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BSI PD CEN/TS 19101:2022:2023 Edition


Design of fibre-polymer composite structures

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1.1 Scope of FprCEN/TS 19101 (1) This document applies to the design of buildings, bridges and other civil engineering structures in fibre-polymer composite materials, including permanent and temporary structures. It complies with the principles and requirements for the safety, serviceability and durability of structures, the basis of their design and verification that are given in EN 1990. NOTE In this document, fibre-polymer composite materials are referred to as composite materials or as composites. (2) This document is only concerned with the requirements for resistance, serviceability, durability and fire resistance of composite structures. NOTE 1 Specific requirements concerning seismic design are not considered. NOTE 2 Other requirements, e.g. concerning thermal or acoustic insulation, are not considered. (3) This document gives a general basis for the design of composite structures composed of (i) composite members, or (ii) combinations of composite members and members of other materials (hybrid-composite structures), and (iii) the joints between these members. (4) This document applies to composite structures in which the values of material temperature in members, joints and components in service conditions are (i) higher than -40 °C and (ii) lower than – 20 °C, where is the glass transition temperature of composite, core and adhesive materials, defined according to 5.1(1). (5) This document applies to: (i) composite members, i.e. profiles and sandwich panels, and (ii) bolted, bonded and hybrid joints and their connections. NOTE 1 Profiles and sandwich panels can be applied in structural systems such as beams, columns, frames, trusses, slabs, plates and shells. NOTE 2 Sandwich panels include homogenous core and web-core panels. In web-core panels, the cells between webs can be filled (e.g. with foam) or remain empty (e.g. panels from pultruded profiles). NOTE 3 This document does not apply to sandwich panels made of metallic face sheets. NOTE 4 Built-up members can result from the assembly of two or more profiles, through bolting and/or adhesive bonding. NOTE 5 The main manufacturing processes of composite members include pultrusion, filament winding, hand layup, resin transfer moulding (RTM), resin infusion moulding (RIM), vacuum-assisted resin transfer moulding (VARTM). NOTE 6 This document does not apply to composite cables or special types of civil engineering works (e.g. pressure vessels, tanks or chemical storage containers). (6) This document applies to: (i) the composite components of composite members, i.e. composite plies, composite laminates, sandwich cores and plates or profiles, and (ii) the components of joints or their connections, i.e. connection plates or profiles (e.g. cleats), bolts, and adhesive layers. NOTE 1 Composite components are composed of composite materials (i.e. fibres and matrix resins) and core materials. Components of joints and their connections are also composed of composite, steel or adhesive materials. NOTE 2 The fibre architecture of composite components can comprise a single type of fibres or a hybrid of two or more types of fibres. NOTE 3 This document does not apply to composite components used for internal reinforcement of concrete structures (composite rebars) or strengthening of existing structures (composite rebars, strips or sheets). (7) This document applies to composite materials, comprising: (i) glass, carbon, basalt or aramid fibres, and (ii) a matrix based on unsaturated polyester, vinylester, epoxy or phenolic thermoset resins.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
2 undefined
9 1 Scope
11 2 Normative references
12 3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions
3.1.1 Terms relating to constituent materials
14 3.1.2 Terms relating to manufacturing
16 3.1.3 Terms relating to composite components and members
17 3.1.4 Terms relating to design
19 3.1.5 Terms relating to failure modes
