BS EN 16303:2020
Road restraint systems. Validation and verification process for the use of virtual testing in crash testing against vehicle restraint system
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
BSI | 2020 | 88 |
This document defines the accuracy, credibility and confidence in the results of virtual crash test to vehicle restraint systems through the definition of procedures for verification, validation and development of numerical models for roadside safety application. Finally it defines a list of indications to ensure the competences of an expert/organization in the domain of virtual testing.
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PDF Pages | PDF Title |
2 | undefined |
9 | 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions |
10 | 4 Symbols and abbreviations |
11 | 5 Requirements for numerical vehicle model 5.1 Modelling |
12 | 5.2 General vehicle model behaviour assessment 5.3 Test methodology 5.3.1 General 5.3.2 Test description Compulsory test |
15 | Additional test 5.4 Verification 5.5 Reporting 6 Requirements for numerical model of vehicle restraint system 6.1 Modelling |
16 | 6.2 Validation and verification 6.3 Reporting 7 Requirements for numerical model of passive safety device 7.1 Modelling 7.2 Validation and verification 7.3 Reporting 8 Requirements for validation of virtual testing against test item 8.1 General |
17 | 8.2 Test specifications 8.2.1 Safety barriers General Containment category Impact severity Deformation of safety barrier 8.2.2 Crash cushions General Restraint category Impact severity Deformation of crash cushion Vehicle redirection zone 8.2.3 Terminals General |
18 | Restraint category Impact severity Deformation of terminals Vehicle redirection zone 8.2.4 Passive safety device General Test method Detached elements and penetration Vehicle behaviour Impact severity Energy absorption categories Classes of occupant safety Additional requirements for cantilever and gantry sign supports |
19 | 8.3 Comparison tables 8.3.1 General |
21 | 8.3.2 Additional Comparison table for cars 8.3.3 Dynamic deflection for safety barrier |
22 | 8.3.4 Working width for safety barrier 8.3.5 Vehicle intrusion for safety barrier |
23 | 8.3.6 Lateral displacements for crash cushion and terminals 8.3.7 Comparison between final shapes of test item |
24 | 8.3.8 Severity indices 8.3.9 Vehicle motion time histories 8.4 Reporting |
25 | 9 Requirements for verification of virtual testing against vehicle restraint systems and passive safety devices 9.1 General 9.2 Finite element model verification 9.3 Multi-body model verification |
26 | 9.4 Standard report and output parameters |
27 | Annex A (normative)Virtual testing – Template for report A.1 General A.2 Verification and validation report A.2.1 General A.2.2 Validation report cover A.2.3 Verification and Validation report indices |
28 | A.2.4 Person/group performing VT A.2.5 Client A.2.6 Software A.2.7 Verification and validation A.2.7.1 General information |
29 | A.2.8 Test item CAD/drawings A.2.9 Numerical models A.2.9.1 General A.2.9.2 Numerical models reference system |
30 | A.2.9.3 Test item numerical model |
31 | A.2.9.4 Vehicle numerical model |
32 | A.2.9.5 Boundary and initial conditions A.2.10 Experimental tests A.2.11 Numerical simulations |
35 | A.2.12 Verification and validation conclusions A.2.13 Annexes A.2.13.1 General statements A.2.13.2 Drawings |
36 | A.2.13.3 Other simulations results A.2.13.4 Verification and validation report of the vehicle model A.3 New performance report A.3.1 General A.3.2 New performance report cover |
37 | A.3.3 New performance report indices A.3.4 Person/group performing VT A.3.5 Client A.3.6 Software A.3.7 New performance A.3.7.1 General information |
38 | A.3.8 Test item CAD/drawings A.3.9 Numerical models A.3.9.1 General A.3.9.2 Numerical models reference system |
39 | A.3.9.3 Test item numerical models A.3.9.4 Vehicle numerical models |
40 | A.3.9.5 Boundary and initial conditions A.3.10 Numerical simulations |
42 | A.3.11 New performance conclusions A.3.12 Annexes A.3.12.1 General statements A.3.12.2 Drawings |
43 | A.3.12.3 Other simulation results |
