13.200 – Accident and disaster control – PDF Standards Store ?u= Wed, 06 Nov 2024 05:13:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 ?u=/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/cropped-icon-150x150.png 13.200 – Accident and disaster control – PDF Standards Store ?u= 32 32 NZS 7901:2014 ?u=/product/publishers/snz/nzs-79012014/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 05:13:27 +0000 Electricity and gas industries – Safety management systems for public safety
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
SNZ 2014-05-23 66
Provides guidance to owners and operators of electricity generation, transmission or distribution network assets, or gas distribution assets, which are required by statute to have a safety management system (SMS) that operates to safeguard members of the public or property of members of the public from safety-related risks arising from the presence or operation of these assets. The standard applies to all electricity transmission and electricity distribution assets in one or more systems with a total capacity equal to or greater than 10 MVA, and to all electricity generation assets in one or more systems with a total capacity equal to or greater than 10 MW. It also applies to all gas distribution assets in one or more systems, including all natural gas and LPG vapour distribution assets, that operate at a pressure equal to or less than 2000 kPa, and supply more than 10 terajoules of gas in any year, or have a flow design capacity equal to or greater than 10 gigajoules per hour. The total capacity for each asset type applies to each energy asset owner or operator irrespective of whether those assets are in one system or separate systems.

NZS 4104:1994 ?u=/product/publishers/snz/nzs-41041994/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 05:11:43 +0000 Seismic restraint of building contents
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
SNZ 1994-12-31 56
This Standard aims to reduce the risk of injury to people and ensure access within a building after an earthquake by securing building contents. The second aim is to reduce the risk of damage to building contents. This standard provides the basis for the design for restraints and provides sketches of many simple, practical details for a range of common items including computer equipment, storage racks, cabinets, ornaments, appliances etc. It is applicable to items which are required to survive an earthquake to be available to rescue and recovery services to businesses and general public. Applies only to items less than 300 kg in weight.

IWA 5:2006 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iwa-52006/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:35:57 +0000 Emergency preparedness
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2006-11 24
IWA 5:2006 is the result of discussions at a workshop on emergency preparedness held in Florence, Italy, 24-26 April 2006.

It presents the consensus of the workshop participants in the form of the workshop recommendations.

It provides recommendations and guidance to ISO/TC 223 as the first step in a process that may eventually lead to the development of international standards on this subject.

It provides the reader with some additional resources for further exploration of this area which is crucial to all organizations and entities.

ISO/TR 19083-1:2016 ?u=/product/publishers/iso/iso-tr-19083-12016/ Wed, 06 Nov 2024 01:14:11 +0000 Intelligent transport systems — Emergency evacuation and disaster response and recovery — Part 1: Framework and concept of operation
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
ISO 2016-10 64
ISO/TR 19083-1:2016

– defines the framework for the ISO/TR 19083 series of standards related to emergency evacuation and disaster response and recovery,

– establishes the criteria under which public transport should support evacuations and disaster response and recovery based on the magnitude of the disaster and the location as these factors drive the policies, directives and plans for each countries disaster prevention/evacuation systems,

– identifies the types of agencies and organizations involved in a regionally supported evacuation and disaster,

– defines the roles and responsibilities public transport entities should provide in planning, preparing for, and conducting evacuations and disaster response and recovery efforts in support of regional authorities,

– recommends the type of information required and necessary actions to be followed by public transport to ensure efficient and effective transportation in response to recovery from a disaster,

– provides a concept of operation describing the characteristics of the EEDRR Decision Support System from the viewpoint of an individual who will use the system for public transport disaster support, it is the guiding document for public transport services operators who voluntarily wish to develop EEDRR Decision Support Systems, and

– identifies guidelines to improve coordination among regional authorities when public transport disaster support is required.

IEC TS 60479-2:2017 ?u=/product/publishers/iec/iec-ts-60479-22017/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 20:09:05 +0000 Effects of current on human beings and livestock - Part 2: Special aspects
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
IEC 2017-10-20 56
IEC TS 60479-2:2017 describes the effects on the human body when a sinusoidal alternating current in the frequency range above 100 Hz passes through it. This document describes the effects of current passing through the human body in the form of single and multiple successive unidirectional rectangular impulses, sinusoidal impulses and impulses resulting from capacitor discharges. This basic safety publication is primarily intended for use by technical committees in the preparation of standards in accordance with the principles laid down in IEC Guide 104 and ISO/IEC Guide 51.

