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BS ISO 13528:2022


Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparison

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BSI 2022 104
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PDF Pages PDF Title
2 National foreword
7 Foreword
8 0 Introduction
11 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
14 4 General principles
4.1 General requirements for statistical methods
15 4.2 Basic model
4.3 General approaches for the evaluation of performance
16 5 Guidelines for the statistical design of proficiency testing schemes
5.1 Introduction to the statistical design of proficiency testing schemes
5.2 Basis of a statistical design
17 5.3 Considerations for the statistical distribution of results
18 5.4 Considerations for small numbers of participants
5.5 Guidelines for choosing the reporting format
5.5.1 General requirements for reporting format
19 5.5.2 Reporting of replicate measurements
5.5.3 Reporting of ‘less than’ or ‘greater than’ a limit (censored data)
5.5.4 Number of significant digits
20 6 Guidelines for the initial review of proficiency testing items and results
6.1 Homogeneity and stability of proficiency test items
21 6.2 Considerations for different measurement methods
6.3 Blunder removal
22 6.4 Visual review of data
6.5 Robust statistical methods
23 6.6 Outlier techniques for individual results
24 7 Determination of the assigned value and its standard uncertainty
7.1 Choice of method of determining the assigned value
7.2 Determining the uncertainty of the assigned value
25 7.3 Formulation
26 7.4 Certified reference material
7.5 Results from one laboratory
27 7.6 Consensus value from expert laboratories
28 7.7 Consensus value from participant results
29 7.8 Comparison of the assigned value with an independent reference value
30 8 Determination of criteria for evaluation of performance
8.1 Approaches for determining evaluation criteria
31 8.2 By perception of experts
8.3 By experience from previous rounds of a proficiency testing scheme
8.4 By use of a general model
32 8.5 Using the repeatability and reproducibility standard deviations from a previous collaborative study of precision of a measurement method
8.6 From data obtained in the same round of a proficiency testing scheme
33 8.7 Monitoring interlaboratory agreement
34 9 Calculation of performance statistics
9.1 General considerations for determining performance
9.2 Limiting the uncertainty of the assigned value
35 9.3 Estimates of deviation (measurement error)
36 9.4 z scores
37 9.5 z′ scores
38 9.6 Zeta scores (ζ)
39 9.7 En scores
40 9.8 Evaluation of participant uncertainties in testing
41 9.9 Combined performance scores
10 Graphical methods for describing performance scores
10.1 Application of graphical methods
42 10.2 Histograms of results or performance scores
10.3 Kernel density plots
44 10.4 Bar-plots of standardized performance scores
10.5 Youden plot
45 10.6 Plots of repeatability standard deviations
46 10.7 Split samples
10.8 Graphical methods for combining performance scores over several rounds of a proficiency testing scheme
47 11 Design and analysis of qualitative proficiency testing schemes (including nominal and ordinal properties)
11.1 Types of qualitative data
48 11.2 Statistical design
11.3 Assigned values for qualitative proficiency testing schemes
50 11.4 Performance evaluation and scoring for qualitative proficiency testing schemes
52 Annex A (normative) Symbols
54 Annex B (informative) Homogeneity and stability of proficiency test items
62 Annex C (informative) Robust analysis
73 Annex D (informative) Additional guidance on statistical procedures
78 Annex E (informative) Illustrative examples
101 Annex F (Informative) Example of computer code for plotting and resampling analysis (“bootstrapping”) of PT results
102 Bibliography
BS ISO 13528:2022