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BSI PD CLC/TS 50701:2023 – TC


Tracked Changes. Railway applications. Cybersecurity

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BSI 2023 369
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This document provides railway operators, system integrators and product suppliers, with guidance and specifications on how cybersecurity will be managed in the context of EN 50126 1 RAMS lifecycle process. This document aims at the implementation of a consistent approach to the management of the security of the railway systems. This document can also be applied to the security assurance of systems and components/equipment developed independently of EN 50126 1:2017. This document applies to Communications, Signalling and Processing domain, to Rolling Stock and to Fixed Installations domains. It provides references to models and concepts from which requirements and recommendations can be derived and that are suitable to ensure that the residual risk from security threats is identified, supervised and managed to an acceptable level by the railway system duty holder. It presents the underlying security assumptions in a structured manner. This document does not address functional safety requirements for railway systems but rather additional requirements arising from threats and related security vulnerabilities and for which specific measures and activities need to be taken and managed throughout the lifecycle. The aim of this document is to ensure that the RAMS characteristics of railway systems / subsystems / equipment cannot be reduced, lost or compromised in the case of cyber attacks. The security models, the concepts and the risk assessment process described in this document are based on or derived from the IEC/EN IEC 62443 series. This document is consistent with the application of security management requirements contained within IEC 62443 2 1, which in turn are based on EN ISO/IEC 27001 and EN ISO 27002.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
208 undefined
216 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions
232 3.2 Abbreviations
235 4 Railway system overview
4.1 Introduction
236 4.2 Railway asset model
237 4.3 Railway physical architecture model
238 4.4 High-level railway zone model
240 5 Cybersecurity within a railway application lifecycle
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Railway application and product lifecycles
5.3 Activities, synchronization, and deliverables
244 5.4 Cybersecurity context and cybersecurity management plan
5.5 Relationship between cybersecurity and essential functions
5.5.1 General
5.5.2 Defence in depth
245 5.5.3 Security-related application conditions
246 5.5.4 Interfaces between cybersecurity and design team
5.5.5 Interfaces between the safety and the cybersecurity processes Principles
247 Possible implementation through high level cybersecurity objectives
249 5.6 Cybersecurity assurance process
250 6 System definition and initial risk assessment
6.1 Introduction
251 6.2 Identification of the system under consideration
6.2.1 Definition of the SuC
6.2.2 Overall functional description
6.2.3 Access to the SuC
252 6.2.4 Essential functions
6.2.5 Assets supporting the essential functions
6.2.6 Threat landscape
253 6.3 Initial risk assessment
6.3.1 Impact assessment
254 6.3.2 Likelihood assessment
255 6.3.3 Risk evaluation
6.4 Partitioning of the SuC
6.4.1 Criteria for zones and conduits breakdown
256 6.4.2 Process for zones and conduits breakdown
257 6.5 Output and documentation
6.5.1 Description of the system under consideration
6.5.2 Documentation of the initial risk assessment
6.5.3 Definition of zones and conduits
7 Detailed risk assessment
7.1 General aspects
259 7.2 Establishment of cybersecurity requirements
7.2.1 General
260 7.2.2 Threat identification and vulnerability identification Overview Objectives
261 Activities/ Requirement or Recommendation
262 Deliverables
7.2.3 Vulnerability identification Overview Objectives Activities / requirement or recommendation Deliverables
263 7.2.4 Risk acceptance principles General Application of codes of practice Reference systems
264 Deliverables
7.2.5 Derivation of SL-T by explicit risk evaluation
266 7.2.6 Determine initial SL Overview
267 Objectives Activities / Requirement or Recommendation Deliverables
7.2.7 Determine countermeasures from EN IEC 6244333 Overview Objectives
268 Activities / Requirement or Recommendation Deliverables
7.2.8 Risk estimation and evaluation Overview
269 Objectives Activities / requirement or recommendation Deliverables
