13.080.05 – Examination of soils in general – PDF Standards Store ?u= Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:31:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 ?u=/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/cropped-icon-150x150.png 13.080.05 – Examination of soils in general – PDF Standards Store ?u= 32 32 ISO/TS 21268-4:2007 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-ts-21268-42007/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:31:54 +0000 Soil quality — Leaching procedures for subsequent chemical and ecotoxicological testing of soil and soil materials — Part 4: Influence of pH on leaching with initial acid/base addition
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2007-11 30
ISO/TS 21268-4:2007 specifies a test method to obtain information on the short- and long-term leaching behaviour and characteristic properties of materials. It applies to the determination of the influence of pH on the leachability of inorganic and organic constituents from soil and soil material, and the ecotoxicological effects of eluates with respect to microorganisms, fauna and flora. The test is not suitable for constituents that are volatile under ambient conditions.

The test procedure specified in ISO/TS 21268-4:2007 produces eluates that are subsequently characterized by physical, chemical and ecotoxicological standard methods.

ISO/TS 21268-3:2007 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-ts-21268-32007/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:31:53 +0000 Soil quality — Leaching procedures for subsequent chemical and ecotoxicological testing of soil and soil materials — Part 3: Up-flow percolation test
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2007-07 26
ISO/TS 21268-3:2007 specifies a test, which is aimed at determining the leaching behaviour of inorganic and organic constituents from a soil and soil material. The method is a once-through percolation test with water (0,001 mol/l CaCl2) under standardized conditions of flow rate. The material is leached under dynamic hydraulic conditions. The eluates obtained can be used to determine the ecological properties of the soil with respect to micro-organisms, flora and fauna. The test results enable the distinction between different release patterns, for instance wash-out and release under the influence of interaction with the matrix, when approaching local equilibrium between material and leachant.

This test method produces eluates, which can subsequently be characterised by physical, chemical and ecotoxicological methods in accordance with existing standard methods. The results of eluate analysis are presented as a function of the liquid/solid ratio. The test is not suitable for species that are volatile under ambient conditions.

The application of this test method alone is not sufficient for the determination of the leaching behaviour of a material under specified conditions different to those from the test procedure, since this generally requires the application of several test methods, behavioural modelling and model validation. ISO/TS 21268-3:2007 does not address issues related to health and safety. It only determines the leaching properties as outlined in Clause 4.

ISO/TS 21268-2:2007 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-ts-21268-22007/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:31:53 +0000 Soil quality — Leaching procedures for subsequent chemical and ecotoxicological testing of soil and soil materials — Part 2: Batch test using a liquid to solid ratio of 10 l/kg dry matter
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2007-07 22
ISO/TS 21268-2:2007 specifies a test providing information on leaching of soil and soil materials under the experimental conditions specified hereafter, and particularly at a liquid to solid ratio of 10 l/kg dry matter. It applies to soil and soil material with a particle size less than or equal to 4 mm.

ISO/TS 21268-2:2007 has been developed to measure the release of inorganic and organic constituents from soil and soil material and the ecotoxicological effects of eluates with respect to micro-organisms, fauna and flora. The test is not suitable for constituents that are volatile under ambient conditions. For ecotoxicological testing, see ISO 15799.

The test procedure specified in ISO/TS 21268-2:2007 produces eluates, which are subsequently characterised by existing physical, chemical and ecotoxicological standard methods.

This test is mainly aimed at being used for routine and control purposes, and it cannot be used alone to describe all leaching properties of a soil. Additional leaching tests are needed for that extended goal. ISO/TS 21268-2:2007 does not address issues related to health and safety. It only determines the leaching properties.

ISO/TS 21268-1:2007 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-ts-21268-12007/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:31:52 +0000 Soil quality — Leaching procedures for subsequent chemical and ecotoxicological testing of soil and soil materials — Part 1: Batch test using a liquid to solid ratio of 2 l/kg dry matter
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2007-07 22
ISO/TS 21268-1:2007 specifies a test providing information on leaching of soil and soil materials under the experimental conditions specified hereafter, and particularly at a liquid to solid ratio of 2 l/kg dry matter. It applies to soil and soil material with a particle size less than or equal to 4 mm.

