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IEEE 1394.1 2005


IEEE Standard for High Performance Serial Bus Bridges

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IEEE 2005 171
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Revision Standard – Active. The model, definition, and behaviors of High Performance Serial Bus bridges, which are devices that can be used to interconnect two separately enumerable buses, are specified.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
1 IEEE Standard for High Performance Serial Bus Bridges
3 Title page
5 Introduction
6 Notice to users
7 Participants
11 1. Overview
1.1 Scope
1.2 Purpose
13 2. Normative references
15 3. Definitions and notation
3.1 Conformance
3.2 Technical
19 3.3 Document notation
3.3.1 Size notation
20 3.3.2 Numerical values
21 3.3.3 Packet formats
3.3.4 C pseudocode notation
22 3.3.5 CSR, ROM, and field notation
23 3.3.6 Register specification format
24 3.3.7 Reserved CSR fields
25 4. Bridge model (informative)
26 4.1 Global node IDs
27 4.2 Remote time-out
28 4.3 Clan affinity and net update
30 4.4 Cycle time distribution and synchronization
32 4.5 Universal time
34 4.6 Stream connection management
41 5. Bridge portal and bridge-aware node facilities
5.1 Configuration ROM
5.1.1 Bus information block
42 5.1.2 Node_Capabilities entry
5.1.3 Bus_Dependent_Info entry
5.1.4 Bridge_Capabilities entry
43 5.2 Control and status registers
45 5.2.1 QUARANTINE register
46 5.2.2 VIRTUAL_ID_MAP register
47 5.2.3 ROUTE_MAP register
48 5.2.4 CLAN_EUI_64 register
49 5.2.5 CLAN_INFO register
51 6. Packet formats
6.1 Self-ID packet zero
6.2 Cycle master adjustment packet
52 6.3 Response packet
54 6.4 Global asynchronous stream packets (GASP)
55 6.5 Net management message interception
56 6.6 Net management messages
58 6.6.1 TIMEOUT message
59 6.6.2 TIME OFFSET message
60 6.6.3 Stream management messages
62 JOIN message LEAVE message
63 LISTEN message RENEW message TEARDOWN message STREAM STATUS message
64 6.6.4 Net update messages MUTE message BUS ID message BUS ID ANNOUNCEMENT message
65 PANIC message
6.7 UPDATE ROUTES message
67 7. Transaction routing and operations
7.1 Source bus (initial entry portal)
68 7.2 Intermediate buses
69 7.2.1 Packet reception (intermediate entry portal)
7.2.2 Packet transmission (intermediate exit portal)
70 7.3 Destination bus (terminal exit portal)
71 7.4 Maximum forward time
72 7.5 Congestion management
75 8. Stream operations and routing
8.1 Cycle timer synchronization
8.1.1 Alpha portal regulation of the local cycle master
77 8.1.2 Cycle master adjustment
78 8.2 Net time
79 8.3 GASP routing and operations
80 8.4 Listening portal operations (isochronous streams)
8.5 Talking portal operations (isochronous streams)
8.6 Isochronous stream connection management
82 8.6.1 JOIN request processing
86 8.6.2 LISTEN request processing
88 8.6.3 LEAVE request processing
90 8.6.4 RENEW request processing
91 8.6.5 TEARDOWN request processing
93 8.6.6 Autonomous connection teardown
96 8.7 Common Isochronous Packet (CIP) format headers
99 9. Operations in a bridged environment
9.1 CSR architecture assumptions
9.2 Bridge-aware devices
9.2.1 Configuration ROM bus information block
100 9.2.2 Remote time-out
9.2.3 Bus reset and quarantine
101 9.2.4 Serial Bus event indication (SB_EVENT.indication)
9.2.5 Lock operations
9.3 Legacy devices
9.4 TIMEOUT message operations
103 9.5 Modifications to the BUS_TIME and CYCLE_TIME registers
9.6 Remote access to core and bus-dependent CSRs
105 10. Net update
10.1 Power reset initialization
10.2 Bus reset operations
106 10.2.1 Quarantine
107 10.2.2 Loop detection and elimination
108 10.2.3 Clan allocation maps
110 10.2.4 Net allocation map
111 10.2.5 Net update completion
10.3 Coherency during net update
112 10.4 Mute bridge portals
113 10.5 Route map updates
115 10.5.1 UPDATE ROUTES message received from the coordinator
116 10.5.2 UPDATE ROUTES message received from co-portal
117 10.6 Net panic
119 11. Global node ID management
11.1 Virtual ID management
121 11.2 Bus ID management
125 Annex A (normative) Net correctness properties
127 Annex B (normative) Minimum Serial Bus capabilities for bridge portals
129 Annex C (normative) Pseudocode data structures and constants
C.1 Configuration ROM and control and status registers
132 C.2 Message and packet formats
133 C.3 Global portal variables and external procedures
137 Annex D (normative) Transaction routing
D.1 Bridge-bound subactions
139 D.2 Bus-bound subactions
141 D.3 Transaction routing functions
145 Annex E (normative) Discovery and enumeration protocol (DEP)
E.1 Message formats
147 E.1.1 EUI-64 discovery request
148 E.1.2 Keyword discovery request
149 E.1.3 Client ID request
E.1.4 Configuration ROM announcement
150 E.1.5 DEP responses
151 E.2 Proxy functions
E.2.1 Discovery proxy
152 E.2.2 Service proxy
E.3 Implementation requirements
153 Annex F (normative) Plug control registers
154 F.1 OUTPUT_MASTER_PLUG register
155 F.2 OUTPUT_PLUG registers
157 F.3 INPUT_MASTER_PLUG register
158 F.4 INPUT_PLUG registers
159 Annex G (informative) Bus topology analysis
160 G.1 Topology analysis after power reset
164 G.2 Topology analysis when the root changes
167 G.3 Topology analysis when a node is inserted
169 Annex H (informative) Sample configuration ROM
171 Annex I (informative) Bibliography
IEEE 1394.1 2005