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BSI 22/30452459 DC 2022


BS EN 17936. Railway applications. Acoustics. Measurement of source terms for environmental noise calculations

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BSI 2022 65
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The standard addresses the measurement of source terms for environmental noise calculation for rail traffic (including light rail). It is applicable to the measurement of in-service trains on operational tracks. It is not applicable to type acceptance testing of rolling-stock or tracks. The following rail traffic noise sources are in the scope: – Rolling noise ; – Traction noise ; – Aerodynamic noise ; – Impact noise (e.g. rail joints, switch & crossings, wheel flats) ; – Bridge noise ; – Squeal noise. Noise from rail vehicles at standstill is included e.g.: engine idling and auxiliary equipment. Noise from fixed installations (e.g.: stations, depots, electricity sub-stations) are not in the scope of this standard. Each source shall individually be characterized in terms of its frequency spectrum (up to one-third octave band details), source height and directivity. Rolling noise will then be described in terms of its generating wheel and rail roughness along with the vehicle and track transfer functions. Source terms will be specific to a vehicle and track type. The scope includes measurement procedures and conditions and sampling requirements.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
8 1 Scope
2 Normative references
9 3 Terms and definitions
12 4 Acoustic basics for this standard
4.1 Accuracy / uncertainties
4.2 Frequency range and spectral bands
4.3 Type of measurements
5 Instrumentation and calibration
5.1 General
13 5.2 Acoustic instrumentation
5.3 Calibration of the acoustic instrumentation
5.3.1 Temporary setup
5.3.2 Automated calibration
14 5.4 Non-acoustic instrumentation
5.4.1 Time and duration
5.4.2 Speed, track and direction
5.4.3 Meteorological parameters
5.4.4 Wheel and track parameters
5.4.5 Combined roughness
6 How to derive source terms
6.1 General
15 6.2 Procedure
16 6.3 Directivity
6.4 Distribution over source heights
7 Measurement procedures
7.1 General
17 7.2 Rolling noise
7.2.1 General
18 7.2.2 Measurement steps
19 7.2.3 Network and fleet roughness
20 7.3 Traction and equipment noise
7.3.1 General
7.3.2 Source level for traction/equipment noise following EN ISO 3095
7.3.3 Source level for traction/equipment noise using statistical data collection
7.3.4 Source separation
21 7.4 Impact noise
7.5 Curve squeal
22 7.6 Bridge noise
23 7.7 Braking noise
7.7.1 General
7.7.2 Source level for braking noise following EN ISO 3095
7.7.3 Source level for braking noise at arbitrary sites
7.7.4 Source level for braking noise at speed
7.8 Aerodynamic noise
24 8 Sampling requirements
8.1 Practical validity
8.2 Site requirements and selection
8.3 Train selection
8.4 Train speeds
25 8.5 Numbers of pass-bys
9 Processing
31 10 Uncertainties
11 Reporting
33 Annex A (informative)Methods to determine combined effective roughness
A.1 General
A.2 Direct method requiring track and vehicle possession
A.3 Indirect method using rail vibration – trackside method
A.4 Survey methods
35 Annex B (informative)Calculation of apparent sound power from sound pressure
B.1 Definition
B.2 Calculation Method
36 B.3 Calculation procedure
B.4 Tabulated transfer functions for CNOSSOS for given track geometries and source-receiver combinations
61 Annex C (informative)Separation methods for rolling noise of vehicle and track
C.1 Principle of separation
C.2 Separation based on calculation
62 C.3 Separation based on measurement
C.4 Separation based on external reference
63 Annex D (informative)Specific environments
64 Annex E (informative)Transposition between train and track types
BSI 22/30452459 DC 2022