TIA TSB-10-F:1994
Interference Criteria for Microwave Systems
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
TIA | 1994 | 199 |
This Bulletin provides methodology and criterifao r properly
coordinating microwave radio systems in the merged (under FCC ET
Docket 92-9) Domestic Public Fixed Radio Services and Private
Operational- Fixed Microwave Service (POFMS) bands. These
interference criteria are based on levels of interference
established in Parts 21 and 94 of the FCC Rules and
The first major section of this Bulletin is Section 2,
Technical Considerations for Interference Analysis.
Section 2, characterizes the various interfering signals (FM-FDM,
FM-Video, Vestigial Sideband Video, and Digital) and explainst he
considerations in calculatingt his interference into victimr
eceivers (FM-FDM, FM-Video, Vestigial Sideband Video, and Digital).
This edition of the Bulletin includes calculation methods for
vestigial sideband AM Video but does not includtaeb les or
calculation methods for othert ypes of vestigial or single-sideband
AM interference. Section 3, Applications (Interference
Calculations and Measurements), explains the methodology for
making coordination calculations and shows sample calculations. The
actual criteria for proper coordinationa re contained in Section 4,
Technical Considerations for Path Design. Annexes A-D
contain additional informatiofno r those seeking more detailed
background for the formulas and other informationin the main, part
of this Bulletin. Annex F specifically addresses PCS-POFMS spectrum
sharing considerations. Annex G discusses frequency coordination
and notification procedures.