FEMA – PDF Standards Store ?u= Sat, 26 Oct 2024 08:07:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 ?u=/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/cropped-icon-150x150.png FEMA – PDF Standards Store ?u= 32 32 FEMA TechnicalBulletin 7 2022 ?u=/product/publishers/fema/fema-technicalbulletin-7-2022/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 04:20:51 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/fema-technicalbulletin-7-2022/ NFIP Technical Bulletin 7: Wet Floodproofing Requirements and Limitations For Buildings and Structures Located in Special Flood Hazard Areas in Accordance with the National Flood Insurance Program
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
FEMA 2022 42

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PDF Pages PDF Title
4 Table of Contents
6 Acronyms
7 1. Introduction
1.1. Definition of Floodproofing
9 1.2. Limitations on the Use of Wet Floodproofing
10 1.3. Construction Requirements for Wet Floodproofing
11 2. NFIP Regulations and FEMA Policy
2.1. NFIP Regulations
12 2.2. FEMA Policy
13 3. Building Codes and Standards
14 3.1. International Residential Code
17 3.2. International Building Code and ASCE 24
19 3.3. International Existing Building Code
21 4. NFIP Flood Insurance Implications
5. Options for Communities to Authorize Wet Floodproofing
22 5.1. When Wet Floodproofing May Be Authorized by Permit
5.1.1. Enclosures Below Elevated Buildings
23 5.1.2. Attached Garages
5.1.3. Non-Elevated Accessory Structures
5.2. When Wet Floodproofing Must Be Authorized by Variance
24 5.2.1. Allowable Variances Identified in 44 CFR § 60.6
Historic Structures
25 Functionally Dependent Uses
5.2.2. Allowable Variances Not Identified in 44 CFR § 60.6
Accessory Structures Larger than Specified Size Limits
26 Certain Agricultural Structures
5.3. Community-Wide Exception
27 5.4. Implications for NFIP Community Rating System Communities That Approve Wet Floodproofing
6. Planning Considerations
28 6.1. Flood Hazards and Site Conditions
6.1.1. Location in Mapped Floodway
6.1.2. Depth of Flooding
6.1.3. Rate of Floodwater Rise and Fall
6.1.4. Frequency of Flooding
29 6.1.5. Duration of Flooding
6.1.6. Presence of Ice
6.1.7. Flood-Borne Contaminants
6.2. Flood Warning Time
30 6.3. Functional Use of Wet Floodproofed Areas
6.4. Safety and Access as Flooding Threatens
6.5. Recommended Plans
31 6.5.1. Flood Emergency Operations Plans
6.5.2. Inspection and Maintenance Plans
32 7. Design Requirements
7.1. Foundations
7.2. Flood Openings
33 7.3. Wall Construction
7.3.1. Solid Walls
7.3.2. Cavity Walls
34 7.4. Flood Damage-Resistant Materials
7.5. Protection of Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical Systems
35 7.5.1. Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
7.5.2. Electrical Systems
36 7.6. Fuel, Gas, and Liquid Storage Tanks
8. Retrofit Measures When NFIP Compliance Is Not Required
37 8.1. Relocation or Elevation of Machinery and Equipment
38 8.2. Component Protection of Machinery and Equipment
8.3. Interior Drain Systems
39 8.4. Dry Floodproofing
8.5. Other Considerations
40 9. Suggested Best Practices
41 10. References
FEMA P 2191 2022 ?u=/product/publishers/fema/fema-p-2191-2022/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 04:20:50 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/fema-p-2191-2022/ FEMA P-2191: A Step Forward - Recommendations for Improving Seismic Code Development, Content, and Education, April 2022
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
FEMA 2022

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PDF Pages PDF Title
1 A Step Forward Recommendations for Improving Seismic Code Development, Content, and Education
5 Foreword
7 Preface
9 Notice
11 Executive Summary
13 Table of Contents
17 List of Figures
19 List of Tables
21 Chapter1:Introduction
1.1 Background
22 1.2 Purpose of the Report
1.3 Scope of the Report
23 1.4 Target Audience for the Report
1.5 What is Covered (and Not Covered)
25 1.6 Organization of the Report
27 Chapter2:StudyMethodology
2.1 Information Gathering Options Considered
28 2.2 Selected Approach
30 2.3 Surveys
2.4 Interviews
2.5 Synthesis and Evaluation of Recommendations
33 Chapter 3: Survey Approach and Findings
3.1 Overview
34 3.2 Survey Approach and Implementation
3.2.1 Targeted Audiences and Recruitment
35 3.2.2 Survey Question Topics
3.2.3 Open-Ended Questions
37 3.2.4 Data Analysis
38 3.3 Topics and Findings for User Survey
3.3.1 User Survey Questions
39 3.3.2 User Survey Findings: Code Use
40 3.3.3 User Survey Findings: Code Content
42 3.3.4 User Survey Findings: Code Development
43 3.3.5 User Survey Findings: Code Dissemination and Education
45 3.4 Topics and Findings for Stakeholder Survey
3.4.1 Stakeholder Survey Questions
46 3.4.2 Stakeholder Survey Findings: Code Use
3.4.3 Stakeholder Survey Findings: Code Content
48 3.4.4 Stakeholder Survey Findings: Code Development
49 3.4.5 Stakeholder Survey Findings: Code Dissemination and Education
3.5 Cross-Group Comparisons and Findings from Questions Included on Both Surveys
50 3.5.1 Code Information Source Use by Survey Group
3.5.2 Opinions about U.S. Seismic Code Content, Development, and Communication by Survey Group
3.6 Survey Conclusions and High Level Take-Aways
53 Chapter4:InterviewApproachand Findings
4.1 Overview
4.2 Interview Process
55 4.3 Interview Questions
59 4.4 Interview Findings
65 4.5 Recent Provisions Update Committee Member Characteristics
71 Chapter 5: Synthesis andEvaluation ofPotentialRecommendations
5.1 Process Used
5.2 Task Group Initial Recommendations
72 5.3 Conclusions
81 Chapter 6: Recommendations
6.1 Summary of Recommendations
85 6.2 Recommendations for ImprovingCodeDevelopment
92 6.2.2 Medium Priority
6.3 Recommendations for Improving Code Content and Ease of Use
100 6.4 Recommendations for ImprovingDissemination and Education on Code and CodeChanges
110 6.5 Recommendation for Monitoring and Encouraging Progress
111 6.5.2 Medium Priority
6.6 Taking the Step Forward
115 Appendix B: SurveyInstruments
B.1 Overview
B.2U.S. Seismic CodeImprovement Surveyfor Users
122 This section asks what you think about how US seismic codes andstandards are DEVELOPED AND UPDATED over time.
124 of US seismic codes and provisions.
128 B.3 U.S. Seismic CodeImprovement Surveyfor Stakeholders
131 This section asks about your GENERAL IMPRESSIONS about US seismic codes and standards, and their RELEVANCE to people in your professionand where you work.
133 This section asks what you think about how US seismic codes andstandards are DEVELOPED AND UPDATED over time.
134 seismic codes is handled and could be improved.
136 B.4List ofStates Assigned to Regions
137 References
141 Project Participants
BuildingSeismic SafetyCouncilOversight
Project TaskGroup
142 Interview Participants
143 SurveyParticipants
FEMA P 2181 2022 ?u=/product/publishers/fema/fema-p-2181-2022/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 04:20:50 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/fema-p-2181-2022/ FEMA P-2181: Hurricane and Flood Mitigation Handbook for Public Facilities, March 2022
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
FEMA 2022

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PDF Pages PDF Title
44 Fact Sheet 1.0: Roads
Hurricane and Flood Impacts
Mitigation Fact Sheets
Fact Sheet 1.0: Roads
Hurricane and Flood Impacts
Mitigation Fact Sheets
45 Figure 1.0.1. Road System Components.
46 Mitigation Solutions
Mitigation Solutions
47 Icons
Table 1.0.1. Icons Used to Represent Considerations about Hazard Mitigation Strategies
49 Fact Sheet 1.1: Road and Highway Surfaces
Fact Sheet 1.1: Road and Highway Surfaces
Table 1.1.1. Common Mitigation Solutions
50 Mitigation Solution: Stabilize Roadway
Mitigation Solution: Stabilize Roadway
51 Figure 1.1.1. Reshaping the roadway can improve drainage and decrease flood impacts.
52 Figure 1.1.2. Geosynthetics can be used to improve drainage and subgrade strength.
53 Figure 1.1.3. Geotextiles that do not drain well can be hydraulically connected to a drain.
54 Mitigation Solution: Reduce Flood Hazard on Roadway
Mitigation Solution: Reduce Flood Hazard on Roadway
Figure 1.1.4. Increasing the roadway elevation above the base flood elevation
55 Figure 1.1.5. Relocating the roadway away from the flood source can help protect the road from flooding.
56 Figure 1.1.6. Permeable pavement includes pavers, permeable concrete, and permeable asphalt (USGS, 2018).
57 Mitigation Solution: Reduce Frost Heave
Mitigation Solution: Reduce Frost Heave
Figure 1.1.7. “Rock caps” can improve both drainage and structural stability of roads susceptible to frost heaves (Yu and Beck, 2009).
58 Figure 1.1.8. A capillary barrier can help prevent surfaces from frost heaving (Roberson et al., 2006).
59 Figure 1.1.9. Improve subgrade soils by injecting a polymer into the soil to fill voids (Source: Fakhar and Asmaniza, 2016).
62 Fact Sheet 1.2: Road Shoulders and Embankments
Fact Sheet 1.2: Road Shoulders and Embankments
63 Table 1.2.1. Common Mitigation Solutions for Road Shoulders and Embankments
64 Mitigation Solution: Protect Shoulders
Mitigation Solution: Protect Shoulders
65 Figure 1.2.1. Geosynthetics can be used to stabilize roadways.
66 Mitigation Solution: Protect Embankment Slopes
Mitigation Solution: Protect Embankment Slopes
Figure 1.2.2. Riprap can help reduce erosion of roadway slopes adjacent to streams.
67 Figure 1.2.3. Bioengineered slopes can protect against erosion.
68 Figure 1.2.4. Spillways can concentrate flows at selected locations to help control erosion.
69 Figure 1.2.5. A wall constructed of gabion baskets protects the toe of the slope.
70 Figure 1.2.6. Changing slope geometry to a more gradual slope can reduce erosion.
72 Fact Sheet 1.3: Drainage and Culverts
Fact Sheet 1.3: Drainage and Culverts
73 Table 1.3.1. Road Culvert and Drainage Mitigation Solutions
74 Figure 1.3.1. Components of a culvert.
75 Mitigation Solution: Increase Design Capacity
Mitigation Solution: Increase Design Capacity
Figure 1.3.2. Alternative stream crossing designs.