44 | Annex B (normative)Requirements for the entity (person/group) performing and verifying VT activities |
46 | Annex C (normative)Validation procedures of a vehicle for crash test analysis C.1 General C.2 Vehicle setup – Idle test (Test 1.1) C.3 Vehicle suspension and steering kinematics C.3.1 Isolated suspensions system (constrained vehicle) – full compression and full extension (Test 2.1 and 2.2) |
47 | C.3.2 Isolated steering system (constrained vehicle) – full rotation both side (Test 2.3) |
48 | C.4 Vehicle handling C.4.1 Linear track (Test 3.1) C.4.2 Test on curvilinear track (Test 3.2) C.4.3 Step test (Test 3.3) C.5 Vehicle crashworthiness – Test against rigidwall / rigid pole (Test 4.1 and 4.2) |
49 | Annex D (informative)Considerations on the modelling techniques of a vehicle D.1 General D.2 General scheme of a vehicle |
50 | D.3 Vehicle validation considerations |
51 | D.4 Step by step development of a vehicle for crash test analysis |
52 | Annex E (informative)Recommendations and criteria for finite element vehicle models addressed to virtual testing E.1 Components to be modelled E.1.1 Frame E.1.2 Vehicle body E.1.3 Suspensions |
53 | E.1.4 Wheels |
54 | E.1.5 Steering system |
55 | E.2 Model organization E.2.1 General consideration |
57 | E.2.2 Guidelines for the development of a modular model |
58 | E.3 General recommendations for the material of finite element vehicle models addressed to virtual testing E.3.1 Material constitutive laws E.3.2 Strain rate effect E.3.3 Model prediction E.3.4 New constitutive law |
59 | E.4 General recommendations for the mesh of finite element vehicle models addressed to virtual testing E.4.1 General E.4.2 2D-mesh specifications – General recommendations E.4.3 Criteria for the definition of geometric details E.4.3.1 Holes and slots |
60 | E.4.3.2 Fillets and radii of curvature E.4.3.3 Drawings and relieves E.4.4 Mesh features |
61 | E.4.5 Welding and connections E.4.5.1 Spot-welding E.4.5.2 Seam welding |
62 | E.4.5.3 Bonded joints E.4.5.4 Bolted joints E.4.5.5 3D-mesh specifications – Mesh features |
63 | Annex F (informative)Recommendations and criteria for multi-body vehicle models addressed to virtual testing F.1 Multi-body models F.2 General requirements F.3 Modelling requirements |
64 | F.4 Model organization F.4.1 General consideration F.4.2 Vehicle body model |
65 | F.4.3 Steering system F.4.4 Suspension |
70 | F.4.5 Wheels |
76 | F.5 General recommendations for the material of multi-body-element vehicle models addressed to virtual crash test F.5.1 Material F.5.2 Strain rate effect F.5.3 Model prediction |
77 | Annex G (informative)Considerations on the modelling techniques of a vehicle restraint system G.1 General G.2 Finite element and multi-body approaches |
78 | G.3 Finite element guidelines G.4 Multi-body guidelines G.5 Step by step development of a vehicle restraint system G.5.1 Components to be modelled |
79 | G.5.2 Material models G.5.3 Material modelling for virtual testing using FEA G.5.4 Material modelling for multi-body simulations |
80 | G.6 Verification of the model G.6.1 General G.6.2 Basic requirements G.6.3 Model verification and proof of performance G.6.4 Finite element model G.6.5 Multi-body model |
81 | G.6.6 Full-scale dynamic testing and simulated crash testing G.6.7 Failure mode reproduction capability G.6.8 Collection data |
82 | Annex H (informative)Recommendations and criteria for finite element vehicle restraint system models addressed to virtual testing H.1 Material recommendations for finite element vehicle restraint system models addressed to virtual testing H.2 General recommendations for the mesh of finite element vehicle restraint system models addressed to virtual testing H.3 2D-mesh specifications H.3.1 General recommendations H.3.2 Mesh features |
83 | H.4 Welding and connections H.4.1 Spot-welding H.4.2 Seam-welding H.4.3 Bonded joint H.4.4 Bolted joint H.5 3D-mesh specifications – Mesh features |
84 | Annex I (informative)Recommendations and criteria for multi-body vehicle restraint system models addressed to virtual crash testing I.1 Introduction I.2 Welding and connections I.3 Model validation |
85 | Annex J (informative)Failure modes |