ISO/TS 21268-1:2007 has been developed to measure the release of inorganic and organic constituents from soil and soil material and the ecotoxicological effects of eluates with respect to micro-organisms, fauna and flora. The test is not suitable for constituents that are volatile under ambient conditions. For ecotoxicological testing, see ISO 15799.

The test procedure specified in ISO/TS 21268-1:2007 produces eluates, which are subsequently characterised by existing physical, chemical and ecotoxicological standard methods.

This procedure is not applicable to materials with a dry-matter-content ratio lower than 33 %.

This test is mainly aimed at being used for routine and control purposes, and it cannot be used alone to describe all leaching properties of a soil. Additional leaching tests are needed for that extended goal. ISO/TS 21268-1:2007 does not address issues related to health and safety. It only determines the leaching properties.

ISO 23909:2008 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-239092008/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:44:57 +0000 Qualité du sol — Préparation des échantillons de laboratoire à partir d'échantillons de grande taille
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2008-04 18
L'ISO 23909:2008 spécifie une méthode de préparation des échantillons de laboratoire à partir d'échantillons de grande taille. Conformément à l'ISO 11464 et à l'ISO 14507, la détermination des paramètres physico-chimiques, la détermination des contaminants organiques peu volatils et la détermination des contaminants non volatils sont prises en considération.

L'ISO 23909:2008 ne s'applique pas à l'analyse des composés organiques volatils.

ISO 23611-6:2012 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-23611-62012/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:43:33 +0000 Qualité du sol — Prélèvement des invertébrés du sol — Partie 6: Lignes directrices pour la conception de programmes d'échantillonnage des invertébrés du sol
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2012-09 54
La présente partie de l'ISO 23611 spécifie les lignes directrices pour la conception de programmes

d'échantillonnage des invertébrés du sol sur le terrain (par exemple la surveillance de la qualité d'un sol

comme habitat pour les organismes). Des informations détaillées sur l'échantillonnage des organismes les

plus importants vivant dans le sol sont fournies dans les autres parties de la présente Norme internationale

(ISO 23611-1 à ISO 23611-5).

La présente partie de l'ISO 23611 est utilisée pour tous les biotopes terrestres dans lesquels se trouvent les

invertébrés du sol. Des informations fondamentales sur la conception des études sur le terrain en général

sont déjà fournies dans l'ISO 10381-1. Ces informations peuvent varier selon les exigences nationales ou les

conditions régionales/climatiques du site à prélever.

NOTE Bien que la présente partie de l'ISO 23611 s'applique globalement à tous les sites terrestres habités par

les invertébrés du sol, les informations existantes se réfèrent principalement aux régions tempérées. Cependant, les

(quelques) études émanant d'autres régions (tropicales et boréales) ainsi que des considérations théoriques permettent

de conclure que les principes établis dans la présente partie de l'ISO 23611 sont généralement valables (Références [4],

[6], [40], [21]).

La présente partie de l'ISO 23611 fournit des informations sur l'évaluation des risques spécifiques à un site

contaminé, l'étude des effets secondaires potentiels des impacts anthropogéniques (par exemple l'utilisation

de produits chimiques ou la construction de routes), la classification et l'évaluation biologiques des sols en

vue de déterminer leur qualité biologique, la surveillance biogéographique à long terme dans le cadre de la

protection ou restauration de la nature, y compris le changement climatique à l'échelle mondiale (par exemple

comme dans les projets de recherche écologique à long terme).