76 Figure 1.3.3. Increasing ditch capacity can help protect against overland flooding.
77 Figure 1.3.4. An arch culvert or a box culvert can provide increased flow capacity.
Figure 1.3.5. Replacing a culvert with a bridge can protect the stream bed and the road.
78 Figure 1.3.6. Installing multiple culverts can increase flow capacity.
79 Mitigation Solution: Reduce Embankment Erosion
Mitigation Solution: Reduce Embankment Erosion
Figure 1.3.7. Shaping the culvert entrance can reduce erosion at the intake.
80 Figure 1.3.8. A cutoff wall can reduce undermining.
Figure 1.3.9. Wingwalls, headwalls and endwalls can protect embankment slopes.
81 Figure 1.3.10. Ditch lining can reduce erosion and improve flow capacity.
82 Figure 1.3.11. Check dams help slow water and decrease scouring.
83 Figure 1.3.12. Energy dissipaters can be installed at culvert discharges to decrease erosion and scour.
84 Mitigation Solution: Improve Alignment
Mitigation Solution: Improve Alignment
Figure 1.3.13. Realigning the culvert to the stream centerline can reduce damage to the culvert.
85 Figure 1.3.14. Approach berms can direct flow away from embankments.
86 Figure 1.3.15. Flow diverters can realign the stream channel.
87 Figure 1.3.16. Installing additional culverts can reduce velocity and clogging.
88 Figure 1.3.17. Realigning the stream can protect embankments.
89 Mitigation Solution: Reduce Obstructions
Mitigation Solution: Reduce Obstructions
Figure 1.3.18. A debris barrier can protect a culvert from damage.
90 Figure 1.3.19. A sediment basin can help settle suspended sediment and decrease culvert clogging potential.
91 Figure 1.3.20. Install a relief culvert as a second route for floodwaters if the main culvert gets clogged.
92 Mitigation Solution: Relocate or Replace with Water Crossing
Mitigation Solution: Relocate or Replace with Water Crossing
Figure 1.3.21. A low-water crossing in place of a culvert will accommodate flows during emergency events.
93 Figure 1.3.22. Installing an overflow section in the roadway can accommodate stream overflows.
96 Fact Sheet 1.4: Bridges
Fact Sheet 1.4: Bridges
Figure 1.4.1. Basic bridge structure.
97 Table 1.4.1. Common Mitigation Solutions for Various Types of Bridge Damage
98 Mitigation Solution: Improve Flow Under the Bridge Crossing
Mitigation Solution: Improve Flow Under the Bridge Crossing
Figure 1.4.2. Reducing the number of spans can increase the flow amount under the bridge. In this figure, the dashed piers would be removed to accomplish this.
99 Figure 1.4.3. Increasing the size of a bridge opening by raising the bridge deck can increase flow volume under the bridge.
100 Figure 1.4.4. Lengthening a bridge can provide additional overflow capacity beneath the bridge.
101 Figure 1.4.5. Building a relief opening can help prevent flooding of bridges.
102 Figure 1.4.6. Low water crossings can be cost effective in areas with low traffic where flooding is seasonal.
103 Mitigation Solution: Construct Erosion and Scour Countermeasures
Mitigation Solution: Construct Erosion and Scour Countermeasures
Figure 1.4.7. Riprap can protect bridge piers and abutments against erosion and scour.
104 Figure 1.4.8. Wingwalls can help direct the flow of water and prevent erosion and scour at the bridge.
105 Figure 1.4.9. Spur dikes can direct flood flows, reducing erosion and scour around bridges.
106 Figure 1.4.10. Realigning piers and abutments can decrease the damage from erosion and scour.
107 Figure 1.4.11. Increasing footing depth can protect bridge foundations against scour.
108 Figure 1.4.12. Installing flow deflectors immediately upstream of bridge piers can help protect them against scour.
109 Mitigation Solution: Reduce Debris Damage
Mitigation Solution: Reduce Debris Damage
Figure 1.4.13. Debris deflectors can protect bridge piers and abutments from impact damages and debris accumulation.
110 Figure 1.4.14. Endnoses installed on the upstream end of piers (shown by red arrows) can protect piers from debris impacts.
111 Figure 1.4.15. Steel plate batters protect piers from the impact of floating debris.
112 Figure 1.4.16. Replace a multiple timber pier structure with a concrete column to protect against debris impact.
113 Figure 1.4.17. Replacing a solid deck with an open deck can reduce trapped debris.
114 Figure 1.4.18. Debris catchments trap debris before it reaches bridge piers and abutments.
115 Figure 1.4.19. A debris sweeper can be attached directly to a pier to deflect debris (FHWA, 2005).
Figure 1.4.20. Pile-mounted debris sweepers can effectively direct debris away from bridge piers (FHWA, 2005).
116 Mitigation Solution: Relocate the Bridge
Mitigation Solution: Relocate the Bridge
118 Fact Sheet 1.5: Roadway Lights, Poles, and Signage
Fact Sheet 1.5: Roadway Lights, Poles, and Signage
Table 1.5.1. Common Mitigation Strategies for Various Types of Damage
119 Mitigation Solution: Traffic Signal Controllers
Mitigation Solution: Traffic Signal Controllers
Figure 1.5.1. Elevating signal controller cabinets protects them against flooding.
121 Mitigation Solution: Traffic Signal Support Structures and Luminaires
Mitigation Solution: Traffic Signal Support Structures and Luminaires
Figure 1.5.2. Mast arm poles protect traffic signals against wind damage.
123 Figure 1.5.3. Vibration dampers can protect poles and signals against wind vibration damage.
124 Mitigation Solution: Roadway Sign Support Structures
Mitigation Solution: Roadway Sign Support Structures
125 Figure 1.5.4. Increase sign connectors and pole embedment depth. Left image is before mitigation occurs. Right image is after mitigation occurs.
126 Figure 1.5.5. Helical anchors can be used as foundation support for street signs and light poles.
128 Fact Sheet 2.0: Water Control Facilities
Hurricane and Flood Mitigation
Mitigation Fact Sheets
Fact Sheet 2.0: Water Control Facilities
Hurricane and Flood Mitigation
Mitigation Fact Sheets
129 Figure 2.0.1. Channels, aqueducts and canals collect, carry, and distribute water.
Figure 2.0.2. Basins are in-ground structures used to hold water.
130 Mitigation Strategies
Mitigation Strategies
Figure 2.0.3. Dams are used to retain and control the flow of water.
131 Icons
Table 2.0.1. Icons Used to Represent Considerations about Hazard Mitigation Strategies
136 Fact Sheet 2.1: Channels, Aqueducts, and Canals
Fact Sheet 2.1: Channels, Aqueducts, and Canals
Table 2.1.1. Channel, Aqueduct and Canal Mitigation Solution
138 Mitigation Solution: Armor Channels and Canals
Mitigation Solution: Armor Channels and Canals
Figure 2.1.1. Concrete lining of a channel.
139 Mitigation Solution: Stabilize Channels and Canals
Mitigation Solution: Stabilize Channels and Canals
Figure 2.1.2. Typical ACB cross-section.
Figure 2.1.3. Typical cross-section of slope protection.
140 Mitigation Solution: Lessen the Energy of Flood Flow
Mitigation Solution: Lessen the Energy of Flood Flow
Figure 2.1.4. Energy dissipators such as stone drop structures can help slow themovement of water to decrease erosion and scour.
141 Mitigation Solution: Prevent Pipe and Tunnel Issues
Mitigation Solution: Prevent Pipe and Tunnel Issues
144 Fact Sheet 2.2: Basins
Stormwater Basins
Fact Sheet 2.2: Basins
Stormwater Basins
Table 2.2.1. Basin Mitigation Solutions
145 Bioretention Areas
Bioretention Areas
Figure 2.2.1. Typical stormwater basin cut.
146 Dry Swales
Dry Swales
Figure 2.2.2. Typical bioretention facility.
147 Wet Ponds
Wet Ponds
Figure 2.2.3. Typical dry swale with check dams.
148 Figure 2.2.4. Wet pond plan view.
Figure 2.2.5. Wet pond section view.
149 Extended Detention Ponds
Extended Detention Ponds
Figure 2.2.6. Extended Detention Pond.
150 Mitigation Solutions
Mitigation Solutions
154 Fact Sheet 2.3: Mitigation of Dams and Reservoirs
Dam Hazard Potential Classifications
Fact Sheet 2.3: Mitigation of Dams and Reservoirs
Dam Hazard Potential Classifications
155 Figure 2.3.1. This dam is considered low hazard potential because, if it failed, it would only impact the forest around it.
Figure 2.3.2. This dam is considered high hazard potential because its failure would impact the community directly downstream and could result in loss of life and property.
156 Table 2.3.1. Common Mitigation Solutions for Dams and Reservoirs
158 Importance of Emergency Planning for Dams
Importance of Emergency Planning for Dams
160 Mitigation Solution: Improve Stability
Mitigation Solution: Improve Stability
Figure 2.3.3. Example of failed downstream slope.
Figure 2.3.4. Use of compacted fill to reduce the downstream slope angle.
162 Figure 2.3.5. Buttressing can give additional stability to embankment dams.
163 Figure 2.3.6. Anchoring can give resistance to overturning and sliding.
164 Mitigation Solution: Increase Spillway Capacity
Mitigation Solution: Increase Spillway Capacity
165 Figure 2.3.7. To increase spillway capacity, widen an existing spillway or build a second spillway.
166 Mitigation Solution: Increase Temporary Storage Capacity
Mitigation Solution: Increase Temporary Storage Capacity
167 Figure 2.3.8. Raising the height of a dam can increase temporary flood storage capacity.
169 Mitigation Solution: Control Surface Erosion
Mitigation Solution: Control Surface Erosion
Figure 2.3.9. Wave action can erode the upstream slope of a dam.
170 Figure 2.3.10. Initial embankment overtopping can lead to a complete overflow.
Figure 2.3.11. Headcut erosion could lead to an accidental release from the impoundment.
171 Figure 2.3.12. Riprap layouts can be designed to protect against wave action.(Source: NRCS, 1983)
Figure 2.3.13. Riprap blankets can protect against wave action. (Source: USFWS, 2008)
172 Figure 2.3.14. ACBs (left) and RCC (right) can protect spillways from overtopping erosion.
173 Figure 2.3.15. A parapet wall can give additional freeboard to protect against wave overtopping.
174 Figure 2.3.16. Cutoff walls can improve the stability of some unarmored auxiliary spillways.
175 Mitigation Solution: Reduce Seepage and Internal Erosion
Mitigation Solution: Reduce Seepage and Internal Erosion
Figure 2.3.17. Blanket drains increase seepage flow paths and reduce the risk of seepage-related piping.
