AS 5300:2019
Australian Fish Names Standard
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
AS | 2019-06-24 | 185 |
Use of standard fish names in Australia, as defined in this Standard, achieves outcomes that are consistent with the aims of industry and governments:
– Improved monitoring and stock assessment enhance the sustainability of fisheries resources;
– Increased efficiency in seafood marketing improves consumer confidence and industry profitability;
– Improved accuracy in trade descriptions enables consumers to make better informed choices when purchasing seafood and reduces the potential for misleading and deceptive conduct;
– Seafood related public health incidents and food safety risks can be more efficiently managed through improved labelling and species identification;
– Marketability and consumer acceptability of species are enhanced through the use of standard fish names.
The Australian Fish Names Standard includes agreed names for over 600 commercially important domestic and imported species of fish, and over 5,000 other domestic finfish, crustacean, molluscan shellfish, and other invertebrates.
The process of assigning these agreed names drew on the expertise of several of the world’s best fisheries taxonomists and other key stakeholders.
The Fisheries Research & Development Corporation was accredited as a Standards Development Organisation in 2013 and continued responsibility for the maintenance and ongoing development of this standard.
The FRDC has given autonomy to the Fish Names Committee for the development and maintenance of this Standard which is underpinned by rigorous policies and procedures that have been developed by the FRDC.