ISO 23611-5:2011 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-23611-52011/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:43:32 +0000 Soil quality — Sampling of soil invertebrates — Part 5: Sampling and extraction of soil macro-invertebrates
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2011-12 18
ISO 23611-5:2011 specifies a method for sampling, extracting and preserving macro-invertebrates from soils, including the litter zone. The proposed method is a prerequisite for using these animals as bio-indicators (e.g. to assess the quality of a soil as a habitat for organisms). The main premise of this method is rapid assessment (completing the sampling of a plot in one or two days with only basic equipment and a small number of field assistants), in order to be able to address all the taxonomic groups of soil macro-invertebrates at the same time and in the same place. The Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF) method has evolved and some modifications have been introduced in order to use it in temperate regions.

The sampling and extraction methods in ISO 23611-5:2011 are applicable to almost all types of soils, with the exception of soils in extreme climatic conditions (hard, frozen or flooded soils) and matrices other than soil, e.g. tree trunks, plants or lichens.

Sampling design is specified in ISO 23611-6.

ISO 23611-4:2007 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-23611-42007/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:43:31 +0000 Soil quality — Sampling of soil invertebrates — Part 4: Sampling, extraction and identification of soil-inhabiting nematodes
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2007-11 26
ISO 23611-4:2007 specifies a method for sampling and handling free-living nematodes from terrestrial field soils as a prerequisite for using them as bio-indicators (e.g. to assess the quality of a soil as a habitat for organisms).

ISO 23611-4:2007 applies to all terrestrial biotopes in which nematodes occur. It is not applicable to aquatic nematodes because these nematodes do not pass through the filter.

ISO 23611-3:2019 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-23611-32019/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:43:31 +0000 Qualité du sol — Prélèvement des invertébrés du sol — Partie 3: Prélèvement et extraction des enchytréides
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2019-08 22
Le présent document spécifie une méthode pour le prélèvement, la manipulation et l'extraction des enchytréides du sol prélevés sur le terrain, comme prérequis à l'utilisation de ces animaux en tant que bio-indicateurs (par exemple, pour évaluer la qualité d'un sol en tant qu'habitat pour des organismes).

Les informations de base concernant l'écologie des enchytréides et leur utilisation en tant que bio-indicateurs dans l'environnement terrestre sont disponibles dans la Bibliographie.

Le présent document s'applique à tous les biotopes terrestres dans lesquels des enchytréides sont présents. La conception de l'échantillonnage pour les études sur le terrain est, de manière générale, décrite dans l'ISO 18400-101. Ces détails peuvent varier en fonction des conditions climatiques/régionales du site sur lequel l'échantillon doit être prélevé et un aperçu de la détermination des effets sur site des polluants vis-à-vis des enchytréides est fourni dans la Référence [6].

Des méthodes applicables à d'autres groupes d'organismes du sol, comme les vers de terre ou les arthropodes, sont données dans les normes ISO 23611-1, ISO 23611-2, ISO 23611-4 et ISO 23611-5.

Le présent document n'est pas applicable aux sols très humides ou inondés et peut s'avérer difficile à mettre en œuvre dans des conditions climatiques ou géographiques extrêmes (en haute montagne, par exemple).

Lors du prélèvement d'invertébrés du sol, il est vivement recommandé de caractériser le site (par exemple, du point de vue des propriétés du sol, du climat et de l'utilisation du terrain). Cependant, cette caractérisation n'est pas traitée dans le présent document. Les normes ISO 10390, ISO 10694, ISO 11272, ISO 11274, ISO 11277, ISO 11461 et ISO 11465 sont plus appropriées pour le mesurage du pH, de la répartition granulométrique, du rapport C/N, de la teneur en carbone organique et de la capacité de rétention d'eau.

ISO 23611-3:2007 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-23611-32007/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 22:43:30 +0000 Soil quality — Sampling of soil invertebrates — Part 3: Sampling and soil extraction of enchytraeids
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2007-05 20
ISO 23611-3:2007 specifies a method for sampling, handling and extracting enchytraeids from terrestrial field soils as a prerequisite for using these animals as bioindicators (e.g. to assess the quality of a soil as a habitat for organisms). It applies to all terrestrial biotopes in which enchytraeids occur.

ISO 23611-3:2007 is not applicable for semi-terrestrial soils and might be difficult to use under extreme climatic or geographical conditions.