176 Figure 2.3.18. Filter diaphragms can prevent seepage around conduits.
177 Figure 2.3.19. Reverse filters can be used to address sinkholes.
178 Figure 2.3.20. Seepage cutoff walls can be achieved through deep soil mixing.
179 Figure 2.3.21. Plan view of a secant pile wall.
180 Mitigation Solution: Address Foundation Issues
Mitigation Solution: Address Foundation Issues
Figure 2.3.22. Plan and profile of a grout curtain design.
181 Figure 2.3.23. Foundation cutoff walls can help control seepage through a dam foundation.
185 3.X: Fact Sheet Series Number [X.X.X]
Fact Sheet 3.0: Buildings, Systems and Equipment
Hurricane and Flood Impacts
Mitigation Fact Sheets
Fact Sheet 3.0: Buildings, Systems and Equipment
Hurricane and Flood Impacts
Mitigation Fact Sheets
186 Mitigation Solutions
Mitigation Solutions
Figure 3.0.1. Small public building elements (before mitigation).
Figure 3.0.2. Large public building elements (before mitigation).
189 Figure 3.0.3. Large public building elements with primary electrical system components mitigated.
190 Figure 3.0.4. Flood risk for large public building reduced by relocating primary HVAC components from a subgrade basement level to a higher floor.
191 Icons
Table 3.0.1. Icons Used to Represent Considerations about Hazard Mitigation Strategies
194 Fact Sheet 3.1: Foundations
Fact Sheet 3.1: Foundations
195 Figure 3.1.1. Foundation characteristics.
196 Table 3.1.1. Common Mitigation Solutions
197 Mitigation Solution�: Relocate
Mitigation Solution�: Relocate
Figure 3.1.2. Relocation of a small flood-prone public building.
199 Mitigation Solution�: Elevate
Mitigation Solution�: Elevate
200 Figure 3.1.3. Elevation of small public building on piles in coastal flood zone.
201 Figure 3.1.4. Abandoning the lowest floor can elevate usable space above the BFE.
202 Figure 3.1.5. Constructing a raised floor or filling in a basement can elevate occupied space above the BFE.
203 Mitigation Solution�: Floodproof
Mitigation Solution�: Floodproof
Figure 3.1.6. Wet floodproofing opening retrofit diagram for a small public building.
204 Figure 3.1.7. Dry floodproofing sealants diagram for a portion of a building.
205 Figure 3.1.8. Dry floodproofing sealants and secondary drainage diagram.
207 Mitigation Solution�: Retrofit the Structure
Mitigation Solution�: Retrofit the Structure
Figure 3.1.9. Grouted micropile (left) and helical pile (right) can strengthen existing building foundations.
208 Figure 3.1.10. Improve connections—select approaches to address minor wood pile-to-beam misalignments.
212 Fact Sheet 3.2: Wall Systems and Openings
Fact Sheet 3.2: Wall Systems and Openings
213 Table 3.2.1. Wall Systems and Openings Mitigation Solutions
214 Mitigation Solution�: For Wall Systems
Mitigation Solution�: For Wall Systems
Figure 3.2.1. Connectors help create an adequate building load path.
216 Figure 3.2.2. Features of typical high-wind siding and standard siding.
217 Mitigation Solution: For Door Openings
Mitigation Solution: For Door Openings
Figure 3.2.3. Examples of weather stripping (far left and center left) and drip protection (center right and far right) to prevent wind-driven rain entry at doors.
218 Figure 3.2.4. Examples of hinged (left) and lift out (right) flood shields with gaskets at entry doors. Some flood shields are automatic while others must be placed manually.
220 Figure 3.2.5. Recommended details for upgrading garage doors.
222 Mitigation Solutions: For Window Openings
Mitigation Solutions: For Window Openings
Figure 3.2.6. Use screw anchors to fasten window frames directly to concrete.
223 Figure 3.2.7. Connection of wall sheathing to window header (left) and window header to exterior wall (right) as part of a wall framing system.
224 Figure 3.2.8. Examples of storm shutter styles.
227 Fact Sheet 3.3.1: Roof Systems—Sloped Roofs
Fact Sheet 3.3.1: Roof Systems—Sloped Roofs
Figure Basic elements of typical sloped roofs featuring gable-end roof system (top) and hip roof system (bottom).
229 Table Mitigation Solutions for Sloped-Roof Systems
230 Mitigation Solution: Strengthen or Improve
Mitigation Solution: Strengthen or Improve
231 Figure Conceptual gable end retrofit without overhangs.
232 Figure Conceptual gable end retrofit with overhangs.
233 Figure Examples of proper roof connectors and fasteners for a wood-framed truss.
235 Figure Examples of proper sheathing panel layouts for gable-end roof (top) and hip roofs (bottom)
236 Figure Strong underlayment installation details applied to asphalt shingle roof sheathing in high-wind regions.
237 Figure Proper and improper locations of shingle fasteners.
Figure The Dos and Don’ts of driving roof nails through asphalt shingles.
239 Figure Improving soffits can decrease wind damage to sloped roofs.
240 Figure Sheet metal straps (circled) attached to an existing gutter to increase wind uplift resistance.
242 Mitigation Solution: Add or Increase
Mitigation Solution: Add or Increase
243 Mitigation Solution: Secure or Eliminate
Mitigation Solution: Secure or Eliminate
245 Figure Protecting gable end vents using shutters (left) and sealing gable rake vents using metal plugs as indicated by red arrows (right).
247 Fact Sheet 3.3.2: Roof Systems—Low‑Slope Roofs
Fact Sheet 3.3.2: Roof Systems—Low‑Slope Roofs
Figure Basic components of typical low-slope roofs featuring overhangs (left) and parapet walls (right).
249 Table Mitigation Solutions for Low Slope Roof Systems
250 Mitigation Solution: Secure or Eliminate
Mitigation Solution: Secure or Eliminate
252 Mitigation Solution: Add or Increase
Mitigation Solution: Add or Increase
Figure Condenser bolted down to concrete curb (blue arrows) with tie-down cables (red arrows), but the lightning protection system is no longer secured by its connector (green arrow).
254 Mitigation Solution: Strengthen or Improve
Mitigation Solution: Strengthen or Improve
256 Figure Both vertical faces of coping were attached with exposed fasteners (¼-inch diameter stainless steel fasteners spaced 12” on center) instead of concealed cleatsfollowing Typhoon Paka (1997) in Guam to prevent the flashing from tearing in
257 Figure Sheet metal straps (circled) attached to an existing gutter to increase wind uplift resistance.
258 Figure Rooftop periodic gas line supports using a steel angle welded to a pipe that was anchored to the roof deck for lateral and uplift resistance (left). Use of intermittent membrane flashing to secure a lightning protection system conductor
260 Mitigation Solution: Upgrade
Mitigation Solution: Upgrade
262 Fact Sheet 3.4.1: Building Utility Systems—Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Fact Sheet 3.4.1: Building Utility Systems—Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
263 Key Terms and Definitions
Key Terms and Definitions
Figure Basic components of a large public building fluid-based HVAC system. Note HVAC components on upper floors are not shown in this simplified graphic.
Figure Basic components of a small public building supplied by two forced-air HVAC systems.
264 Table Common HVAC System Mitigation Solutions
265 Mitigation Solution: Elevate or Relocate
Mitigation Solution: Elevate or Relocate
Figure Elevation of indoor and outdoor HVAC components on platforms above flood protection level for small public building.
266 Figure Elevation of indoor HVAC components from basement to first floor above flood protection level for large public building, with outdoor HVAC components relocated to the rooftop.
267 Mitigation Solution: Dry Floodproof
Mitigation Solution: Dry Floodproof
Figure Dry floodproofing with a watertight wall and access gate can be used to protect HVAC and plumbing equipment (left); alternate dry floodproofing protective enclosures for protecting equipment (right).
269 Mitigation Solution: Wet Floodproof
Mitigation Solution: Wet Floodproof
271 Fact Sheet 3.4.2: Building Utility Systems—Electrical
Fact Sheet 3.4.2: Building Utility Systems—Electrical
272 Figure Typical small public building electrical system components with an onsite standby or emergency generator.
Figure Simplified diagram showing primary components of a large public building electrical system with standby generator (before mitigation).
273 Table Common Electrical System Mitigation Solutions
274 Mitigation Solution: Elevate or Relocate
Mitigation Solution: Elevate or Relocate
Figure Simplified diagram showing elevation of main and standby power components on elevated platforms above flood protection level for large public building.
275 Figure Combination meter socket and circuit breaker service disconnect (circled in red) used to allow the main panel to be elevated and protected from flooding when the meter (circled in yellow) cannot be moved.
276 Mitigation Solution: Dry Floodproof
Mitigation Solution: Dry Floodproof
278 Fact Sheet 3.4.3: Building Utility Systems—Plumbing
Fact Sheet 3.4.3: Building Utility Systems—Plumbing
279 Figure Typical small public building drinking water plumbing system components served by the public water system.
Figure Typical small public building wastewater DWV system components served by the public sanitary sewer system.
280 Figure Alternative small public building drinking water plumbing system components supplied by a well.
Figure Alternative small public wastewater DWV system components served by onsite waste disposal (septic).
281 Figure Simplified large public building drinking water plumbing, wastewater DWV, and fire suppression system components with utilities supplied by public water and sanitary sewer.
Figure Typical small public building liquid fuel system.
282 Figure Typical small public building flammable gas system liquid propane (LP) with tank and pressure regulator (left side); natural gas (NG) with meter (right side).
Figure Typical large public building supplied with liquid fuel (LP) or flammable gas (NG) systems.
283 Table Common Plumbing System Mitigation Solutions
284 Mitigation Solution: Elevate or Relocate
Mitigation Solution: Elevate or Relocate
Figure Elevation of primary plumbing system components to the upper floor of an existing small public building.
285 Figure Elevation of primary fuel system components on pedestals for a small public building.
Figure Outdoor fuel tank elevated on supporting frame (left); fuel tank elevated on structural fill (right).
287 Mitigation Solution: Seal or Isolate
Mitigation Solution: Seal or Isolate
Figure Backflow protection valves including a combination check valve and gate valve (left) and floor drain with ball float valve (right).
288 Figure Protection of private well using a sanitary well cap (left) or concrete well cap (middle), and protection of septic tank with lids and gasketed access covers, concrete risers and riser caps (right).
289 Mitigation Solution: Secure
Mitigation Solution: Secure
Figure Secure and seal underground tanks to protect them from flood damage.
