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BSI PD IEC TS 62862-2-1:2021


Solar thermal electric plants – Thermal energy storage systems. Characterization of active, sensible systems for direct and indirect configurations

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BSI 2021 52
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This document defines the requirements and the test methods for the characterization of thermal energy storage (TES) systems.

This document contains the information necessary for determining the performance and functional characteristics of active direct and indirect thermal energy storage systems based on sensible heat in solar thermal power plants using parabolic-trough collector, Fresnel collector or tower central receiver technology with liquid storage media.

This document includes characterization procedures for testing energy storage system charge and discharge, as well as reporting the results. Test performance requirements are given and the instrumentation necessary for them, as well as data acquisition and processing methods and methods for calculating the results and their uncertainties.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
2 undefined
10 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
11 4 Symbols and abbreviated terms
Table 1 – List of symbols and units
Table 2 – List of subscripts, superscripts and abbreviated terms
12 5 Thermal energy storage (TES) systems
5.1 Classification of TES systems
5.2 TES systems covered by this document
5.3 TES system limits
5.4 Key components
13 6 Instrumentation and measurement methods
6.1 General
6.2 Flow rate measurements
6.3 Temperature measurements
6.3.1 Heat transfer fluid temperatures
14 6.3.2 Wall temperatures
6.4 Level measurements
6.5 Meteorological signal measurements
6.5.1 Wind speed and direction
6.5.2 Ambient temperature
15 6.6 Data acquisition
7 General requirements on tests
7.1 General
7.2 Test procedure
7.2.1 General
16 7.2.2 Items to be included in the test procedure
7.2.3 Items to be agreed between the parties
17 7.3 Definition of the test included in this document
7.3.1 General
7.3.2 Test to determine the thermal efficiency of the storage system
7.3.3 Test to determine the heat capacity of the storage system
18 7.3.4 Test to determine the thermal losses of the storage system
7.3.5 Test to determine the global losses of the storage system
7.3.6 Test to determine the wall temperature
Figure 1 – Agreed duration between two charges
19 7.4 Test boundaries
Figure 2 – General typical diagram of the system and test boundaries for indirect TES systems
20 8 Storage system characterization (storage thermal performance and capacity)
8.1 Thermal efficiency and storage capacity (storage thermal performance and capacity)
8.1.1 Test methodology
Figure 3 – General typical diagram of the system and test boundaries for direct TES systems
21 8.1.2 Calculation procedure
25 8.2 Thermal losses of the storage system
8.2.1 Test methodology
8.2.2 Calculation procedure
26 8.3 Global energy losses of the storage system
8.3.1 General
8.3.2 Test methodology
27 8.3.3 Calculation procedure
9 Verification procedure
28 Table 3 – Levels of confidence and associated coverage factors (Gaussian distribution)
29 10 Test report (results)
Figure 4 – Examples of criteria for comparison of the measurement (M) and the reference value (RV)
30 Annex A (informative)Thermal energy storage system types
A.1 Thermal energy storage modes
A.1.1 General
A.1.2 Sensible heat storage
A.1.3 Latent heat storage
31 A.1.4 Thermochemical energy storage
A.2 TES configuration
A.3 Circulation of the storage medium
33 Annex B (informative)Description of the main components of the active direct/indirect TES using molten salts
B.1 Storage media
B.2 Tanks and foundation
B.2.1 Tanks
34 B.2.2 Foundations
B.2.3 Insulation
B.3 Materials
35 B.4 Piping
B.5 Pumps
B.6 Heat exchanger
36 B.7 Safety and control system
B.7.1 General
B.7.2 HTF and MSF leak detection system
B.7.3 Instrumentation
B.7.4 Freeze protection system
B.7.4.1 General
37 B.7.4.2 Recirculation of salts from/to the same tank
B.7.4.3 Recirculation through exchangers
B.7.4.4 Recirculation over tanks
B.7.4.5 Electrical heat tracing system
B.7.4.6 Electric heaters
38 B.7.5 Molten salt valves
B.7.6 Blanketing system
B.7.7 Welding of the control system
B.8 Melting system
40 Annex C (normative)Data acquisition and treatment
C.1 Flow signal measurement
41 Table C.1 – Critical range factor, f(nq), depending on the number of sensors, nq, available
42 Table C.2 – Outline of the steps to be followed to calculate the representative flow rate (volumetric) for each time interval recorded
43 C.2 Temperature signals measurement
45 Table C.3 – Outline of steps to be followed to calculate the representative inlet heat transfer fluid temperature for each time interval recorded
46 Annex D (informative)Documentation that should be provided by the TES manufacturer/supplier
48 Annex E (normative)Test report
50 Bibliography
BSI PD IEC TS 62862-2-1:2021