7.2.9 Determine security level target Overview
270 Objectives Activities / Requirement or Recommendation Deliverables
7.2.10 Cybersecurity requirements specification for zones and conduits
271 8 Cybersecurity requirements
8.1 Objectives
8.2 System security requirements
287 8.3 Apportionment of cybersecurity requirements
8.3.1 Objectives
288 8.3.2 Break down of system requirements to subsystem level
8.3.3 System requirement allocation at component level
289 8.3.4 Specific consideration for implementation of cybersecurity requirement on components
8.3.5 Requirement breakdown structure as verification
8.3.6 Compensating countermeasures
291 9 Cybersecurity assurance and system acceptance for operation
9.1 Overview
292 9.2 Cybersecurity case
293 9.3 Cybersecurity verification
9.3.1 General
9.3.2 Cybersecurity integration and verification
295 9.3.3 Assessment of results
9.4 Cybersecurity validation
296 9.5 Cybersecurity system acceptance
9.5.1 Independence
9.5.2 Objectives
9.5.3 Activities
9.5.4 Cybersecurity handover
297 10 Operational, maintenance and disposal requirements
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Vulnerability management
298 10.3 Security patch management
10.3.1 General
299 10.3.2 Patching systems while ensuring operational requirements
302 Annex A (informative)Handling conduits
A.1 Introduction
303 A.2 Requirements for conduits in EN IEC 62443
A.3 Protection profiles for conduits
305 Annex B (informative)Handling legacy systems
B.1 Introduction
B.2 Basic security risks
B.2.1 Denial of service attacks and vulnerability exploits
B.2.2 Impersonation attack
306 B.3 Basic process activities
B.3.1 General
B.3.2 Zoning
B.3.3 Defence in depth
307 B.3.4 Basic risk analysis
B.3.5 (Re-)Commissioning
B.3.6 Site acceptance test (SAT)
308 B.3.7 Operation
B.3.8 Training of personnel
B.3.9 Asset inventory
B.4 Basic security countermeasures
B.4.1 General
B.4.2 Protect installation
309 B.4.3 Regular inspection of installation
B.4.4 Closed network / perimeter protection
B.4.5 Network segmentation / restricted data flow
B.4.6 Network management system
310 B.4.7 Intrusion detection / SIEM
B.4.8 Virtual private networks (VPN)
B.4.9 Redundant communication
B.4.10 Security gateway
B.4.11 Handling mobile devices
311 Annex C (informative)Cybersecurity design principles
C.1 Introduction
C.2 Secure the weakest link
313 C.3 Defence-in-depth
315 C.4 Fail secure
316 C.5 Grant least privilege
318 C.6 Economize mechanism
321 C.7 Authenticate requests
322 C.8 Control access
325 C.9 Assume secrets not safe
326 C.10 Make security usable
328 C.11 Promote privacy
329 C.12 Audit and monitor
331 C.13 Proportionality principle
332 C.14 Precautionary principle
334 C.15 Continuous protection
335 C.16 Secure metadata
336 C.17 Secure defaults
338 C.18 Trusted components
340 Annex D (informative)Safety and security
D.1 Introduction
D.2 The differences between safety and security
341 D.3 Security from a safety perspective
D.4 Co-engineering of safety and security
342 D.5 Quantification of security
D.6 The relationship between safety integrity levels and security levels
343 D.7 Responsibility for security
344 Annex E (informative)Risk acceptance methods
E.1 Introduction
E.2 Example based on EN 501261
E.2.1 Introduction
E.2.2 Impact assessment
345 E.2.3 Likelihood assessment
346 E.2.4 Risk acceptance
E.2.5 Justification
E.3 Example method – system integrator
E.3.1 Introduction
347 E.3.2 Impact assessment
E.3.3 Likelihood assessment
348 E.3.4 Risk acceptance
349 E.3.5 Justification
E.4 Example method – infrastructure manager
E.4.1 Introduction
E.4.2 Impact assessment
350 E.4.3 Likelihood assessment
E.4.4 Risk acceptance
351 E.4.5 Justification
352 Annex F (informative) Railway architecture and zoning
F.1 Glossary to railway system overview
354 F.2 Zoning examples
F.2.1 Introduction
355 F.2.2 Landside (fixed installations and signalling)
F.2.2.1 Zone criticality
359 F.2.2.2 Zoning and segmentation
360 F.2.2.3 Communication rules
361 F.2.3 Rolling stock
F.2.3.1 Zone criticality, zoning and segmentation
F.2.3.2 Zone criticality and communication matrix in the rolling stock domain
362 F.2.3.3 Communication rules
364 F.2.4 Communication rules between rolling stock and landside
F.2.4.1 Rolling stock and landside mapping table
367 F.2.4.2 General rules
F.2.4.3 Rules for business IT
F.2.4.4 Rules for operational technology (OT)
369 Annex G (informative)Cybersecurity deliverables content
G.1 Introduction
G.2 Cybersecurity management plan
370 G.3 Cybersecurity case
BSI PD CLC/TS 50701:2023 - TC