IEC TS 60479-2:2007 ?u=/product/publishers/iec/iec-ts-60479-22007/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 20:09:05 +0000 Effects of current on human beings and livestock - Part 2: Special aspects
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
IEC 2007-05-23 84
IEC 60479-2, which is a technical specification, describes the effects on the human body when a sinusoidal alternating current in the frequency range above 100 Hz passes through it. The effects of current passing through the human body for
– alternating sinusoidal current with d.c. components,
– alternating sinusoidal current with phase control,
– alternating sinusoidal current with multicycle control, are given but are only deemed applicable for alternating current frequencies from 15 Hz up to 100 Hz.
This standard furthermore describes the effects of current passing through the human body in the form of single unidirectional rectangular impulses, sinusoidal impulses and impulses resulting from capacitor discharges. The values specified are deemed to be applicable for impulse durations from 0,1 ms up to and including 10 ms. For impulse durations greater than 10 ms, the values given in Figure 20 of IEC 60479-1 apply. This standard only considers conducted current resulting from the direct application of a source of current to the body, as does IEC 60479-1 and IEC 60479-3. It does not consider current induced within the body caused by its exposure to an external electromagnetic field. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition, published in 1987, and constitutes a technical revision. The major changes with regard to the previous edition are as follows:
– the report has been completed with additional information on effects of current passing through the human body for alternating sinusoidal current with d.c. components, alternating sinusoidal current with phase control, alternating sinusoidal current with multicycle control in the frequency range from 15 Hz up to 100 Hz.
– an estimation of the equivalent current threshold for mixed frequencies.
– the effect of repeated pulses (bursts) of current on the threshold of ventricular fibrillation.
– effects of electric current through the immersed human body.

IEC TS 60479-1:2005 ?u=/product/publishers/iec/iec-ts-60479-12005/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 20:09:04 +0000 Effects of current on human beings and livestock - Part 1: General aspects
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
IEC 2005-07-13 126
IEC 60479-1:2005 For a given current path through the human body, the danger to persons depends mainly on the magnitude and duration of the current flow. However, the time/current zones specified in this publication are, in many cases, not directly applicable in practice for designing measures of protection against electrical shock. The necessary criterion is the admissible limit of touch voltage (i.e. the product of the current through the body called touch current and the body impedance) as a function of time. The relationship between current and voltage is not linear because the impedance of the human body varies with the touch voltage, and data on this relationship is therefore required. The different parts of the humanbody (such as the skin, blood, muscles, other tissues and joints) present to the electric current a certain impedance composed of resistive and capacitive components. The values of body impedance depend on a number of factors and, in particular, on current path, on touch voltage, duration of current flow, frequency, degree of moisture of the skin, surface area of contact, pressure exerted and temperature. The impedance values indicated in this technical specification result from a close examination of the experimental results available from measurements carried out principally on corpses and on some living persons. It has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 104. The contents of the corrigenda of October 2006 and June 2013 have been included in this copy.

IEC TR 60479-5:2007 ?u=/product/publishers/iec/iec-tr-60479-52007/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 20:00:30 +0000 Effects of current on human beings and livestock - Part 5: Touch voltage threshold values for physiological effects
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
IEC 2007-11-07 118
This Technical Report provides touch voltage-duration combination thresholds based on analysis of information concerning body impedances and current thresholds of physiological effects, as given in IEC/TS 60479-1. Such threshold combinations relate to specific environmental and contact conditions that determine body impedance for particular current pathways. This technical report considers only (i) 50/60 Hz sinusoidal alternating voltage having no other frequency components and no significant direct voltage component, and (ii) direct voltage with no significant alternating component. This technical report provides thresholds as a result of calculations based on values from IEC/TS 60479-1, with uncertainties. Therefore thresholds proposed in this report also correspond to values with uncertainties. Touch voltage-duration combination thresholds are for use by technical committees as guidance for the determination of limits for touch voltage and touch voltage durations in various environmental situations. The contents of the corrigendum of July 2013 have been included in this copy.

IEC TR 60479-4:2020 ?u=/product/publishers/iec/iec-tr-60479-42020/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 20:00:29 +0000 Effects of current on human beings and livestock - Part 4: Effects of lightning strokes
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
IEC 2020-02-26 38
IEC TR 60479-4:2020 (E) summarizes the basic parameters for lightning and its variability insofar as they apply to human beings and livestock.
The possible direct and indirect interactions of strikes with bodies of living beings are indicated. The resulting effects caused by lightning currents for the organism are described.
This document shows the differences of effects on human beings and livestock due to lightning strokes versus those effects of electric shocks derived from electrical systems.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2011. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) lightning occurence and climatory effects around the world are depicted;
b) direct strike description is extended;
c) step voltage effects are expanded;
d) upward streamer explanation is enhanced;
e) other direct or indirect related effects to lightning injuries to the human body are specified;
f) various safety procedures and related possibilities with respect to the personsal danger of lightning are presented.

IEC TR 60479-4:2011 ?u=/product/publishers/iec/iec-tr-60479-42011/ Tue, 05 Nov 2024 20:00:28 +0000 Effects of current on human beings and livestock - Part 4: Effects of lightning strokes
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
IEC 2011-10-12 46
IEC/TR 60479-4:2011 summarizes the basic parameters for lightning and their variability insofar as they apply to human beings and livestock. The possible direct and indirect interactions of strikes with bodies of living beings are indicated. The resulting effects caused by lightning currents for the organism are described. The intention is to show the differences of effects on human beings and livestock due to lightning strokes versus those effects of electric shocks derived from electrical systems.
