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BSI PD ISO/TS 6336-22:2018 – TC:2020 Edition


Tracked Changes. Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears – Calculation of micropitting load capacity

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BSI 2020 108
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PDF Pages PDF Title
3 National foreword
Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations.
Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication
4 Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears —
8 Foreword
9 Introduction
10 Table 1 — Overview of ISO 6336
11 Calculation of micropitting load capacity of cylindrical spur and helical gears —
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and units
3.1 Terms and definitions
12 3.2 Symbols and units
Table 12 — Symbols and units
15 4 Definition of micropitting
4 Micropitting
5 Basic formulae
5.1 General
16 5.2 Safety factor against micropitting, Sλ
5.3 Local specific lubricant film thickness, λGF,Y
17 a) Method A
b) Method B
5.4 Permissible specific lubricant film thickness, λGFP
a) Method A
18 b) Method B
5.5 Recommendation for the minimum safety factor against micropitting, Sλ,min
20 6 Material parameter, GM
6.1 General
6.16.2 Reduced modulus of elasticity, Er
6.26.3 Pressure viscocity coefficient at bulk temperature, αθM
21 7 VelocityLocal velocity parameter, UY
7.1 General
7.17.2 Sum of tangential velocities, vΣ,Y
22 7.27.3 Dynamic viscosity at bulk temperature, ηθM
7.3.1 General Kinematic viscosity at bulk temperature, νθM
23 Density of the lubricant at bulk temperature, ρθM
8 LoadLocal load parameter, WY
8.1 General
8.18.2 Local Hertzian contact stress, pdyn,Y,A, according to Method A
24 8.28.3 Local Hertzian contact stress, pdyn,Y,B, according to Method B
8.3.1 General Nominal Local nominal Hertzian contact stress, pH,Y,B
25 9 Sliding parameter, SGF,Y
9 Local sliding parameter, SGF,Y
9.1 General
The sliding parameter, SGF,Y
9.19.2 Pressure viscosity coefficient at local contact temperature, αθB,Y
9.29.3 Dynamic viscosity at local contact temperature, ηθB,Y
9.3.1 General
26 Kinematic viscosity at local contact temperature, νθB,Y Density of the lubricant at local contact temperature, ρθB,Y
27 10 Definition of contact point Y on the path of contact
Y =
28 Figure 1 — Definition of contact point Y on the line of action
30 11 Load sharing factor, XY
11.1 General
11.111.2 Spur gears with unmodified profiles
Figure 2 — Load sharing factor for cylindrical spur gears with unmodified profiles and quality grade ≤ 7
32 11.211.3 Spur gears with profile modification
Figure 4 — Load sharing factor for cylindrical spur gears with adequate profile modification
33 Figure 5 — Load sharing factor for cylindrical spur gears with adequate profile modification on the addendum of the driven gearwheel and/or the dedendum of the driving gearpinion
34 Figure 6 — Load sharing factor for cylindrical spur gears with adequate profile modification on the addendum of the driving gearpinion and/or the dedendum of the driven gearwheel
35 11.4 Local buttressing factor, Xbut,Y
Figure 7 — Buttressing Local buttressing factor, Xbut,Y
36 11.411.5 Helical gears with εβ 1≤ 0,8 and unmodified profiles
37 Figure 8 — Load sharing factor forof cylindrical helical gears with εβ 1≤ 0,8 and unmodified profiles, including the buttressing effect
11.511.6 Helical gears with εβ 1≤ 0,8 and profile modification
Figure 9 — Load sharing factor for cylindrical helical gears with εβ 1≤ 0,8 and adequate profile modification
38 11.611.7 Helical gears with εβ ≥ 1,2 and unmodified profiles
Figure 12 — Load sharing factor for cylindrical helical gears with εβ ≥ 1,2 and unmodified profiles
11.711.8 Helical gears with εβ ≥ 1,2 and profile modification
39 Figure 13 — Load sharing factor for cylindrical helical gears with εβ ≥ 1,2 and adequate profile modification
Figure 14 — Load sharing factor for cylindrical helical gears with εβ ≥ 1,2 and adequate profile modification on the addendum of the driven gearwheel and/or the dedendum of the driving gearpinion