291 Mitigation Solution: Dry Floodproof
Mitigation Solution: Dry Floodproof
293 Fact Sheet 3.4.4: Building Utility Systems—Conveyances
Fact Sheet 3.4.4: Building Utility Systems—Conveyances
294 Figure Typical elements of hydraulic elevators common in low-rise construction (left) and traction elevators common in high-rise construction (right). (Source: Otis Elevator Company)
295 Figure Typical elements of escalators used in some large public buildings. (Source: Otis Elevator Company)
Table Common Mitigation Solutions for Conveyance Systems
296 Mitigation Solution: Protect
Mitigation Solution: Protect
297 Figure Float switch in pit to stop cab descent. (Source: Otis Elevator Company)
299 Figure Inclined (left) and vertical (right) platform lifts move people between floors of a building. (U.S. Access Board, 2015)
301 Public Utilities
Fact Sheet 4.0: Public Utilities
Hurricane and Flood Impacts
Mitigation Fact Sheets
Fact Sheet 4.0: Public Utilities
Hurricane and Flood Impacts
Mitigation Fact Sheets
302 Mitigation Solutions
Mitigation Solutions
303 Icons
Table 4.0.1. Icons Used to Represent Considerations about Hazard Mitigation Strategies
306 Fact Sheet 4.1: Drinking Water Systems
Fact Sheet 4.1: Drinking Water Systems
307 Figure 4.1.1. The typical water treatment process has opportunities for hazard mitigation.(Source: City of Rockville, Maryland, 2012)
308 Table 4.1.1. Common Mitigation Solutions for Drinking Water Systems
309 Mitigation Solution: For Water Intake, Distribution and Storage
Mitigation Solution: For Water Intake, Distribution and Storage
311 Mitigation Solution: For Drinking Water Treatment Facilities
Mitigation Solution: For Drinking Water Treatment Facilities
312 Figure 4.1.2. Constructing a floodwall around a water treatment plant can protect buildings and equipment from flood damage. (Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 2013)
313 Mitigation Solution: For Booster Stations and Other Pumps
Figure 4.1.3. Installing an emergency backup generator can provide power to help a water treatment plant continue to operate during a flood. (Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], 2014)
314 Mitigation Solution: For Booster Stations and Other Pumps
315 Mitigation Solution: For Chemical and Fuel Storage Tanks
Figure 4.1.4. Water-tight doors can be used to protect pumps and other equipment in pump houses and booster stations.
316 Mitigation Solution: For Chemical and Fuel Storage Tanks
317 Figure 4.1.5. Secure tanks with non-corrosive straps to prevent flotation. (Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], 2014)
318 Mitigation Solution: For Instrumentation and Electrical Controls
Mitigation Solution: For Instrumentation and Electrical Controls
Figure 4.1.6. Elevating instrumentation can protect it from flood damage.(Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], 2014)
320 Mitigation Solution: For Power Supplies
Mitigation Solution: For Power Supplies
321 Figure 4.1.7. Microgrids can provide power to a facility to reduce its dependence on the main electrical grid. (Source: Sandia National Laboratories, 2020)
323 Fact Sheet 4.2: Wastewater Treatment Systems
Fact Sheet 4.2: Wastewater Treatment Systems
Table 4.2.1. Common Wastewater Treatment System Mitigation Solutions
325 Mitigation Solution: For Lift Stations
Mitigation Solution: For Lift Stations
Figure 4.2.1. Extend vent pipes and electrical controls above the flood elevation at lift stations.
328 Mitigation Solution: For Headworks
Mitigation Solution: For Headworks
330 Mitigation Solution: For Wastewater Treatment Plants
Mitigation Solution: For Wastewater Treatment Plants
331 Figure 4.2.2. Constructing a flood wall that extends above the 500-year flood elevation can help protect a wastewater treatment plant from flood damage. The blue lines indicate the approximate location of the planned floodwall for this treatment facilit
333 Mitigation Solution: For Chemical and Fuel Supplies
Mitigation Solution: For Chemical and Fuel Supplies
334 Figure 4.2.3. Raise tanks above the 500-year flood elevation and secure them with non-corrosive hardware to keep them from floating.
336 Mitigation Solution: For Instrumentation and Electrical Controls
Mitigation Solution: For Instrumentation and Electrical Controls
Figure 4.2.4. Elevating instrumentation can protect it from damage during flooding. (Source: U.S. EPA, 2014)
338 Mitigation Solution: For Power Supplies
Mitigation Solution: For Power Supplies
339 Figure 4.2.5. Installing renewable energy resources like solar panels can provide a standby source of power for wastewater treatment facilities. (National Renewable Energy Laboratory [NREL], 2017)
341 Fact Sheet 4.3: Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Fact Sheet 4.3: Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Table 4.3.1. Common Mitigation Solutions for Electric Power Systems
343 Mitigation Solution: For Transmission and Distribution
Mitigation Solution: For Transmission and Distribution
Figure 4.3.1. Cross-section of conductor types.
344 Figure 4.3.2. Dampers and detuners can help mitigate against gallop.
345 Figure 4.3.3. Interphase spacers can be used to help mitigate conductor gallop. (Source: INMR, 2021)
346 Figure 4.3.4. An armless composite utility pole helps mitigate against wind damage. (Source: Ramon Velasquez, 2013)
347 Figure 4.3.5. Typical utility pole with multiple guy wires and anchors.
Figure 4.3.6. Poles can be directly embedded in the ground deep enough to help prevent overturning, then backfilled with materials that can help increase foundation stability. (Source: Yenumula et al., 2017)
349 Figure 4.3.7. Comparison of loop-fed line versus radial-fed line systems. (Source: Bharti, 2015)
350 Figure 4.3.8. Installation of underground power lines.
351 Mitigation Solution: For Substations
Mitigation Solution: For Substations
Figure 4.3.9. Elevating a control house in coastal areas can protect it against damage from storm surge and flooding. (Source: Modular Connections, 2020)
352 Figure 4.3.10. The existing battery bank can be modified or augmented to provide additional backup power to the substation. (Source: OSHA, No Date)
353 Figure 4.3.11. Indoor gas-insulated switchgears can be used in environments where water can penetrate the control house. (Source: Siemens Energy, 2021)
354 Mitigation Solution: For Power Plants
Mitigation Solution: For Power Plants
355 Figure 4.3.12. Hurricane Maria severely damaged a solar array in Puerto Rico in 2017.
356 Figure 4.3.13. Individual building-based solar and wind form the backbone of widely distributed generation. (Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2021)
357 Figure 4.3.14. A solar array on Vandenberg Air Force Base helps power facilities on the base.(Source: Defense Logistics Agency, photo by Airman First Class Clayton Wear, No Date)
359 Mitigation Solution: For the Smart Grid
Mitigation Solution: For the Smart Grid
Figure 4.3.15. Pole-mounted automatic transmission and distribution line feeder reclosers can help identify and isolate faults so power can be restored quickly.
360 Figure 4.3.16. Dedicated fiber-optic cables embedded in power cables can provide additional communication channels for SCADA systems. (Source: Transmission-line.net, 2010)
361 Figure 4.3.17. Simplified AMI system (Source: Christopher Villareal, 2020)
362 Figure 4.3.18. Data collection gateways should be protected against wind by placing them in storm shelters.
365 Fact Sheet 4.4: Communication Towers, Masts and Antennas
Fact Sheet 4.4: Communication Towers, Masts and Antennas
Figure 4.4.1. The collapse of a tower with antennas can damage the roof membrane, causing it to peel.
366 Table 4.4.1. Common Mitigation Solutions for Communications Systems
367 Mitigation Solution: Anchor
Mitigation Solution: Anchor
368 Figure 4.4.2. Rooftop antennas often are mounted using ballast sleds.
Figure 4.4.3. Antennas can be secured to the building structure to improve wind resistance.
370 Mitigation Solution: Strengthen
Mitigation Solution: Strengthen
Figure 4.4.4. Exterior and interior of an equipment shelter.
375 Mitigation Solution: Elevate or Relocate
Mitigation Solution: Elevate or Relocate
377 Fact Sheet 5.0: Parks, Recreational and Other Facilities
Hurricane and Flood Impacts
Fact Sheet 5.0: Parks, Recreational and Other Facilities
Hurricane and Flood Impacts
378 Mitigation Fact Sheets
Mitigation Fact Sheets
379 Mitigation Solutions
Mitigation Solutions
380 Icons
Table 5.0.1. Icons Used to Represent Considerations about Hazard Mitigation Strategies
384 Fact Sheet 5.1: Parks and Recreational Facilities
Fact Sheet 5.1: Parks and Recreational Facilities
385 Table 5.1.1. Common Mitigation Solutions for Parks and Recreational Facilities
386 Mitigation Solution: For Accessory Structures
Mitigation Solution: For Accessory Structures
Figure 5.1.1. Bolted brackets or clamps can be used to anchor some structures.
387 Figure 5.1.2. Chains or steel cables attached to ground anchors can be used to anchor park structures.
388 Figure 5.1.3. Some park equipment can be embedded deep enough into the ground to improve stability.
Figure 5.1.4. Poles and posts embedded in concrete can help resist wind.
389 Mitigation Solution: For Sport Courts
Mitigation Solution: For Sport Courts
Figure 5.1.5. New courts can be overlaid on existing cracked tennis and basketball courts.
390 Mitigation Solution: For Landscaping
Mitigation Solution: For Landscaping
Figure 5.1.6. A bioswale can help retain floodwaters (left), and a culvert pipe can direct flow under a road or trail (right).
392 Figure 5.1.7. Greenways can help direct and absorb floodwaters.
Figure 5.1.8. Nature-based solutions or hybrid approaches to streambank stabilization (combining hardscapes with nature-based solutions) can protect trails and other park facilities.
394 Fact Sheet 5.2: Mass Transit Facilities
Fact Sheet 5.2: Mass Transit Facilities
395 Table 5.2.1. Additional Information on Mass Transit Facility Vulnerabilities and Mitigation Solutions
397 Table 5.2.2. Table 5.2.2. Common Mitigation Solutions for Mass Transit Facilities
398 Mitigation Solution: For Tunnels
Mitigation Solution: For Tunnels
Figure 5.2.1. Subway tunnel cross section.
399 Figure 5.2.2. Inflatable plugs can prevent flooding in tunnels. (Source: Department of Homeland Security, 2017)
400 Figure 5.2.3. Elevated vent covers help protect against subway flooding while also acting as public sculptures. (Source: Jim Henderson, 2009)
401 Figure 5.2.4. Flood gates and flood barriers can help protect buildings and structures against rising water.
Figure 5.2.5. Recessed passive barriers float into place automatically to protect against flooding.
402 Figure 5.2.6. Deployable covers for subway access stairways can help prevent flooding of underground stations. (Source: Metropolitan Transportation Authority, 2021)
403 Figure 5.2.7. Floodwalls can help protect buildings from being flooded.
405 Mitigation Solution: For Railways
Mitigation Solution: For Railways
Figure 5.2.8. Rail system components.