20 3.1.6 Terms relating to joints and connections
21 3.1.7 Terms relating to defects
23 3.2 Symbols and abbreviations
3.2.1 Symbols
Latin upper case letters
32 Latin lower case letters
42 Greek upper case letters
Greek lower case letters
47 3.2.2 Abbreviations
48 3.3 Symbols for member axes
52 4 Basis of design
4.1 General rules
4.1.1 Basic requirements
4.1.2 Structural reliability and quality management
4.1.3 Design service life
4.1.4 Durability
4.2 Principles of limit state design
4.3 Basic variables
4.3.1 Actions, temperature- and time-dependent effects General
53 Temperature-dependent effects Time-dependent effects
54 4.3.2 Material and product properties
4.3.3 Geometrical properties
4.4 Verification by the partial factor method
4.4.1 Design values of actions
4.4.2 Design values of material properties
4.4.3 Design values of geometrical properties
55 4.4.4 Design resistances
56 4.4.5 Partial factors for materials
57 4.4.6 Partial factors for resistance models
58 4.4.7 Nominal conversion factors General
59 Temperature
60 Moisture
61 4.4.8 Creep effects
63 4.5 Design assisted by testing
64 5 Materials
5.1 Glass transition temperature
5.2 Composite materials
5.2.1 Raw materials: fibres, resins, additives and fillers
65 5.2.2 Material properties
66 5.3 Core materials
68 5.4 Adhesives
69 6 Durability
6.1 General
70 6.2 Environmental conditions
71 6.3 Effects and measures for specific environmental conditions
6.3.1 Thermal effects
72 6.3.2 Moisture
73 6.3.3 Chemicals
6.3.4 UV radiation
74 6.4 Effects of combined environmental conditions
6.5 Measures for connections and joints
75 7 Structural analysis
7.1 Structural modelling for analysis
7.1.1 General
76 7.1.2 Laminates
7.1.3 Profiles
7.1.4 Sandwich panels General
81 Face sheets Core
7.1.5 Joints
82 7.1.6 Hybrid-composite structures
7.2 Global analysis
7.2.1 General
7.2.2 Consideration of second-order effects
83 7.2.3 Methods of analysis for ultimate limit states design
84 7.3 Imperfections
7.3.1 Basis
7.3.2 Sway imperfections for global analysis of frames
87 7.3.3 Bow and local imperfections for member analysis
88 7.4 Methods of analysis
7.4.1 General
7.4.2 Analytical models General Laminates Profiles Sandwich panels
89 7.4.3 Finite element models General Laminates Profiles Sandwich panels
90 8 Ultimate limit states
8.1 General
8.2 Ultimate limit states of laminates
8.2.1 General
91 8.2.2 In-plane axial stresses In-plane axial tensile stresses In-plane axial compressive stresses
93 8.2.3 In-plane shear stresses
94 8.2.4 In-plane bending stresses
95 8.2.5 Out-of-plane bending stresses
96 8.2.6 Interlaminar shear stresses
8.2.7 Out-of-plane tensile stresses
97 8.2.8 Stress concentrations due to localized forces
8.2.9 Combined stresses
98 8.3 Ultimate limit states of profiles
8.3.1 General
99 8.3.2 Axial force Axial tension
100 Axial compression
101 8.3.3 Bending
103 8.3.4 Shear
105 8.3.5 Transverse compression
8.3.6 Torsion
107 8.3.7 Combination of axial force and bending Combination of axial tension and bending
108 Combination of axial compression and bending
109 8.3.8 Combination of bending and shear
8.4 Ultimate limit states of sandwich panels
8.4.1 General
111 8.4.2 Face sheet Face sheet tensile failure
112 Face sheet crushing Face sheet wrinkling
113 Face sheet local buckling
114 8.4.3 Core Core shear failure
115 Core in-plane tensile or compressive failure
116 Core out-of-plane tensile or compressive failure
118 Core indentation
119 Core punching failure
120 8.4.4 Web Web shear failure
121 Web wrinkling due to shear
122 Web local buckling due to shear
123 Web in-plane bending failure
124 Web wrinkling due to in-plane bending
125 Web local buckling due to in-plane bending Web crushing due to transverse compression
127 Web wrinkling due to transverse compression
128 Web local buckling due to transverse compression
8.4.5 Interface Face sheet/core delamination
129 8.4.6 Sandwich panel Global buckling
130 8.5 Creep rupture
133 9 Serviceability limit states
9.1 General
9.2 Deflections
135 9.3 Vibrations
136 9.4 Matrix cracking
10 Fatigue
10.1 General
137 10.2 Fatigue actions
10.3 Fatigue verification
138 10.4 Fatigue testing
10.4.1 General
