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BSI PAS 1879:2021


Energy smart appliances. Demand side response operation. Code of practice

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BSI 2021 52
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In scope

This PAS sets out a common definition of demand side response (DSR) services for actors operating within the consumer energy supply chain and provides recommendations to support the operation of energy smart appliances (ESAs). The consumer-focused approach outlined in this PAS can coexist with other forms of balancing or DSR.

NOTE 1 Regulated market participants currently use a range of balancing services. This PAS is not intended to limit or replace the operation of other forms of balancing or demand management, which fall outside the scope of this PAS and PAS 1878:2021; for example, DSR regarding larger industrial and commercial electricity users.

This PAS is aimed at those organizations responsible for providing and delivering energy services to domestic (e.g. individual households) or small business (i.e. SME) premises, which are collectively referred to as consumers. The cyber security principles in this PAS apply to organizations performing any form of DSR, or sending remote signals to appliances to shift or modulate their energy consumption or supply.

With regards to compatibility with all forms of DSR-based activity, the two types of consumer DSR covered by this PAS are those employing ESAs, compliant with the specification in PAS 1878:2021, that implement:

  1. routine DSR implemented through supplier set electricity tariffs or other electricity-related incentives; and/or

  2. response DSR initiated at the request, often made in near real time, of regulated electricity market participants.

This PAS provides only the minimum recommendations to perform DSR-based activities involving electrical appliances used in domestic or small business settings. The specific appliance categories in scope for domestic DSR service are:

  1. heating, ventilation and air conditioning appliances (HVAC);

  2. cold appliances;

  3. wet appliances;

  4. battery storage; and

  5. smart EV chargepoints.

NOTE 2 Any other type of appliance which meets specifications set out in PAS 1878:2021 can be considered an ESA.


Out of scope

Aspects out of scope for this PAS are the:

  1. functional and non-functional requirements of an ESA;

    NOTE 1 Product safety of ESAs in respect of their energy smart functionality is addressed in PAS 1878:2021.

  2. commercial models of DSR;

  3. ethics and social rules of DSR operation;

  4. contracting, payment services or general consumer protections; and

    NOTE 2 Whilst these aspects of service delivery are out of scope of this PAS, adoption and implementation of good industry practices by DSRSPs regarding interaction with and treatment of consumers is a reasonable consumer expectation.

  5. curtailment of supply.


Intended audience for this PAS

This PAS is intended for use by all actors operating within the domestic energy supply chain, including transmission system operators (TSOs), distribution network/system operators (DNOs) and electricity suppliers and aggregators. It might also be of interest to manufacturers of ESAs and customer energy managers (CEMs). Other parties who might have an interest in this PAS are maintainers of ESAs, manufacturers and maintainers of interfacing products, software developers and other service providers.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
3 Contents
5 Foreword
7 0 Introduction
0.1 Purpose
0.2 Demand side response (DSR)
8 0.3 Energy smart appliances and the DSR functional architecture
10 0.4 Operational model
11 0.5 Alignment with DSR and ESA principles
0.6 Integration with smart metering systems
12 0.7 Alignment with standards
13 1 Scope
1.1 In scope
1.2 Out of scope
1.3 Intended audience for this PAS
14 2 Normative references
15 3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions
17 3.2 Abbreviated terms
18 4 Actors in consumer DSR
4.1 Transmission system operator (TSO)
4.2 Distribution network operator (DNO)
19 4.3 DSR service providers (DSRSP)
21 4.4 Electricity suppliers
22 4.5 ESA manufacturers
4.6 National regulatory authority
23 5 The four principles for consumer DSR
5.1 Interoperability
5.2 Data privacy
5.3 Grid stability
24 5.4 Cyber security
25 6 Security principles
6.1 General
6.2 Security governance
26 6.3 Holistic approach to security
29 7 Interoperability
7.1 Purpose of this principle
7.2 Practices to be adopted for provision of consumer DSR services
7.3 Practices to be adopted for compliance with PAS 1878
30 8 Data privacy
8.1 Practices to be adopted for provision of consumer DSR services
31 8.2 ESA manufacturer
8.3 Data and information sharing agreement (DISA)
34 9 Grid stability
9.1 Approval of DSRSPs
9.2 Organizations permitted to request response mode DSR interventions
9.3 Authentication of response mode DSR service requests
9.4 Authorization to undertake response mode DSR service interventions
9.5 Monitoring of response mode DSR service interventions
9.6 Monitoring and maintaining ESA portfolio status
35 10 Cyber security
10.1 Cyber security practices to be adopted for the provision of consumer response mode DSR services
10.2 Personnel security
36 10.3 Supply chain security management
10.4 Monitoring changes to threat landscape and emerging vulnerabilities
37 10.5 Communications, data and information security
39 10.6 Security of CEM and ESA components employed in delivery of DSRSP’s services
40 10.7 Secure-by-design
41 Annexes
Annex A (informative)
Relevant standards and other guidance mapped to clauses
43 Annex B (informative)
Trust modelling
48 Bibliography
BSI PAS 1879:2021