Personal Wireless Telecommunications Interoperability Standard (PWT) – Part 13: Data Services Access Profiles A and B Class 1
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
TIA | 1998 | 70 |
This section defines profiles for Personal Wireless
Telecommunications (PWT) Interoperability Standard conforming to
ANSI/TIAIEIA 662 1998 [I]to [9]. It is part of a family of profiles
that build upon and extend each other, aimed at the general
connection of terminals supporting non-voice services to a fixed
infrastructure, private and public.
This section specifies a generic frame relay service for use
within closed user groups (CUG, see section 3 Definitions and
Abbreviations). This service is used by other Data Services Profile
(DSP) standards when providing inter-working to levels above the
Medium Access Control (MAC) layer of the attached network. Annex B
contains inter-working conventions to specific attached data
networks. This includes inter-working to the MAC layer of
international standard connectionless Local Area data Networks
(LANs) IS0 8802.3, Ethernet and IS0 8802.5 Token Ring.
This section defines both Type A and Type B services. Type A is
a low speed frame relay, with net sustainable throughput of up to
24 kb/s, optimized for burst data, low power consumption and low
complexity applications such as hand-portable equipment. Service
Type B is a high-speed frame relay, with a net sustainable
throughput of up to 552 Wbits, optimized for high speed and low
latency with burst data. Both are hilly compatible and can
inter-work with each other.
This standard defines the requirements on the Physical (PHL),
MAC, Data Link Control (DLC) and Network (NWK) layers of PWT.
This section also specifies Management Entity (ME) requirements
and generic inter-working conventions that ensure the efficient use
of the PWT frequency spectrum.