40 Figure 14 15 — Load sharing factor for cylindrical helical gears with εβ ≥ 1,2 and adequate profile modification on the addendum of the driven gearpinion and/or the dedendum of the driving gearwheel
41 11.9 Helical gears with 0,8 < εβ < 1,2
12 ContactLocal contact temperature, θB,Y
13 FlashLocal flash temperature, θfl,Y
42 Table 23 — Material properties of steel
14 Bulk temperature, θM
14.1 General
44 14.114.2 Mean coefficient of friction, µm
46 Figure 16 — Helical load factor, KBγ
Table 34 — Lubricant factor, XL
47 14.214.3 Load losses factor, Hv
14.314.4 Tip relief factor, XCa
48 Figure 17 — Tip relief factor, XCa, according to method A
50 Figure 18 — Tip relief factor, XCa, according to Methodmethod B
51 14.4 Lubrication factor, XS
14.5 Lubricant factor, XS
52 (informative)
Figure A.1 — Minimum permissible specific lubricant film thickness for mineral oils as function of nominal lubricant viscosity and failure load stage SKS of the FVA-FZG micropitting test
53 Table A.1 — Material factor, WW
Table A.1 — Material factor, WW
55 Figure B.1 — Minimum permissible specific lubricant film thickness for mineral oils as function of nominal lubricant viscosity and lubricant micro-pitting performance (quality) at oil temperature θoil = 60 C
Figure B.2 — Minimum permissible specific lubricant film thickness for mineral oils as function of nominal lubricant viscosity and lubricant micro-pitting performance (quality) at oil temperature θoil = 90 C
56 Figure B.3 — Minimum permissible specific lubricant film thickness for mineral oils as function of nominal lubricant viscosity and lubricant micro-pitting performance (quality) at oil temperature θoil = 120 C
57 Bibliography
60 National foreword
65 Foreword
66 Introduction
69 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and units
3.1 Terms and definitions
70 3.2 Symbols and units
72 4 Micropitting
73 5 Basic formulae
5.1 General
5.2 Safety factor against micropitting, Sλ
74 5.3 Local specific lubricant film thickness, λGF,Y
75 5.4 Permissible specific lubricant film thickness, λGFP
76 5.5 Recommendation for the minimum safety factor against micropitting, Sλ,min
77 6 Material parameter, GM
6.1 General
78 6.2 Reduced modulus of elasticity, Er
6.3 Pressure viscocity coefficient at bulk temperature, αθM
79 7 Local velocity parameter, UY
7.1 General
7.2 Sum of tangential velocities, vΣ,Y
80 7.3 Dynamic viscosity at bulk temperature, ηθM
7.3.1 General
7.3.2 Kinematic viscosity at bulk temperature, νθM
7.3.3 Density of the lubricant at bulk temperature, ρθM
81 8 Local load parameter, WY
8.1 General
8.2 Local Hertzian contact stress, pdyn,Y,A, according to Method A
82 8.3 Local Hertzian contact stress, pdyn,Y,B, according to Method B
8.3.1 General
8.3.2 Local nominal Hertzian contact stress, pH,Y,B
83 9 Local sliding parameter, SGF,Y
9.1 General
9.2 Pressure viscosity coefficient at local contact temperature, αθB,Y
9.3 Dynamic viscosity at local contact temperature, ηθB,Y
9.3.1 General
9.3.2 Kinematic viscosity at local contact temperature, νθB,Y
84 9.3.3 Density of the lubricant at local contact temperature, ρθB,Y
10 Definition of contact point Y on the path of contact
86 11 Load sharing factor, XY
11.1 General
87 11.2 Spur gears with unmodified profiles
11.3 Spur gears with profile modification
89 11.4 Local buttressing factor, Xbut,Y
90 11.5 Helical gears with εβ ≤ 0,8 and unmodified profiles
91 11.6 Helical gears with εβ ≤ 0,8 and profile modification
11.7 Helical gears with εβ ≥ 1,2 and unmodified profiles
92 11.8 Helical gears with εβ ≥ 1,2 and profile modification
93 11.9 Helical gears with 0,8 < εβ < 1,2
94 12 Local contact temperature, θB,Y
13 Local flash temperature, θfl,Y
95 14 Bulk temperature, θM
14.1 General
96 14.2 Mean coefficient of friction, µm
97 14.3 Load losses factor, Hv
98 14.4 Tip relief factor, XCa
100 14.5 Lubricant factor, XS
101 Annex A (informative) Calculation of the permissible specific lubricant film thickness for oils with a micropitting test result according to FVA-Information Sheet 54/7
103 Annex B (informative) Guideline for reference values of λGFP
106 Bibliography
BSI PD ISO/TS 6336-22:2018 - TC