409 Mitigation Solution: For Catenary Overhead System
Mitigation Solution: For Catenary Overhead System
Figure 5.2.9. Catenary system.
412 Fact Sheet 5.3: Earth Slope Stabilization
Fact Sheet 5.3: Earth Slope Stabilization
413 Slides
Figure 5.3.1. Examples and description of slides. (Source: Washington Geological Survey)
414 Table 5.3.1. Common Mitigation Solutions for Earth Slope Stabilization
415 Mitigation Solution: Excavate
Mitigation Solution: Excavate
Figure 5.3.2. Removing soil and replacing it with lightweight fill can help decrease loads that drive soil downslope.
416 Figure 5.3.3. Benching or terracing can help improve slope stability.
417 Figure 5.3.4. Reducing the slope angle removes some of the driving forces that can cause instability. (Source: USGS, 2004)
418 Mitigation Solution: Reinforce or Strengthen
Mitigation Solution: Reinforce or Strengthen
Figure 5.3.5. Geosynthetics can be used to reinforce and strengthen slopes. (Source: FHWA, 2009)
419 Figure 5.3.6. A toe berm adds resistance to sliding material.
420 Figure 5.3.7. Deep soil mixing (DSM) creates a soil-concrete column to provide additional stability against sliding.
421 Figure 5.3.8. Soil nailing can allow slope stabilization at steep angles. (Source: FHWA, 2015)
Figure 5.3.9. Soil nailing can be combined with vegetation to improve slope stability and aesthetics for both shallow and deep failure surfaces. (Source: FHWA, 2015)
423 Mitigation Solution: Install Drainage
Mitigation Solution: Install Drainage
Figure 5.3.10. Interceptor trench drains can be used to direct surface runoff away from slopes.
424 Figure 5.3.11. Horizontal drains help lower the water table, which reduces driving forces by decreasing soil water content. (Source: USGS, 2008)
425 Figure 5.3.12. Check dams can be constructed of logs, rocks, or other materials to slow the flow of water in a channel on a slope. (Source: U.S. Forest Service, 2007)
426 Mitigation Solution: Install Retaining Walls
Mitigation Solution: Install Retaining Walls
Figure 5.3.13. MSE walls use geotextiles and granular soil backfill to retain slopes. (Source: FHWA, 2009)
427 Figure 5.3.14. Soldier pile walls can be used to reinforce failure planes. (Source: FHWA, 1999)
428 Figure 5.3.15. Gabions can be used to improve slope stability by resisting the sideways forces behind them. (Source: FHWA, 2001)
429 Figure 5.3.16. Crib walls can be constructed easily to retain soil on a slope. (Source: U.S. Forest Service, 2007)
431 Mitigation Solution: Install Nature-Based Solutions
Mitigation Solution: Install Nature-Based Solutions
Figure 5.3.17. Using vegetated stakes alone or in combination with a brush mat can help control erosion on slopes. (Source: NRCS, 1996)
432 Figure 5.3.18. Live fascine bundles can be used with stakes to help control erosion.(Source: USDA Forest Service, 2006)
Figure 5.3.19. Live crib walls can provide stability and help control erosion. (Source: NRCS, 1996)
435 Fact Sheet 5.4: Shorelines
Fact Sheet 5.4: Shorelines
Table 5.4.1. Common Shoreline Mitigation Solutions
436 Mitigation Solution: Structurally Stabilize Shorelines
Mitigation Solution: Structurally Stabilize Shorelines
437 Figure 5.4.1. Example seawall cross-sections.
438 Figure 5.4.2. Example of an anchored sheet-pile bulkhead.
439 Figure 5.4.3. Typical cross section of an armor stone revetment.
440 Figure 5.4.4. Typical plan view of a breakwater system.
441 Figure 5.4.5. Example sand accretion and erosion patterns around a groin system.
443 Figure 5.4.6. Rock cores can be used to build dunes that resist erosion from waves and surge.
444 Mitigation Solution: Use Non-Structural Stabilization
Mitigation Solution: Use Non-Structural Stabilization
Figure 5.4.7. Beach nourishment replaces sand lost through longshore drift or erosion and increases resilience. (Source: USACE, 2020).
445 Figure 5.4.8. Nature-based solutions for shoreline stabilization via a “Living Shorelines” approach. (Source: Adapted from NOAA, 2016)
448 Fact Sheet 5.5: Coastal Facilities
Fact Sheet 5.5: Coastal Facilities
449 Table 5.5.1. Common Mitigation Solutions for Damage to Coastal Facilities
450 Mitigation Solution: Monitor, Inspect, Repair
Mitigation Solution: Monitor, Inspect, Repair
451 Mitigation Solution: Retrofit, Reinforce
Mitigation Solution: Retrofit, Reinforce
Figure 5.5.1. Piles can be wrapped with PVC to protect them from damage (Source: Marine Fix Supply, 2018).
452 Figure 5.5.2. Fit aging piles with jacket encasements to strengthen and protect them (Source: Shoreline Plastics, No Date).
Figure 5.5.3. Improve pier performance during future storms by replacing storm-damaged pre-cast concrete pier deck panels with reinforced cast-in-place concrete (Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, No Date).
453 Figure 5.5.4. Reinforce wharves, docks and boardwalks by splicing and reinforcing the structural components of piers and piles (Source: Professional Diving Services, 2020).
454 Figure 5.5.5. Rendering of downtown San Francisco Terminal Expansion Project containing a marine terminal dock complex with in-water structural components joined together withshore-based structures (Source: Water Emergency Transportation Authority, 2021
455 Figure 5.5.6. An example of revetments protecting a boat launch ramp system.
Figure 5.5.7. An example of an outdoor dry-stack storage facility (Source: Brendan McGinley, 2021).
456 Figure 5.5.8. An example of an indoor dry-stack facility.
457 Mitigation Solution: Elevate
Mitigation Solution: Elevate
Figure 5.5.9. Elevating piers can help protect them from the impacts of floods (Source: USACE, 2020)
459 Mitigation Solution: Upgrade, Relocate
Mitigation Solution: Upgrade, Relocate
461 Appendices
462 A: Acronyms
463 B: Glossary of Key Terms
474 C: Codes, Standards, Best Practices and Mitigation
1. Codes
476 2. Standards
477 3. Best Practices
478 4. Mitigation
481 D: References
486 E: Comment Submission and Contacting FEMA
How to Obtain Hurricane and Flood Mitigation Handbook for Public Facilities
How to Send Comments on the Handbook
How to Get More Information
FEMA RecommendedFutureIssues 2021 ?u=/product/publishers/fema/fema-recommendedfutureissues-2021/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 04:20:50 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/fema-recommendedfutureissues-2021/ Recommended Future Issues and Research Needs Identified During the Development of the 2020 NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions for New Buildings and Other Structures
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
FEMA 2021

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
1 Recommended Future Issues and Research Needs
4 Table of Contents
7 Introduction
9 Overarching Items
1. Future Provisions Issues:
10 2. Research Needs:
11 NEHRP Provisions Chapter 1 – General
1. Future Provisions Issues:
2. Research Needs:
13 ASCE 7 Chapter 11 – Seismic Design Criteria
1. Future Provisions Issues:
14 2. Research Needs:
15 ASCE 7 Chapter 12 – Seismic Design Requirements for Building Structures
1. Future Provisions Issues:
19 2. Research Needs:
24 ASCE 7 Chapter 13 – Seismic Design Requirements for Nonstructural Components
25 1. Future Provisions Issues:
2. Research Needs:
27 ASCE 7 Chapter 14 – Material Specific Seismic Design and Detailing Requirements
1. Steel
2. Concrete
29 3. Masonry
31 4. Wood
34 ASCE 7 Chapter 15 – Seismic Design Requirements for Nonbuilding Structures
1. Future Provisions Issues:
2. Research Needs:
35 ASCE 7 Chapter 16 – Nonlinear response History Analysis
1. Future Provisions Issues:
2. Research Needs:
36 ASCE 7 Chapter 19 – Soil-Structure Interaction for Seismic Design
1. Future Provisions Issues:
2. Research Needs:
38 ASCE 7 Chapter 20 – Site Classification Procedure for Seismic Design
1. Future Provisions Issues:
2. Research Needs:
39 ASCE 7 Chapter 21 – Site-Specific Ground Motion Procedures for Seismic Design
1. Future Provisions Issues:
2. Research Needs:
40 ASCE 7 Chapter 22 – Seismic Ground Motion and Long-Period Transition Maps
1. Future Provisions Issues:
2. Research Needs:
41 Quality Assurance Provisions
1. Future Provisions Issues:
2. Research Needs:
42 FEMA P-695 and P-795
1. Future Provisions Issues:
2. Research Needs:
44 Appendix A. Presentation on Future PUC Issues and Research Needs at BSSC Symposium on the 2020 NEHRP Provisions, March 3, 2021
74 Appendix B. Other comments and suggestions by BSSC member originations
82 Appendix C. BSSC Council Meeting and Symposium on 2020 NEHRP Provisions (FEMA P-2082), Question and Answer Report
FEMA P 2192 Volume3 2020 ?u=/product/publishers/fema/fema-p-2192-volume3-2020/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 04:12:29 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/fema-p-2192-volume3-2020/ FEMA P-2192-V3 2020 NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions: Design Examples, Training Materials, and Design Flow Charts - Volume III: Design Flow Charts
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
FEMA 2020 35

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
2 2020 NEHRP (National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program) Recommended Seismic Provisions: Design Flow Charts
4 2020 NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions: Design Examples, Training Materials, and Design Flow Charts
5 Table of Contents
FEMA P 2192 Volume2 2020 ?u=/product/publishers/fema/fema-p-2192-volume2-2020/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 04:12:29 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/fema-p-2192-volume2-2020/ FEMA P-2192-V2 2020 NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions: Design Examples, Training Materials, and Design Flow Charts - Volume II: Training Materials
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
FEMA 2020

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
1 2020 NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions: Design Examples, Training Materials, and Design Flow Charts
