TIA/EIA TSB-62-12:2001
ITM-12 Microbend Sensitivity Test Methods
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
TIA | 2001 | 26 |
This technical report is intended to characterize the microbend
sensitivity of optical fibers, thereby guiding fiber and cable
manufacturers regarding the design of various coatings and basic
fibers as they apply to the design and performance of cable.
For the purposes of this technical report, the term microbending
should be properly distinguished from macrobending. The spirit of
these two terms is to identify whether the bending is small or
large. Through many years, experiments with small and large bends
provided a link between bend size and specific qualities of the
resulting loss spectra of the optical fiber under test, thereby
producing new, functional definitions for micro- and macrobending.
The following definitions will attempt to capture some of the art
and intuition behind these historic terms, while maintaining the
integrity of their original intent. Moreover, since bend loss is a
function of wavelength, these terms should be defined in the
context of a given wavelength range. This report will use the
typical wavelength region of interest for telecommunication fibers:
1200 to 1700 nm.
Macrobending is usually characterized by a constant, moderately
large bend radius leading to an exponential increase in the loss as
a function of wavelength. This loss in known to be physically
induced by an optical tunneling phenomena, where the light from a
propagating mode leaks out toward the outside of the bend. In the
event that the bend radius is not constant, the type of bending
could still be considered macrobending provided the different bend
radii are all generally large, and the loss is still dominated by
the optical tunneling phenomena with exponential wavelength
dependence. Microbending, on the other hand, is random microscopic
fiber axis perturbations along the length of the fiber. Such random
microbending is typically indicated by a uniform loss across the te
leco m mu n ica t io ns wave length band . Of cou rse , ce rtai n m
icro be nd scenarios can be created (small, periodic bending) where
the loss response is not uniform, but these cases are typically not
accidental and may in fact be engineered into the fiber for a
specific purpose. Regardless of the statistics of the microbends
however, they can generally be described by some form of
coupled-mode theory, treating the bends as small perturbations to
the otherwise straight fiber. Thus, micro- and macrobends can be
distinguished both by the underlying physics and the appearance of
the resulting loss spectra, provided the spirit of these terms is
maintained. The transition from microbending to macrobending as
bend radius is increased is a continuous process, meaning that the
boundary typically contains features of both types of loss.
Moreover, such a boundary would be more appropriately described in
terms of the bend statistics (random versus constant, for example)
than the absolute bend radius. Therefore this report will not
attempt to limit its scope with absolute specifications of bend
radii, but will rather leave this discrimination to those reviewing
the above qualities of the fiber under test.
For the purposes of this technical report, microbend and
macrobend will be defined in terms of bend loss in optical fiber.
The spirit of these two terms is to identify whether the bending is
small or large. Through many years, several different regions of
bend quality emerged. Since bend loss is a specified function of
wavelength, the typical region of interest for telecommunication
fibers is 1200 to 1700 nm.
Macrobending is usually characterized by a constant moderately
large bend radius leading to an exponential increase in the loss as
a function of wavelength physically induced by an optical tunneling
phenomena, where the light from a propagating mode leaks out toward
the outside of the bend. Spectrally uniform microbending is
microscopic in nature, usually characterized as a collection of
random small bends, rapidly varying in both radius and orientation
induced by factors that are usually described by coupled-mode
theory. Microbend is dependent on the type of bend – usually
random, periodic. The boundary between microbend / macrobend
(combination region) is continuous and dependent on the wavelength
properties usually in the mm range.
Although they can be very useful tools for evaluating fiber and
cable designs, the current state-of-the-art of these test
procedures are such that test results may prove to be misleading.
These tests are not recommended for use in comparing different
types of optical fibers, nor should test results be compared from
one facility to another nor from one technique to another.
The ability of a coating to prevent microbend loss can be
dependent upon temperature. The temperature(s) at which this test
is to be performed for expandable drum, fixed drum and wiremesh
shall be specified in the Detail Specification. The basketweave
technique is a temperature dependent, microbend sensitivity test
with the recommended temperatures defined within the text.