable and non-portable AE instruments
7.4 Single and multi-channel AT instruments
7.4.1 Single-channel instruments
7.4.2 Multi-channel instruments
7.5 Determination of features (RMS, ASL vs. hit or continuous AE vs. burst AE)
7.6 System verification using artificial leak noise sources
16 8 Test procedure for leak detection
8.1 Mounting of sensors
17 8.2 Additional features to be determined
8.3 Background noise
8.3.1 General
8.3.2 Environmental noise
8.3.3 Process noise
8.4 Data acquisition
18 9 Location procedures
9.1 General
9.2 Single-sensor location based on AE wave attenuation
19 9.3 Multi-sensor location based on Δt values (linear, planar)
9.3.1 Threshold level and peak level timing technique
9.3.2 Cross-correlation technique
20 10 Data presentation
10.1 Numerical data presentation (level meter)
10.2 Parametric dependent function
21 10.3 Frequency spectrum
11 Data interpretation
11.1 Leak validation
11.1.1 On-site (during test) and off-site (post analysis)
11.1.2 Correlation with pressure
11.1.3 Rejection of false indications
22 11.2 Leakage rate estimation
11.3 Demand for follow-up actions
23 12 Quality management documents
12.1 Test procedure
12.2 Test instruction
24 13 Test documentation and reporting
13.1 Test documentation
13.2 Test report
26 Annex A (informative) Example applications of leak detection
39 Bibliography
BS EN ISO 18081:2024