5 Table of Contents
6 Chapter 1 Introduction to the 2020 NEHRP Provisions Design Examples
7 Learning Objectives
8 Outline of Presentation
9 Overview of the 2020 NEHRP Provisions
10 The NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions
11 Intent of the 2020 NEHRP Provisions
12 From Research to Improved Standards and Seismic Design Practice
13 How US Seismic Codes are Developed
14 2020 NEHRP Provisions – BSSC Provisions Update Committee
15 2020 NEHRP Provisions Organization
16 Resources to Support the 2020 NEHRP Provisions and ASCE/SEI 7-22
17 Evolution of Earthquake Engineering
18 Recent North American Earthquakes and Subsequent Code Changes
19 Recent North American Earthquakes and Subsequent Code Changes
20 Recent North American Earthquakes and Subsequent Code Changes
21 Recent North American Earthquakes and Subsequent Code Changes
22 History and Role of the NEHRP Provisions
23 U.S. Seismic Code Development and Role of the NEHRP Provisions
24 U.S. Seismic Code Development and Role of the NEHRP Provisions
25 Evolution of the NEHRP Provisions
26 Highlights of Major Changes in the 2020 NEHRP Provisions and in ASCE/SEI 7-22
27 Highlights of Major Changes to 2020 NEHRP Provisions and ASCE/SEI 7-22
28 Move from Two-Point Spectra (2PRS) to Multi-Point Spectra (MPRS)
29 Three New Shear Wall Seismic Force-Resisting Systems
30 Updates to Diaphragm Design Provisions
31 Relaxation in Requirement for Response Spectrum Analysis
32 Revisions in Displacement Requirements
33 Changes in Nonbuilding Structures Requirements
34 Addition of Quantitative R eliability Targets for Individual Members and Essential Facilities
35 Part 3 Paper on a New Approach to Seismic Lateral Earth Pressures
36 New Seismic Design Force Equation
37 Building Modal Periods, Tn,bldg
38 PFA/PGA (Hf) Amplification Factor
39 Seismic Force-Resisting System
40 Building Ductility, Rμ
41 Chapter 13: Other Significant Changes from ASCE/SEI 7-16 to ASCE/SEI 7-22
42 Chapter 13: Other Significant Changes from ASCE/SEI 7-16 to ASCE/SEI 7-22
43 Chapter 13: Other Significant Changes from ASCE/SEI 7-16 to ASCE/SEI 7-22
44 Questions?
45 Overview of Design Example Chapters
46 Chapter 2 (Section 2.1 to 2.6) -Fundamentals
47 Chapter 2 -Fundamentals (Harris): Topics
48 Chapter 2 – Fundamentals: Yield, Ductility, Overstrength
49 Section 2.7 – Resilience-Based Design
50 Section 2.7 -Resilience-Based Design (Bonowitz): Topics
51 Section 2.7 -The “Resilience Field”
52 Section 2.7 -Functional Recovery vs. Community Resilience
53 Section 2.7 -FEMA-NIST Definitions* for Functional Recovery
54 Section 2.7 -Functional Recovery and Performance-Based Engineering
55 Section 2.7 -Functional Recovery Objective: CLT Design Example
56 Chapter 3 – Earthquake Ground Motions
58 Section 3.2: USGS NSHMs and BSSC PUC Requirements
59 Section 3.2 -Updates to 2020 NEHRP Design Ground Motions in Conterminous US
60 Section 3.2 -Hazard Changes (CEUS)
61 Section 3.2 -Hazard Changes (WUS)
62 Section 3.2 Part 2 – Dissection of Example Changes to the MCER Ground Motion Values (Luco): Topics
63 Section 3.2 -Deterministic Caps
64 Section 3.2 -Examples of Changes in MCER Values
65 Section 3.2 -Examples of Changes in SDC
66 Section 3.2 -BSSC Tool for Seismic Design Map Values https://doi.org/10.5066/F7NK3C76
67 Section 3.3 – Multi-Period Response Spectra (Kircher): Topics
68 Section 3.3 -The “Problem” with ASCE 7-10
69 Section 3.3 -Comparison of ASCE/SEI 7-16 Two-Period (ELF) Design Spectrum w/o Spectrum Shape Adjustment with MPRS Design Spectrum
70 Section 3.3 -Interim Solution of ASCE/SEI 7-16 (2015 NEHRP Provisions)
71 Section 3.3 -Long-Term Solution -MPRS in 2020 NEHRP Provisions and ASCE/SEI 7-22
72 Section 3.3 -New Site Classes and Associated Values of Shear Wave Velocities (Table 2.2-1, FEMA P-2078, June 2020)
73 Section 3.3 -MPRS Format
74 Move from Two-Point Spectra (2PRS) to Multi-Point Spectra (MPRS)
75 Section 3.3 -Design (As Usual) Using New MPRS
76 Section 3.4 – Other Changes to Ground Motion Provisions in ASCE/SEI 7-22 (Crouse): Topics
77 Chapter 4 – Ductile Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls
78 Chapter 4 – Ductile Coupled RC Shear Walls (Ghosh and Dasgupta): Topics
79 Chapter 2 – Ductile Coupled RC Shear Wall: Details
80 Chapter 5 – Coupled Composite Plate Shear Walls/Concrete Filled (C-PSW/CF)
81 Chapter 5 – Coupled Composite Plate Shear Walls / Concrete Filled (Shafaei and Varma): Topics
82 Chapter 5 – C-PSW/CF: Seismic Design Philosophy
83 Chapter 5 – C-PSW/CF: Coupling Beam-to-Wall Connection
84 Chapter 6 – Cross-Laminated Timber Shear Walls
85 Chapter 6 -Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) Shear Wall (Line and Amini): Topics
86 Chapter 6 – CLT Shear Wall: Construction
87 Chapter 6 – CLT: Shear Wall Details
88 Chapter 7 – Horizontal Diaphragm Design
89 Chapter 7 – Horizontal Diaphragm Design (Cobeen): Topics
90 Chapter 7: Diaphragm Seismic Design Method Comparison
91 Chapter 7: Section 12.10.3 Alternative Design Provisions
92 Chapter 7: Section 12.10.4 Alternative RWFD Design Method
93 Chapter 7: Section 12.10.4 Alternative RWFD Design Method
94 Chapter 8 -Nonstructural Components
95 Chapter 8 -Design Examples for Nonstructural Components (Lizundia): Topics
96 Chapter 8 -Nonstructural Components Example: Architectural Precast Concrete
97 Chapter 8 -Nonstructural Components Example: Rocking Cladding Mechanism
98 Chapter 8 -Nonstructural Components Example: Piping System Seismic Design
99 Chapter 8 -Nonstructural Components Example: Egress Stairs
100 Chapter 8 -Nonstructural Components Example: Elevated Vessel
101 Chapter 8 -Nonstructural Components Example: Elevated Vessel
102 Chapter 8 -Prescribed Seismic Forces: Vessel Support and Attachments
103 Chapter 8 -Nonstructural Component Example: HVAC Fan Unit Support
104 Organization and Presentation of the Design Example Chapters
105 Outline of the 2020 Design Examples Chapters
106 How to Use the 2015 and 2020 Design Examples Together
107 How to Use the 2015 and 2020 Design Examples Together
108 How to Use the 2015 and 2020 Design Examples Together
109 How to Use the 2015 and 2020 Design Examples Together
110 Presentation Techniques in the 2020 Design Examples
112 BSSC NEHRP Webinar Training: nibs.org/events/nehrp-webinar-series
113 Questions?
115 Chapter 2 (Sections 2.1 to 2.6) Fundamentals
116 Overview
117 Fundamental Concepts (1)
118 Fundamental Concepts (2)
119 Overview
120 Seismic Activity on Earth
121 Tectonic Plates
122 Section of Earth Crust at Ocean Rift Valley
123 Section of Earth Crust at Plate Boundary (Subduction Zone)
124 Fault Features
Strike angle
Dip angle
125 Faults and Fault Rupture
126 Types of Faults
127 Seismic Wave Forms (Body Waves)
128 Seismic Wave Forms (Surface Waves)
129 Arrival of Seismic Waves
130 Effects of Earthquakes
131 Recorded Ground Motions
132 Shaking at the Holiday Inn During the 1971 San Fernando Valley EQ
133 Overview
134 NEHRP (2009) Seismic Hazard Maps
136 Mass
137 Linear Viscous Damping
138 Damping and Energy Dissipation
139 Elastic Stiffness
140 Inelastic Behavior
141 Undamped Free Vibration
142 Undamped Free Vibration (2)
143 Periods of Vibration of Common Structures
144 Damped Free Vibration
145 Damped Free Vibration (2)
146 Damped Free Vibration (3)
147 Damping in Structures
148 Undamped Harmonic Loading and Resonance
149 Damped Harmonic Loading and Resonance
150 Resonant Response Curve
151 General Dynamic Loading
152 Effective Earthquake Force
153 Simplified SDOF Equation of Motion
154 Use of Simplified Equation of Motion
155 Use of Simplified Equation
156 Creating an Elastic Response Spectrum
157 Pseudoacceleration Spectrum
158 Pseudoacceleration is Total Acceleration
159 Using Pseudoacceleration to Compute Seismic Force
160 Response Spectra for 1971 San Fernando Valley EQ (Holiday Inn)
161 Averaged Spectrum and Code Spectrum
162 NEHRP/ASCE 7 Design Spectrum
163 NEHRP 2020 Multi-Period Spectrum and “Two” Period Spectrum
164 Overview
165 MDOF Systems
166 Analysis of Linear MDOF Systems
167 Analysis of Linear MDOF Systems
168 Overview
169 Basic Base Shear Equations in NEHRP and ASCE 7
170 Building Designed for Wind or Seismic Load
171 Comparison of EQ vs Wind
172 How to Deal with Huge EQ Force?
173 Nonlinear Static Pushover Analysis
174 Mathematical Model and Ground Motion
175 Results of Nonlinear Analysis
176 Response Computed by Nonlin
177 Interim Conclusion (the Good News)
178 Interim Conclusion (The Bad News)
179 Development of the Equal Displacement Concept
180 The Equal Displacement Concept
181 Repeated Analysis for Various Yield Strengths (and constant stiffness)
182 Constant Displacement Idealization of Inelastic Response
183 Equal Displacement Idealization of Inelastic Response
184 Equal Displacement Concept of Inelastic Design
185 Key Ingredient: Ductility
186 Application in Principle
187 Application in Practice (NEHRP and ASCE 7)
188 Ductility/Overstrength First Significant Yield
189 First Significant Yield and Design Strength
190 Overstrength
191 Sources of Overstrength
192 Definition of Overstrength Factor 
193 Definition of Ductility Reduction Factor Rd
194 Definition of Response Modification Coefficient R
195 Definition of Response Modification Coefficient R
196 Definition of Deflection Amplification Factor Cd
197 Example of Design Factors for Reinforced Concrete Structures
198 Design Spectra as Adjusted for Inelastic Behavior
199 Using Inelastic Spectrum to Determine Inelastic Force Demand
200 Using the Inelastic Spectrum and Cd to Determine the Inelastic Displacement Demand
201 Overview
202 Design and Detailing Requirements
203 Questions
205 Chapter 2 (Section 2.7) Resilience-Based Design
206 Content
207 Consensus
208 Consensus understanding of resilience
209 The “Resilience Field”
210 The “Resilience Field”
211 FR : Building : CR : Community
212 “Resilience-Based Design and the NEHRP Provisions”
