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BS ISO/IEC 19785-3:2020


Information technology. Common Biometric Exchange Formats Framework – Patron format specifications

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This document specifies and publishes registered Common Biometric Exchange Formats Framework (CBEFF) patron formats defined by the CBEFF patron ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37, and specifies their registered CBEFF patron format types (see ISO/IEC 19785-1) and resulting full ASN.1 OIDs.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
2 undefined
10 Foreword
12 Introduction
14 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
15 4 Symbols and abbreviated terms
16 5 Conformance
6 ASN.1 type definitions for CBEFF data elements and abstract values
6.1 General
6.2 CBEFF data elements type definitions module
21 7 Patron format specification: Simple bit-oriented patron format (deprecated)
7.1 Patron
7.2 Patron format owner
7.3 Patron format name
7.4 Patron format type
7.5 ASN.1 OID for this patron format
22 7.6 Domain of use
7.7 Version identifier
7.8 CBEFF version
7.9 General
23 7.10 ASN.1 Specification
8 Patron format specification: Simple byte-oriented patron format
8.1 Patron
8.2 Patron format owner
8.3 Patron format name
8.4 Patron format type
8.5 ASN.1 OID for this patron format
24 8.6 Domain of use
8.7 Version identifier
8.8 CBEFF version
8.9 General
8.10 Patron format specification
25 8.11 ASN.1 Specification
9 Patron format specification: Presence byte-oriented patron format
9.1 Patron
9.2 Patron format owner
9.3 Patron format name
9.4 Patron format type
9.5 ASN.1 OID for this patron format
9.6 Domain of use
26 9.7 Version identifier
9.8 CBEFF version
9.9 General
9.10 Specification
28 9.11 ASN.1 Specification
29 10 Patron format specification: Presence bit-oriented patron format
10.1 Patron
10.2 Patron format owner
10.3 Patron format name
10.4 Patron format type
10.5 ASN.1 OID for this patron format
10.6 Domain of use
10.7 Version identifier
10.8 CBEFF version
10.9 General
30 10.10 ASN.1 Specification
31 11 Patron format specification: TLV-encoded patron format, for use with smartcards or other tokens (with implicit tag allocation authority)
11.1 Patron
11.2 Patron format owner
11.3 Patron format name
11.4 Patron format type
11.5 ASN.1 OID for this patron format
11.6 Domain of Use
32 11.7 Version identifier
11.8 CBEFF version
11.9 General
34 11.10 ASN.1 specification
36 11.11 Tabular representations for information
11.11.1 The Biometric Information Template used for on-card biometric comparison
37 11.11.2 The Biometric Information Template used for off-card biometric comparison
38 11.12 The Biometric Information Template Group Data Object
39 11.13 Abstract values and encodings for biometric type and subtype
40 11.14 Patron format conformance statement
11.14.1 Identifying information
11.14.2 CBEFF-defined data elements and abstract values
11.14.3 Patron-defined data elements and abstract values
41 12 Patron format specification: Complex patron format
12.1 Patron
12.2 Patron format owner
12.3 Patron format name
12.4 Patron format type
12.5 ASN.1 OID for this patron format
12.6 Domain of use
12.7 Version identifier
12.8 CBEFF version
12.9 General
42 12.10 Specification
47 12.11 Illustrative examples
50 12.12 ASN.1 definition (provided for illustrative purposes only)
51 13 Patron format specification: XML-full patron format (with additional data elements)
13.1 Patron
13.2 Patron format owner
13.3 Patron format name
13.4 Patron format type
13.5 ASN.1 OID for this patron format
52 13.6 Domain of use
13.7 Version identifier
13.8 CBEFF version
13.9 General
13.10 Specification
53 13.11 Element
13.11.1 Syntax
54 13.11.2 Semantics
13.12 Element
13.12.1 Syntax
55 13.12.2 Semantics
