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BSI PD CEN/TR 16959:2016


Public transport. Network and Timetable Exchange (NeTEx). Examples, guidelines and explanatory materials

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This Technical Report provides a set of examples, white papers and explanatory material that makes it easy to understand how to use and deploy all parts of NeTEx. This will help EPTIS system providers and acquirers, providing functional scope, guidelines and terminology explanations needed to implement a system. It will also ease formalizing the requirements for the context of a procurement process.

This Technical report provides an explanatory material that makes it easier to understand how to use all parts of NETEX. This will help EPTIS system providers and acquirers, providing functional scope terminology explanations needed to implement a system. It will also ease formalizing the requirements for the context of a procurement process

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PDF Pages PDF Title
4 Contents Page
8 European foreword
9 Introduction
13 Figure 1 — CEN TC278 WG3 Sub-groups
14 Figure 2 — Evolution of NeTEx documents
15 1 Scope
2 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Basic Commercial questions
2.2.1 Do I have to pay for using NeTEx?
2.2.2 What skills do I need to deploy NeTEx?
2.2.3 What tools are available to support NeTEx?
16 2.2.4 How do I get new features added to NeTEx?
2.2.5 What is a profile?
2.2.6 What if I find a bug in NeTEx?
2.2.7 How do I get support for my NeTEx development?
17 2.3 Basic scope questions
2.3.1 Is NeTEx a GIS standard?
2.3.2 Is NeTEx a database?
2.3.3 Is NeTEx for real-time applications?
2.3.4 Can I use NeTEx for Rail?
2.3.5 Does NeTEx provide web services?
18 2.3.6 Does NeTEx cover ticket sales?
2.3.7 Can I use NeTEx for mobile applications?
2.4 Pros and Cons questions
2.4.1 What are the advantages of using NeTEx?
2.4.2 How can NeTEx reduce development costs?
19 2.4.3 How can NeTEx increase capability and improve design quality?
2.4.4 How can NeTEx simplify my software application development?
2.4.5 How can NeTEx protect my investment?
20 2.4.6 What are the disadvantages of using NeTEx?
2.4.7 Is NeTEx hard to understand?
2.4.8 Does increased generality make NeTEx is harder to work with?
2.4.9 Does NeTEx require more computing resources that other standards?
21 2.4.10 Are there missing validity checks in NeTEx ?
2.4.11 Is it quick to add new features in NeTEx?
2.5 Further Specific questions of Scope
2.5.1 Can NeTEx describe journey connection times?
2.5.2 Does NeTEx support accessibility?
2.5.3 Can NeTEx handle frequency based services?
22 2.5.4 Can I have different journey timings for different times of day?
2.5.5 Can NeTEx describe zone based fares?
2.5.6 Can I restrict certain products to certain classes of user?
2.5.7 Can I specify time based constraints on travel?
2.5.8 Can I integrate data from different countries with NeTEx?
2.5.9 Does NeTEx support dynamic/ yield managed pricing?
23 2.5.10 Can NeTEx define products for modern e-card based ticketing?
2.5.11 Does NeTEx support Flexible and Demand Responsive Travel?
2.5.12 Can I create applications to run in different national Languages?
2.5.13 Can I have different version of data for the same element extant at the same time?
2.5.14 Can I create Network maps with NeTEx?
24 2.5.15 I have my own classification for Stops/ Lines / etc. Can NeTEx handle this?
2.6 Comparison with other documents
2.6.1 How does NeTEx relate to Transmodel?
2.6.2 How does NeTEx relate to IFOPT?
2.6.3 How does NeTEx compare with VDV?
2.6.4 How does NeTEx compare with TransXChange?
25 2.6.5 How does NeTEx compare with NEPTUNE?
2.6.6 How does NeTEx compare with NOPTIS?
2.6.7 How does NeTEx compare with IFM?
2.6.8 How does NeTEx compare with BISON ?
26 2.6.9 How does NeTEx compare with the Taap/TSI standards?
2.6.10 How does NeTEx compare with GTFS?
27 3 NeTEx covered areas description
3.1 Introduction
3.2 General areas
3.3 Specific functional areas
28 Annex A (informative) Getting Started
A.1 Introduction
A.2 Three common use cases
29 A.3 Basic Steps
A.3.1 General
A.3.2 Agreeing a profile
A.3.2.1 General
A.3.2.2 Profiles
30 A.3.2.3 Describing a profile with a Type of Frame
A.3.3 Choosing a Version frame
31 Table A.1 — NeTEX version Frame type
A.4 Implementing a NeTEx System
A.4.1 Implementation Technology