213 New definitions: Functional Recovery
214 FEMA-NIST definitions*
215 Functional recovery and performance-based engineering
216 The technical question
217 Functional recovery and the current building code
218 CLT Shear Wall Design Example (Chapter 6)
219 CLT Shear Wall Design Example (Chapter 6)
220 Functional recovery objective
221 Policy precedents for acceptable FR time?
222 Policy precedents for acceptable FR time?
223 Functional recovery objective
224 Expected FR time: What does current research say?
225 Expected FR time: What does current research say?
226 Expected FR time: What does current research say?
227 Expected FR time: What does current research say?
228 Functional recovery objective
229 CLT Shear Wall structural design criteria
230 CLT Shear Wall structural design criteria
231 CLT Shear Wall structural design criteria
232 CLT Shear Wall structural design criteria
233 Townhouse nonstructural design criteria
234 Townhouse nonstructural design criteria
235 Characteristics of RC IV functionality (NEHRP Provisions Section 1.1.5)
236 Characteristics of RC IV functionality (NEHRP Provisions Section 1.1.5)
237 Characteristics of RC IV functionality (NEHRP Provisions Section 1.1.5)
238 Voluntary FR and emerging best practices
239 Voluntary FR and emerging best practices
240 Voluntary FR and emerging best practices
241 Q&A
242 References
243 References
245 Chapter 3 (Section 3.2 -Part 1) The 2018 Update of the USGS National Seismic Hazard Model
246 Outline
247 USGS NSHMs & BSSC PUC Requirements
248 Updates to 2020 NEHRP Design Ground Motions in Conterminous US
249 Updates to 2020 NEHRP Design Ground Motions in Conterminous US
250 Updates to 2020 NEHRP Design Ground Motions in Conterminous US
251 Old CEUS Ground Motion Models
252 New CEUS Ground Motion Models
253 New CEUS Ground Motion Models
254 New CEUS Site-Effects Models
255 Hazard Changes (CEUS)
256 Deep Basin Effects
257 Deep Basin Effects
258 Hazard Changes (WUS)
259 Outside of Conterminous US (OCONUS)
260 Outside of Conterminous US (OCONUS)
261 Summary
262 Questions
264 Chapter 3 (Section 3.2 -Part 2) Dissection of Example Changes to the MCER Ground Motion Values
265 Commentary to Chapter 22
266 USGS 2018 National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM) Updates
267 BSSC Project ‘17 Recommendations
268 Maximum-Direction Scale Factors
269 Maximum-Direction Scale Factors
270 Deterministic Caps
271 Deterministic Caps
272 Commentary to Chapter 22
273 Examples of Changes in MCER Values
274 Examples of Changes in MCER Values
275 Examples of Changes in MCER Values
276 Examples of Changes in MCER Values
277 Examples of Changes in SDC
278 Examples of Changes in SDC
279 Summary of Changes in MCER Values
280 Commentary to Chapter 22
281 USGS Seismic Design Geodatabase
282 USGS Seismic Design Geodatabase
283 USGS Seismic Design Web Service
284 USGS Seismic Design Web Service
285 BSSC Tool for Seismic Design Map Values
286 BSSC Tool for Seismic Design Map Values
287 https://doi.org/10.5066/F7NK3C76
288 Questions
290 Chapter 3 (Section 3.3) New Multi-Period Response Spectra and Ground Motion Requirements
291 Design (As Usual) Using New MPRS
292 New Multi-Period Response Spectra (MPRS)
293 Summary of MPRS and Related Changes (to ASCE/SEI 7-16)
294 Summary of MPRS and Related Changes (to ASCE/SEI 7-16)
295 Two-Period Design Response Spectrum (Multi-Period Design Spectrum) (Figure 11.4-1, ASCE/SEI 7-05, ASCE/SEI 7-10 and ASCE/SEI 7-16 with annotation)
296 The “Problem” with ASCE/SEI 7-10
297 Comparison of ASCE/SEI 7-16 Two-Period (ELF) Design Spectrum w/o Spectrum Shape Adjustment and Multi-Period Response Spectra based on M7.0 earthquake ground motions at RX= 6.8 km) –Site Class C
Comparison of ASCE/SEI 7-16 Two-Period (ELF) Design Spectrum w/o Spectrum Shape Adjustment and Multi-Period Response Spectra based on M7.0 earthquake ground motions at RX= 6.8 km) –Site Class C
298 Comparison of ASCE/SEI 7-16 Two-Period (ELF) Design Spectrum w/o Spectrum Shape Adjustment and Multi-Period Response Spectra based on M7.0 earthquake ground motions at RX = 6.8 km) – Site Class D
299 Comparison of ASCE/SEI 7-16 Two-Period (ELF) Design Spectrum w/o Spectrum Shape Adjustment and Multi-Period Response Spectra based on M7.0 earthquake ground motions at RX = 6.8 km) – Site Class E
300 Comparison of ASCE/SEI 7-16 Two-Period (ELF) Design Spectrum w/o Spectrum Shape Adjustment and Multi-Period Response Spectra based on M8.0 earthquake ground motions at RX = 9.9 km) – Site Class E
301 Interim Solution of ASCE/SEI 7-16 (2015 NEHRP Provisions)
302 Site-Specific Requirements of Section 11.4.7 of ASCE/SEI 7-16 (2015 NEHRP Provisions)
303 Site-Specific Requirements of Section 11.4.7 of ASCE/SEI 7-16 (2015 NEHRP Provisions)
304 Conterminous United States Regions with S1 ≥ 0.2g (ASCE/SEI 7-16)
305 Long-Term Solution -Multi-Period Response Spectra (MPRS) (2020 NEHRP Provisions and ASCE/SEI 7-22)
306 MCER Ground Motions (Section 21.2) (Site-specific requirements of the 2020 NEHRP Provisions and ASCE/SEI 7-22)
307 Approach for Developing Multi-Period Response Spectra for United States Regions of Interest (CONUS and OCONUS sites)
308 Multi-Period Response Spectra Format (example matrix showing the combinations of twenty-two response periods, plus PGAG, and eight hypothetical site classes of the standard format of multi-period response spectra)
309 Multi-Period Response Spectra Format (example matrix showing the combinations of twenty-two response periods, plus PGAG, and eight hypothetical site classes of the standard format of multi-period response spectra)
310 Example Multi-Period Response Spectra (MPRS) (showing the new deterministic MCER Lower Limit, Table 21.2-1, 2020 NEHRP Provisions and ASCE/SEI 7-22, which are anchored to SS = SSD = 1.5 g, S1 = S1D = 0.6 g)
311 Conterminous United States Regions Governed Solely by Probabilistic MCER Ground Motions for Default Site Conditions
312 New Site Classes and Associated Values of Shear Wave Velocities (Table 2.2-1, FEMA P-2078, June 2020)
313 Distribution of 9,050 of Census Tracts of Densely Populated Areas of California, Oregon and Washington by Site Class (90% of Population)
314 Improved Values of Seismic Design Parameters
315 Example Derivation of SDS and SD1 from a Multi-Period Design Spectrum
316 Comparison of ASCE/SEI 7-16 Two-Period (ELF) Design Spectrum w/o Spectrum Shape Adjustment and Multi-Period Response Spectra based on M8.0 earthquake ground motions at RX = 9.9 km) – Site Class E
317 Multi-Period Design Spectrum (Figure 11.4-1, 2020 NEHRP Provisions and ASCE/SEI 7-22 with annotation)
318 Example Comparisons of Design Spectra (default site conditions)
319 Comparison of Design Response Spectra – Irvine (assuming default site conditions, Figure 8.2-1, FEMA P-2078, June 2020)
320 Comparison of Design Response Spectra – San Mateo (assuming default site conditions, Figure 8.2-2, FEMA P-2078, June 2020)
321 Comparison of Design Response Spectra – Anchorage (assuming default site conditions, Figure 8.2-4, FEMA P-2078, June 2020)
322 Comparison of Design Response Spectra – Memphis (assuming default site conditions, Figure 8.2-4, FEMA P-2078, June 2020)
323 Design (As Usual) Using New MPRS
324 Questions
326 Chapter 3 (Section 3.4) Additional Revisions to Ground-Motion Provisions
327 Presentation
328 MCEGPeak Ground Acceleration (ASCE/SEI 7-22, Section 21.5)
329 MCEGPeak Ground Acceleration (ASCE/SEI 7-22, Section 21.5)
330 Additional Revisions (ASCE/SEI 7-22, Section 21.5)
331 Additional Revisions (ASCE/SEI 7-22, Section 21.5)
332 Vertical Ground Motion (ASCE/SEI 7-22, Section 11.9)
333 Vertical Ground Motion (ASCE/SEI 7-22, Section 11.9)
334 Vertical Ground Motion (ASCE/SEI 7-22, Section 11.9)
335 Site Class when Shear Wave Velocity Data Unavailable (ASCE/SEI 7-22, Section 20.3)
336 Site Class when Shear Wave Velocity Data Unavailable (ASCE/SEI 7-22, Section 20.3)
337 Site Class when Shear Wave Velocity Data Unavailable
338 Site Class when Shear Wave Velocity Data Unavailable
339 Questions
341 Chapter 4 Reinforced Concrete Ductile Coupled Shear Walls
342 Coupled Walls
343 Coupled Walls
344 Coupled Walls
345 Coupled Walls
346 Coupled Walls
347 Ductile Coupled Shear Walls
348 Energy Dissipation in Coupling Beams
349 Energy Dissipation in Coupling Beams
350 ACI 318-19 18.10.9 Ductile Coupled Walls
351 Special Shear Walls
352 Ductile Coupling Beams
353 Ductile Coupling Beams
354 Ductile Coupling Beams
355 2020 NEHRP Provisions
356 2020 NEHRP Provisions
357 P695 Study
358 Additional ACI 318-19 Changes in Special Shear Wall Design
359 Additional ACI 318-19 Changes in Special Shear Wall Design
360 Shear Amplification: Concrete Shear Walls
361 Shear Amplification: Concrete Shear Walls
362 Shear Amplification: Concrete Shear Walls
363 Earthquake Force-Resisting Structural Systems of Concrete — ASCE/SEI 7-22
364 Earthquake Force-Resisting Structural Systems of Concrete — ASCE/SEI 7-22
365 Earthquake Force-Resisting Structural Systems of Concrete — ASCE/SEI 7-22
366 Example Problem
367 Introduction
368 Example Building Configuration
369 Example Building Configuration
370 Design Criteria
371 Design Criteria
372 Design Criteria
373 Design Criteria
374 Design Procedure
375 Analysis by Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure
376 Analysis by Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure
377 Modal Response Spectrum Analysis
378 Floor Forces from MRSA
379 Story Drifts from MRSA (X-Direction)
380 Story Drifts from MRSA (Y-Direction)
381 Story Drift Limitation
