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BSI PD CEN/TS 17273:2018:2019 Edition


Nanotechnologies. Guidance on detection and identification of nano-objects in complex matrices

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
BSI 2019 66
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This document sets requirements for sampling and treatment of the complex matrices in order to obtain a liquid dispersion with sufficiently high concentration of the nano-objects of interest. This document provides guidelines for detection and identification of specific nano-objects in complex matrices, such as liquid environmental compartments, waste water and consumer products (e.g. food, cosmetics). This document requires for the identification a priori knowledge of the nature of the nano-objects like their chemical composition. The selected detection and identification methods are based on a combination of size classification and chemical composition analysis. Identification can also be supported, e.g. by additional morphology characterization. Currently only Field Flow Fractionation, Electron Microscopy and single particle Inductively Coupled Plasma – Mass Spectrometry fulfil this combination condition.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
2 undefined
7 Introduction
9 1 Scope
2 Normative references
10 3 Terms and definitions
11 4 Symbols and abbreviations
13 5 Possible tasks and measuring techniques
5.1 Examples for detection and identification tasks in complex matrices
5.2 Overview of measurement techniques
14 6 Guidance on sample preparation, particle detection and identification of nano-objects in complex matrices
6.1 Approach for “Detection and Identification of a relevant population of nano-objects based on a priori knowledge” (guidance chart)
17 6.2 Information about the targeted nano-objects
18 6.3 Information about the sample matrix
6.4 Sample Preparation Process Quality assessment
6.4.1 Suspension, dispersion with recovery evaluation and property assessment
6.4.2 Initial size distribution measurement and mass concentration measurement of all isolated nano-objects
20 6.5 Measurement of the targeted nano-objects and evaluation
7 Selected measuring techniques for the detection and identification of nano-objects
7.1 Field-Flow-Fractionation (FFF) technique
7.1.1 General
21 7.1.2 Fractionation principle and theory — Fractionation principle
22 7.1.3 Detection principle
23 7.1.4 Performance
24 7.1.5 Sample preparation
25 7.1.6 Analysis report and interpretation of results
7.2 Electron Microscopy (EM) technique
7.2.1 General
26 7.2.2 Measuring principle of Electron Microscopy General Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Scanning Electron Microscopy including Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
27 7.2.3 Performance of Electron Microscopy
28 7.2.4 Specimen preparation for Electron Microscopy
29 7.2.5 Interpretation of Electron Microscopy results
30 7.3 Single particle Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spetrometry (spICP-MS)
7.3.1 Measuring principle
7.3.2 Performance
32 7.3.3 Sample preparation
7.3.4 Interpretation of results
34 8 List of reporting requirements on sample preparation, detection and identification of nano-objects in complex matrixes
8.1 General reporting
8.2 Sample preparation reporting, explained in Clause 6
35 8.3 Measurement reporting, explained in Clause 7
36 Annex A (informative)Indicative ranges of size and concentration of selected measuring techniques
38 Annex B (normative)Theory of F4 separations, precautions when separating broad particle size distributions and sample preparation
B.1 Theory of F4 separations
39 B.2 F4 calibration using F4 theory or external references
41 B.3 Approaches to prepare complex samples for FFF
43 Annex C (informative)Example: Analysis of the release of particles from the coating of silver-coloured pearls by a combination of descriptive TEM analysis, electron diffraction, analytical TEM and quantitative TEM
C.1 Approach and methodology
44 C.2 Results
47 Annex D (informative)Example: Single particle ICP-MS for sizing and quantitative determination of nano-silver in chicken meat
D.1 Introduction
D.2 Method Description
D.2.1 Materials and Methods
D.2.2 Sample Preparation
D.2.3 Instrumental Analysis
48 D.2.4 Data Processing
D.3 Results and Discussion
D.3.1 Sample enzymatic digestion: soft conditions to preserve particle characteristics
49 D.3.2 Study Design and Results of Validation
D.3.3 Repeatability, reproducibility, and trueness
50 D.3.4 Linearity and LOD/LOQ, Robustness, specificity/selectivity
52 Annex E (informative)Overview of alternative detection methods
E.1 General
53 E.2 Particle Tracking Analysis (PTA)
54 E.3 Tracer methods by using stable isotopic labelled nano-objects
55 E.4 HyperSpectral Imaging System (HSIS) by scattering in a dark-field background
E.5 Size evaluation by UV-vis spectroscopy
E.6 Sizing nano-objects in liquids using differential mobility analysing system (DMAS)
56 E.7 Laser-Induced Breakdown Detection (LIBD)
57 E.8 Hydrodynamic chromatography ICP-MS (HDC-ICP-MS) and size exclusion ICP-MS (SEC-ICP-MS)
BSI PD CEN/TS 17273:2018