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BSI PD CLC/TS 50568-4:2015


Electricity metering data exchange – Lower layer PLC profile using SMITP B-PSK modulation

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BSI 2015 54
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This Technical Specification specifies the characteristics of the profile related to Physical and Data Link Layers for communications on LV distribution network between a Concentrator (master node) and one or more slave nodes.

The following prescriptions are applied to groups of devices that communicate using low voltage network. Each section of the network is composed by one Concentrator (acting as the master of the section), and one or more primary nodes (A-Nodes). Every A-Node can optionally be associated to one secondary node (B-Node).

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PDF Pages PDF Title
8 Foreword
9 Introduction
10 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions, acronyms and notations
3.1 Terms and definitions
3.2 Acronyms
11 3.3 Notations
4 Overview
4.1 Communication characterization on LV network
13 4.2 Communication architecture
4.2.1 Overview
4.2.2 LLC sub-layer
4.2.3 MAC sub-layer
14 4.2.4 Physical Layer Introduction
15 Modulation and modes
4.2.5 Protocol’s architecture for LV nodes communication
16 4.3 Requests priority and slave nodes scanning
4.4 Communication disciplines
4.4.1 Service classes
17 4.4.2 Timers
18 4.4.3 Discipline types Disciplines of class S
19 Disciplines of class R
21 Disciplines of class RC
22 RCx discipline with repeaters
5 LLC sub layer
5.1 Primitives and services
5.1.1 DL_Data.request Function Structure
23 Use
5.1.2 DL_Data.confirm Function Structure
24 Use
5.1.3 DL_DATA.indication Function Structure Use
5.2 LLC protocol data unit structure
5.2.1 LLC_PDU format
25 5.2.2 Control field
5.2.3 Address field
5.2.4 Invalid L_PDU
5.3 LLC procedures
5.3.1 Procedure for addressing
5.3.2 Information transmission
5.3.3 Information Reception
5.3.4 Length of an PDU
26 6 MAC sub layer
6.1 Primitives and services
6.1.1 Primitives
28 6.1.2 Service classes
29 6.2 Frame Structure
6.2.1 General
30 6.2.2 Frame length (LT)
6.2.3 Address (ADDR)
6.2.4 Control (CTL)
31 6.2.5 Repetition Parameters (RP) General RP field in RIP frames
32 RP field in CRP frames
6.2.6 Information (INF)
6.2.7 Frame checking sequence (SVT)
6.2.8 Example of frame types
33 6.3 Procedures
6.3.1 Frame filtering
34 6.3.2 Phase detection
6.3.3 Repetition General Example of repetition procedures
38 Repetition control
40 7 Physical Layer
7.1 Overview
7.2 P_frame Structure
7.2.1 General
41 7.2.2 Preamble (PRE)
7.2.3 Unique word (UW)
7.2.4 Mode
7.2.5 P_payload
7.3 Modulation
42 7.4 Encoder
7.4.1 General
7.4.2 Convolutional Encoder
43 7.4.3 Convolutional Interleaver
45 7.5 P_Data services
7.5.1 General
7.5.2 P_Data.request
7.5.3 P_Data.confirm
7.5.4 P_Data.indication
46 Annex A (informative) SCA address configuration
A.1 Structure of the SCA and ACA addresses
48 Annex B (informative) Disciplines
B.1 Discipline timers configuration
50 Annex C (informative) Details on message bit coding
C.1 Example of bit coding
51 Annex D (normative) SMITP-BPSK specific definitions
D.1 Management of reserved elements
D.2 ECTL (Extended control) structure
BSI PD CLC/TS 50568-4:2015