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BS IEC 62765-2:2019


Nuclear powers plants. Instrumentation and control important to safety. Management of ageing of sensors and transmitters – Temperature sensors

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BSI 2019 36
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This part of IEC 62765 identifies minimum requirements and applicable practices for correcting and preventing any potential impacts on nuclear power plant (NPP) safety due to the ageing of temperature sensors, such as NPP resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) and thermocouples (TCs).

This document provides strategies, technical requirements, and recommended practices for the management of the ageing of temperature sensors important to safety in nuclear power plants (NPPs) to ensure that ageing can be identified and that suitable remedial actions are undertaken as necessary to demonstrate that the safety of the plant will not be impaired. This document is aligned with IEC 62342, which provides guidance on ageing management for instrumentation and control (I&C) systems important to safety in NPPs.

IEC 62765 standard series covers pressure transmitters (Part 1) and temperature sensors (Part 2). Part 1 covers pressure transmitter (PT), level transmitter (LT) and flow transmitter (FT). Part 2 consists of resistance temperature detector (RTD) and thermocouple (TC) with respect to instrumentation and control (I&C) important to safety. Detector of neutron power (Part 3) will be covered in a separate standard.

Interfaces of temperature sensors with processes such as thermowells, seals, sheathes, extension/compensating cables, and connectors are within the scope of this document. Ageing management of temperature sensors used as M&TEs are beyond the scope of this document.

Temperature units of this document are in terms of International Temperature Scale-1990 (ITS- 90), because of consistency with normative references.

IAEA SSR-2/1 and SSR-2/2 address the requirements of ageing management in the design, as well as in the operation of the lifetime of the plant.SSG-39 recommends design consideration for ageing management specific to I&C system.

The requirements of temperature sensors for industrial and nuclear application in the normative references are indispensable to this document whereas this document focuses on the ageing management of temperature sensors to meet the requirements.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
2 undefined
4 English
10 1 Scope
2 Normative references
11 3 Terms and definitions
15 4 Abbreviated terms
5 Technical background
5.1 General
16 5.2 Type of the sensors in IEC standards
5.2.1 General
5.2.2 RTDs in IEC standards
5.2.3 Thermocouples in IEC standards
Figure 1 – Schematic diagram of a TC (sourced from IEC 62651)
17 5.3 Interface between the sensors and process in IEC standards
5.3.1 Thermowell
5.3.2 Cable connectors for temperature sensors
5.3.3 Cables of temperature sensors
5.3.4 Sheath for temperature sensor cable
18 5.4 Ageing effects of temperature sensors
5.5 Environmental stressors
Table 1 – Examples of ageing effects and their potential causes
19 5.6 Techniques for detecting temperature sensor ageing
6 Ageing management of temperature sensors
6.1 General
Table 2 – Examples of environmental stressors with potential consequence
20 6.2 Methodology of ageing management
6.3 Ageing management program for temperature sensors
Figure 2 – Conceptual methodology of ageing management processes
21 6.4 Identification and assessment of ageing by performance verification tests
6.5 Test and inspection interval
6.6 Test location
6.7 Calibration of measurement and test equipment (M&TE)
22 6.8 Test and inspection results
6.9 Validation of test methods
6.10 Classification of condition monitoring system and its software
6.11 Replacement of sensor or its parts
7 Acceptable means for sensor testing
23 8 Relationship between initial qualification and sensor ageing management
24 Annex A (informative)Performance verification of temperature sensors
A.1 Tests – Verification of performance
Table A.1 – Consideration for verification of performance test
25 A.2 Calibration test of temperature sensors
Table A.2 – Type test, routine test, and additional test for RTD
26 A.3 Response time testing
A.4 Uncertainty of elements for the sensors
Table A.3 – Comparison of concerns of calibration methods
27 A.5 Corrective actions for inoperable sensors
Table A.4 – Examples of uncertainty issues for RTDs
Table A.5 – Required example actions followed by acceptance criteria
28 A.6 Alternative method with online testing
A.7 Documentation of calibration
29 Annex B (informative)IAEA and IEC standards related to ageing management of the sensors
Table B.1 – IAEA standards related to ageing management
Table B.2 – Ageing management standards for the sensors in IEC standards
30 Annex C (informative)Tolerances of temperature sensors in international standards
C.1 General
C.2 ITS-90
C.3 Tolerance classes of temperature sensors
31 C.4 Calibration tolerance
Table C.1 – Tolerance classes of typical temperature sensors
32 Annex D (informative)Development of a plant ageing management programof temperature sensors
D.1 General
D.2 Key steps for AMP of temperature sensors
33 D.3 Ageing management program
Table D.1 – Key steps for the ageing management program of temperature sensors
34 Table D.2 – An example of AMP guidance sheet for the sensors
35 Bibliography
BS IEC 62765-2:2019