13.13 Element
13.13.1 Syntax
13.13.2 Semantics
56 13.14 Element
13.14.1 Syntax
13.14.2 Semantics
57 13.15 Element
13.15.1 Syntax
58 13.15.2 Semantics
62 13.16 Element of BDBInfoType
13.16.1 Syntax
13.16.2 Semantics
63 13.17 Element
13.17.1 Syntax
13.17.2 Semantics
13.18 Element
13.18.1 Syntax
13.18.2 Semantics
13.19 Element
13.19.1 Syntax
64 13.19.2 Semantics
13.20 Element
13.20.1 Syntax
13.20.2 Semantics
13.21 Element
13.21.1 Syntax
13.21.2 Semantics
65 13.22 Element
13.22.1 Syntax
13.22.2 Semantics
13.23 Element
13.23.1 Syntax
13.23.2 Semantics
66 13.24 Element
13.24.1 Syntax
13.24.2 Semantics
13.25 Element of SBInfoType
13.25.1 Syntax
13.25.2 Semantics
13.26 Representation of Integers
67 13.27 Representation of Octet Strings
13.28 Representation of Date and Time of the Day
68 13.29 Representation of Universally Unique Identifiers
13.30 XML schema of the patron format
71 13.31 ASN.1 schema of the patron format
75 13.32 An example of a simple BIR in XML encoding (complying with the ASN.1 schema, the XSD schema, and the normative textual description)
13.33 An example of a complex BIR in XML encoding (complying with the ASN.1 schema, the XSD schema, and the normative textual description)
78 14 Patron format specification: full-complex patron format
14.1 Patron
14.2 Patron format owner
14.3 Patron format name
14.4 Patron format type
14.5 ASN.1 OID for this patron format
14.6 Domain of use
79 14.7 Version identifier
14.8 CBEFF version
14.9 General
14.10 Specification
85 14.11 Illustrative examples
88 14.12 ASN.1 definition (provided for illustrative purposes only)
89 15 Patron format specification: Biometric application programming interface (BioAPI 2.0)
16 Patron format specification: Self-identifying Tag-oriented Simple BIR
16.1 Patron
16.2 Patron format owner
16.3 Patron format name
16.4 Patron format type
16.5 ASN.1 OID for this patron format
90 16.6 Domain of use
16.7 Version identifier
16.8 CBEFF version
16.9 General
91 16.10 Specification
95 16.11 Illustrative examples
16.12 ASN.1 definition
99 17 Patron format specification: Self-identifying, Tag-oriented Complex BIR
17.1 Patron
17.2 Patron format owner
17.3 Patron format name
100 17.4 Patron format type
17.5 ASN.1 OID for this patron format
17.6 Domain of use
17.7 Version identifier
17.8 CBEFF version
17.9 General
101 17.10 Specification
103 17.11 Illustrative example
17.12 ASN.1 definition
105 18 Patron format specification: PAD patron format (Linking BDB with PAD Sample)
18.1 Patron
18.2 Patron format owner
18.3 Patron format name
18.4 Patron format type
18.5 ASN.1 OID for this patron format
18.6 Domain of use
18.7 Version identifier
18.8 CBEFF version
18.9 General
106 18.10 Specification
108 18.11 Illustrative example
109 18.12 ASN.1 definition
112 19 Patron format specification: TLV-encoded patron format for ICCs and other tokens (with explicit tag allocation authority)
19.1 Patron
19.2 Patron format owner
19.3 Patron format name
19.4 Patron format type
19.5 ASN.1 OID for this patron format
19.6 Domain of Use
19.7 Version identifier
19.8 CBEFF version
19.9 General
115 19.10 ASN.1 specification
120 19.11 Tabular representations for information
19.11.1 The Biometric Information Template used for on-card biometric comparison
124 19.11.2 The Biometric Information Template used for off-card biometric comparison
127 19.12 The Biometric Information Template Group Data Object
19.13 Abstract values and encodings for biometric type and subtype
19.14 Illustrative examples
128 Annex A (informative) Guidelines on the specification of patron formats
132 Annex B (informative) Conformance of the defined patron formats
144 Annex C (normative) Coding specifications for tagged patron formats
160 Annex D (informative) Information and clarifications to Clause 11
164 Bibliography
BS ISO/IEC 19785-3:2020