139 10.4.2 Bridge decks and slab bridges
140 11 Detailing
11.1 General
11.2 Profiles
11.3 Sandwich panels and member laminates
142 11.4 Bolted connections
145 11.5 Adhesive connections
12 Connections and joints
12.1 General rules
146 12.2 Bolted connections
12.2.1 General
147 12.2.2 Design criteria for bolted connections
148 12.2.3 Bolted connections subjected to in-plane actions
149 Net-tension failure
154 Pin-bearing failure
156 Shear-out failure
159 Block-shear failure
162 Bolt shear failure Slip resistant bolted connections
12.2.4 Bolted connections subjected to out-of-plane actions Pull-out failure
164 Bolt failure in tension Bolted connections subjected to in- and out-of-plane forces
165 12.3 Bolted joints
12.3.1 General
12.3.2 Shear failure of web cleat joints
12.3.3 Tying force failure of web cleat joints
167 12.4 Adhesive joints and connections
12.4.1 General
12.4.2 Design principles
12.4.3 Joint and connection design
168 12.4.4 Analysis
12.4.5 Resistance verification General
169 Design assisted by testing Design based on stress analysis
171 Design based on fracture mechanics
172 12.5 Hybrid joints and connections
173 Annex A (informative)Creep coefficients
A.1 Use of this annex
A.2 Scope and field of application
A.3 Pultruded composite profiles
174 A.4 Composite laminates
A.5 Core materials
176 Annex B (informative)Indicative values of material properties for preliminary design
B.1 Use of this annex
B.2 Scope and field of application
B.3 General
B.4 Fibres
177 B.5 Resins
178 B.6 Core materials
180 B.7 Ply properties
B.7.1 General
B.7.2 Indicative values for ply stiffness properties
B.7.2.1 UD plies
181 B.7.2.2 Bi-directional plies
182 B.7.2.3 Mat plies
183 B.7.3 Indicative values for ply strength properties
185 B.7.4 Coefficient of linear thermal expansion for plies
187 B.7.5 Thermal conductivity of plies
188 B.7.6 Swelling of plies
189 B.7.7 Failure criteria for plies
190 B.8 Laminate properties
B.8.1 General
B.8.2 Stiffness and strength
192 B.8.3 Coefficients of linear thermal expansion
193 Annex C (normative)Buckling of orthotropic laminates and profiles
C.1 Use of this annex
C.2 Scope and field of application
C.3 General
194 C.4 Elastic buckling of orthotropic laminates
C.4.1 Scope
C.4.2 Orthotropic symmetrical laminates
C.4.2.1 Compression
196 C.4.2.2 Shear
197 C.4.2.3 In-plane bending
198 C.5 Elastic buckling of profiles
C.5.1 Scope
C.5.2 Profiles with double symmetric cross-sections subjected to compression
202 C.5.3 Profiles with angle, cruciform and tee cross-sections subjected to compression
205 C.5.4 Profiles with double symmetric cross-sections subjected to major-axis bending
212 C.5.5 Local buckling of double symmetric profiles considering the rotational restraint at web-flange junctions
C.5.5.1 General
C.5.5.2 Profiles subjected to compression
214 C.5.5.3 Profiles subjected to major-axis bending
217 Annex D (normative)Structural fire design
D.1 Use of this annex
D.2 Scope and field of application
D.3 Assumptions
D.4 Basis of design
D.4.1 General
218 D.4.2 Nominal fire exposure
D.4.3 Physically based fire exposure
219 D.4.4 Actions
D.4.5 Design values of materials properties
220 D.4.6 Verification methods
D.4.7 Member analysis
221 D.4.8 Analysis of parts of the structures
D.4.9 Global structural analysis
D.4.10 Fire protection measures
222 D.5 Material properties
D.5.1 General
D.5.2 Thermal properties
D.5.2.1 Emissivity coefficient
223 D.5.2.2 Thermal conductivity
D.5.2.3 Specific heat
224 D.5.2.4 Density
226 D.5.3 Mechanical properties
D.5.3.1 Strength and stiffness properties
231 D.5.3.2 Thermal expansion coefficient
D.5.4 Fire protection materials
D.6 Tabulated design data
D.6.1 General
232 D.7 Simplified design methods
D.7.1 General
D.8 Advanced design methods
D.8.1 General
D.8.2 Thermal analysis
233 D.8.3 Mechanical analysis
D.8.4 Validation of advanced design methods
234 Annex E (informative)Bridge details
E.1 Use of this annex
E.2 Scope and field of application
E.3 General
E.4 Bridge bearings
E.5 Expansion joints
236 E.6 Parapets
E.7 Adhesive deck-girder connections
E.8 Crash barrier fixations
238 Bibliography
BSI PD CEN/TS 19101:2022