A.4.2 Implementation of NeTEx interfaces
32 Figure A.1 — Use of conceptual and physical models
A.4.3 Version Lifecycle for Data Elements
A.4.4 Validation and Conformance of XML documents
33 A.4.5 Schema versions and schema compatibility
A.5 Resources
A.6 NeTEx CEN Technical specifications,
A.7 NeTEx UML Models
34 A.8 NeTEx XML Schema
A.9 NeTEx WSDL Bindings
Table A.2 — SIRI WSDL bindings
A.10 Tools and Technology
35 Annex B (informative) Design Methodology
B.1 Introduction
B.2 Model driven design
B.2.1 General
36 Figure B.1 — Conceptual and Phisical models
B.2.2 The Transmodel Conceptual model
B.3 Consistent Terminology
37 B.4 UML Notation
B.5 XML schema
B.5.1 General
B.5.2 XML Benefits
38 B.5.3 XML Drawbacks
39 B.6 Tools and Technology
B.7 Modularisation of the framework
40 Figure B.2 — Dependency overview
41 Annex C (informative) Framework
C.1 Introduction
C.2 The NeTEx Frameworks
42 Figure C.1 — Framework properties
C.3 NeTEx framework features
C.3.1 Versioning
C.3.1.1 General
43 C.3.1.2 Summary of NeTEx Version Frame Types
44 Table C.1 — NeTEX version Frames
C.3.2 Identifiers, uniqueness of reference and Namespaces
45 C.3.3 Responsibility Management
46 C.3.4 Summary of GENERIC Framework Components
C.3.4.1 General
C.3.4.2 Generic Framework elements
C.3.4.3 Design pattern Framework components
47 Annex D (informative) Reusable Components
D.1 Introduction
D.2 The NeTEx Reusable Components
D.3 Summary of Reusable Components
D.3.1 General
D.3.2 Reusable Component types
48 D.3.3 General Reusable Component types
D.3.4 Transport Reusable Component types
49 D.4 Summary of Reusable Data types
50 Annex E (informative) Representing Public Transport Networks in NeTEx
E.1 Introduction
E.2 NeTEx Methodology
E.3 Scope
E.4 Corresponding NeTEx documentation
51 E.5 Approach
E.5.1 Reconciling different views of the network
52 E.5.2 Generic concepts
53 Figure E.1 — Generic Concept Approach
E.6 Basic spatial network aspects
E.6.1 Routes and work patterns
54 E.6.2 Layers
55 Figure E.4 — Schematic view of possible LAYERs
E.6.3 Geospatial concerns
56 Figure E.5 — Projection example of a link on a link sequence
57 Figure E.6 — Projections examples of a point
E.6.4 Lines
E.6.5 Schematic maps
58 Annex F (informative) Representing Flexible Networks and Multimodality in NeTEx
F.1 Introduction
F.2 Scope
F.3 Corresponding NeTEx documentation
59 F.4 NeTEx Methodology
F.5 Flexible networks
F.5.1 Flexible behaviour of public transport services
F.5.2 Defining areas of flexible coverage
60 Figure F.1 — Hail and Ride Stop example
F.5.3 Defining flexible routes
Table F.1 — flexible topologies available in NeTEx
62 F.5.4 Timing of flexible services
F.5.5 Information on using services
F.6 Multimodality
F.6.1 Multimodal network features
63 F.6.2 Multimodal stop places
Figure F.2 — Nesting of Stop Places example
64 F.6.3 Physical versus logical stops
F.6.4 Multimodal connection possibilities
65 Annex G (informative) Support for Accessibility in NeTEx
G.1 Introduction
G.2 Scope
G.3 Corresponding NeTEx documentation
66 G.4 NeTEx Methodology
G.5 Approach
G.6 Accessibility of sites
67 G.7 Accessibility and connections
68 G.8 Accessibility of navigation paths
G.9 Accessibility of journeys
69 Annex H (informative) Representing Timetables in NeTEx
H.1 Introduction
H.2 Corresponding NeTEx documentation
70 Table H.1 — NeTEx parts containing frames and models that make up a timetable
H.3 Approach to Timetables in NeTEx
71 H.4 The representation of a timetable
H.4.1 General
72 H.4.2 Components to create a timetable
73 H.4.3 Components to operate a timetable
H.5 Example of a simple timetable in NeTEx
74 Figure H.1 — The bus timetable Kočevje-Petrina converted to NeTEx (XML physical model)
76 Annex I (informative) Representing Fares in NeTEx
I.1 Introduction
I.2 Scope
I.3 Functional areas
I.3.1 general
I.3.2 Fare policy specification:
77 I.4 Provision of information on fares
78 Figure I.1 — NeTEx Fare Overview
79 I.5 Approach
I.5.1 General
I.5.2 Fare structure elements
Table I.1 — Example Triangular Fare Table with Absolute Prices
80 I.5.3 Access rights and Fare products
Figure I.2 — Access Rights overview
81 I.5.4 Restrictions and conditions
Figure I.3 — Usage Parameters
82 Figure I.4 — Validity Parameters
83 I.6 Selecting a Fare
I.6.1 General
I.6.2 Pricing a Fare
I.6.3 Electronic Fare products and NeTEx
84 Table I.1 — Payment Methods
85 Bibliography
BSI PD CEN/TR 16959:2016