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IEEE 1636.2-2010


IEEE Standard for Software Interface for Maintenance Information Collection and Analysis (SIMICA): Exchanging Maintenance Action Information via the Extensible Markup Language (XML)

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IEEE 2010
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New IEEE Standard – Superseded. Interoperability between components of automatic test systems (ATS) is promoted and facilitated. The standard facilitates the capture of maintenance action information (MAI) associated with the removal, repair, and replacement of a particular system component (e.g., unit(s) under test) in order to maintain/support that particular operational system. The MAI schema becomes a class of information that can be used within the SIMICA family of standards. The exchange format utilizes the XML formats.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
1 IEEE Std 1636.2-2010 Front Cover
2 Blank Page
3 Title Page
6 Introduction
Notice to users
Laws and regulations
7 Updating of IEEE documents
8 Participants
10 Contents
12 Blank Page
13 1. Overview
1.1 Scope
1.2 Purpose
14 1.3 General
1.4 Application
1.5 Conventions used in this standard
15 2. Normative references
16 3. Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
3.2 Acronyms and abbreviations
17 4. Maintenance action information schema
4.1 General
4.2 Elements
23 4.3 Complex types
28 5. Conformance
6. Extensibility
29 Annex A (normative) Maintenance action information model
A.1 AssociatedTestEvent
30 A.2 Code
A.3 FailureCode
A.4 Observation
A.5 ParameterValue
A.6 Qualifier
31 A.7 RelativeSkill
A.8 SequenceCode
A.9 Category
32 A.10 MaintenanceActionValue
A.11 MaintenanceType
A.12 EquipmentDescription
A.13 Equipment
33 A.14 InstallAction
A.15 Maintainer
34 A.16 MaintenanceAction
35 A.17 MaintenanceActionInformation
36 A.18 MaintenanceActionStatus
A.19 MaintenanceDelay
37 A.20 MaintenanceEvent
38 A.21 NoAction
A.22 Parameter
39 A.23 Reason
40 A.24 RemoveAction
A.25 RepairAction
A.26 Resource
41 A.27 TestResult
42 A.28 MAI model EXPRESS-G diagrams
46 Annex B (normative) SimicaCommon XML schema
B.1 Schema―SimicaCommon.xsd
55 Annex C (normative) SIMICA common information model
C.1 Abbreviation
C.2 AddressComponent
C.3 Date
56 C.4 DateTime
C.5 DescriptionType
C.6 Duration
C.7 EmailAddress
57 C.8 Exclusion
C.9 Identifier
C.10 IdentifierType
C.11 NameType
C.12 SequenceCode
58 C.13 PhoneNumber
C.14 URL
C.15 Uuid
C.16 Version
C.17 DescriptionOrReference
59 C.18 Contact
C.19 DiagnosticContextModel
60 C.20 Document
C.21 HardwareInstance
61 C.22 IdentificationNumber
C.23 ItemDescription
C.24 MailingAddress
62 C.25 MaintenanceLevel
63 C.26 ManufacturerIdNumber
C.27 Organization
64 C.28 Person
C.29 PowerOn
C.30 QualifiedIdNumber
65 C.31 SoftwareInstance
C.32 SystemInstance
67 C.33 TestResultsAndSessionInformation
C.34 Warranty
68 C.35 WorkOrder
69 C.36 SIMICA COMMON Model EXPRESS-G diagrams
73 Annex D (informative) Maintenance Action Information instance documents (.XML files) and user examples
D.1 Maintenance Action Information instance documents (.XML files)
74 D.2 User examples
78 Annex E (informative)Bibliography
IEEE 1636.2-2010