382 Design of Shear Wall
383 Design of Shear Wall – Design Loads
384 Design of Shear Wall – Design for Shear
385 Design of Shear Wall – Design for Shear
386 Design of Shear Wall – Design for Shear
387 Design of Shear Wall – Design for Shear
388 Design of Shear Wall – Design for Shear
389 Design of Shear Wall – Design for Shear
390 Design of Shear Wall – Design for Shear
391 Design of Shear Wall – Design for Shear
392 Boundary Elements of Special RC Shear Walls
393 Boundary Elements of Special RC Shear Walls
394 Boundary Elements of Special RC Shear Walls
395 Boundary Elements of Special RC Shear Walls
396 Boundary Elements of Special RC Shear Walls
397 Boundary Elements of Special RC Shear Walls
398 Boundary Elements of Special RC Shear Walls
399 Boundary Elements of Special RC Shear Walls
400 Boundary Elements of Special RC Shear Walls
401 Boundary Elements of Special RC Shear Walls
402 Boundary Elements of Special RC Shear Walls
403 Boundary Elements of Special RC Shear Walls
404 Design of Shear Wall (Grade 60 Reinforcement)
405 Check Strength Under Flexure and Axial Loads
406 Design of Shear Wall (Grade 80 Reinforcement)
407 Design of Shear Wall (Grade 80 Reinforcement)
408 Design of Coupling Beam
409 Design of Coupling Beam – Design Loads
410 Design of Coupling Beam – Design for Flexure
411 Design of Coupling Beam – Design for Flexure
412 Design of Coupling Beam – Design for Flexure
413 Design of Coupling Beam – Design for Flexure
414 Design of Coupling Beam – Design for Flexure
415 Design of Coupling Beam – Minimum Transverse Requirements
416 Design of Coupling Beam – Design for Shear
417 Design of Coupling Beam – Design for Shear
418 Design of Coupling Beam – Design for Shear
419 Questions
421 Chapter 5 Seismic Design of Coupled Composite Plate Shear Walls / Concrete Filled (C-PSW/CF)
422 Topics Covered
423 Introduction to Coupled C-PSW/CFs (SpeedCore System)
424 C-PSW/CF (SpeedCore System)
425 A New Chapter in Composite Construction
427 A New Chapter in Composite Construction
428 Coupled Composite Plate Shear Walls – Core Walls
429 A New Chapter in Composite Construction
430 Section Detailing, Limits, Requirements
431 Key Components of C-PSW/CF (SpeedCore System)
432 Steel Plates
433 Local Buckling, Plate Slenderness, Axial Compression
434 Local Buckling, Plate Slenderness, Axial Compression
435 Local Buckling, Plate Slenderness, Axial Compression
436 Tie Bar Size, Spacing, and Stability of Empty Modules
438 Tie Bar Size, Spacing, and Stability of Empty Modules
439 Recommendations for Stiffness
440 Recommendations for Flexural Strength
441 Recommendations for Shear Strength
442 Seismic Design of Coupled Composite Plate Shear Walls / Concrete Filled (Capacity Design)
443 Seismic Design of Coupled C-PSW/CF
444 Seismic Design of Coupled C-PSW/CF
445 Seismic Design Philosophy for Coupled C-PSW/CF
446 Seismic Design Philosophy
447 Design Example
448 Building Description
449 Building Description
450 Material Properties
451 Loads & Load Combinations
452 Building Description
453 Seismic Forces
454 Design Base Shear
455 C-PSW/CFs and Coupling Beam Dimensions
456 2D Modeling of Coupled C-PSW/CF
457 Inter-story Drift Limit
458 Linear Elastic Analysis
459 Design Of Coupling Beams
460 Design Of Coupling Beams
461 Design Of Coupling Beams
462 Design Of C-PSW/CFs
463 Design Of C-PSW/CFs
464 Design Of C-PSW/CFs
465 Design Of C-PSW/CFs
466 Design Of C-PSW/CFs
467 Design Of C-PSW/CFs
468 Design Of C-PSW/CFs
469 Design Of C-PSW/CFs (Flexural Strengt
470 Design Of C-PSW/CFs (Flexural Strength)
471 P-M Interaction of C-PSW/CFs
472 Design Of C-PSW/CFs (Shear Strength)
473 Coupling Beam-to-Wall Connection
474 Coupling Beam-to-Wall Connection
475 Coupling Beam-to-Wall Connection
476 Coupling Beam-to-Wall Connection
477 Check Shear Strength of Coupling Beam Flange Plate
478 Check Shear Strength of Wall Web Plates
479 Check Ductile Behavior of Flange Plates
480 Calculate Forces in Web Plates
481 Calculate Force Demand on C-Shaped Weld
482 Calculate Capacity of C-Shaped Weld
483 Calculate Capacity of C-Shaped Weld
484 Questions
486 Chapter 6 Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) Shear Walls
487 6.1Overview -Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) Shear Wall Example
488 6.1Overview -Useful Design Aid Resources
489 6.2Background
490 6.2Background
491 6.2Background
492 6.2Background
493 6.2Background
494 6.2Background
495 6.2Background
496 6.2Background
497 6.2Background
498 6.2Background
499 6.2Background
500 6.3Cross-Laminated T imber Shear Wall Example Description
501 6.3Cross-Laminated Timber Shear Wall Example Description
502 6.3Cross-Laminated Timber Shear Wall Example Description
503 6.4Seismic Forces
504 6.4Seismic Forces
505 6.5.1 Shear Capacity of Prescribed Connectors
506 6.5.1 Shear Capacity of Prescribed Connectors
507 6.5.1Shear Capacity of Prescribed Connectors
508 6.5.2 Shear Capacity of CLT Panel
509 6.6.1 CLT Shear Wall Hold-down Design
510 6.6.1 CLT Shear Wall Hold-down Design
511 6.6.1 CLT Shear Wall Hold-down Design
512 6.6.1 CLT Shear Wall Hold-down Design
513 6.6.2 CLT Shear Wall Compression Zone
514 6.6.2 CLT Shear Wall Compression Zone
515 6.7 CLT Shear Wall Deflection
516 6.7 CLT Shear Wall Deflection
517 6.8References
518 Questions
520 Chapter 7 Horizontal Diaphragm Design
521 What’s New in Diaphragm Design Provisions
522 What’s New in Diaphragm Design Provisions
523 Why Are Diaphragm Design Provisions Changing?
524 Diaphragm Design Presentation Outline – Part 1
525 Diaphragm Design Presentation Outline – Part 2
526 Overview of Diaphragm Design
527 Overview of Diaphragm Design
528 Overview of Diaphragm Design
529 Overview of Diaphragm Design
530 Overview of Diaphragm Design
531 Overview of Diaphragm Design – Transfer Forces
532 Overview of Diaphragm Design -NEHRP Diaphragm Tech Bri efs
533 Overview of Diaphragm Design -NEHRP Diaphragm Tech Briefs
534 Diaphragm Seismic Design Methods
535 Diaphragm Seismic Design Methods
536 Diaphragm Seismic Design Methods
537 Diaphragm Seismic Design Methods
538 Diaphragm Seismic Design Methods
539 Diaphragm Seismic Design Methods
540 Introduction t o Section 12.10.3 Alternative Design Provisions
541 Introduction t o Section 12.10.3 Alternative Design Provisions
542 Introduction to Section 12.10.3 Alternative Design Provisions
543 Introduction to Section 12.10.3 Alternative Design Provisions – Part 1
544 Introduction to Section 12.10.3 Alternative Design Provisions – Part 2
545 Introduction t o Section 12.10.4 Alternative RWFD Design Method
546 Introduction to Section 12.10.4 Alternative RWFD Design Method
547 Introduction to Section 12.10.4 Alternative RWFD Design Method
548 Introduction t o Section 12.10.4 Alternative RWFD Design Method
549 Example Multi-Story Steel Building with Steel Deck Diaphragms
550 Example Multi-Story Steel Building with Steel Deck Diaphragms
551 Example Multi-Story Steel Building with Steel Deck Diaphragms
552 Example Multi-Story Steel Building with Steel Deck Diaphragms
553 Example Multi-Story Steel Building with Steel Deck Diaphragms
554 Example Multi-Story Steel Building with Steel Deck Diaphragms
555 Example Multi-Story Steel Building with Steel Deck Diaphragms
556 Example Multi-Story Steel Building with Steel Deck Diaphragms
557 Example Multi-Story Steel Building with Steel Deck Diaphragms
558 Example Multi-Story Steel Building with Steel Deck Diaphragms
559 Example Multi-Story Steel Building with Steel Deck Diaphragms
560 Example Multi-Story Steel Building with Steel Deck Diaphragms
561 Example Multi-Story Steel Building with Steel Deck Diaphragms
Traditional Design Method (12.10.1 & 12.10.2)
562 Traditional Design Method
563 Traditional Design Method
564 Traditional Design Method
565 Traditional Design Method
566 Traditional Design Method
567 Traditional Design Method
568 Traditional Design Method
569 Traditional Design Method
570 Traditional Design Method
571 Traditional Design Method
572 Traditional Design Method
573 Traditional Design Method
574 Traditional Design Method
575 Example Multi-Story Steel Building with Steel Deck Diaphragms
576 Alternative Design Provisions (Section 12.10.3) -Introduction
577 Alternative Design Method (Section 12.10.3) -Introduction
578 Example Multi-Story Steel Building with Steel Deck Diaphragms
579 Alternative Design Method (Section 12.10.3)
580 Alternative Design Method (Section 12.10.3)
581 Alternative Design Method (Section 12.10.3)
582 Alternative Design Method (Section 12.10.3)
583 Alternative Design Method (Section 12.10.3)
584 Alternative Design Method (Section 12.10.3)
585 Alternative Design Method (Section 12.10.3)
586 Alternative Design Method (Section 12.10.3)
587 Alternative Design Method (Section 12.10.3)
588 Alternative Design Method (Section 12.10.3)
589 Alternative Design Method (Section 12.10.3)
590 Alternative Design Method (Section 12.10.3)
591 Alternative Design Method (Section 12.10.3)
592 Alternative Design Method (Section 12.10.3)
593 Alternative Design Method (Section 12.10.3)
594 Alternative Design Method (Section 12.10.3)
595 Alternative Design Method (Section 12.10.3)
596 Alternative Design Method (Section 12.10.3)
597 Alternative Design Method (Section 12.10.3)
598 Example Multi-Story Steel Building with Steel Deck Diaphragms
599 Comparison of Design Me thods
600 Comparison of Design Me thods
601 Comparison of Design Me thods
602 Part 1 Closing Comments
603 Questions
605 Chapter 7 – Part 2 Horizontal Diaphragm Design
606 Example One-Story RWFD Building with Bare Steel Deck Diaphragm
607 Diaphragm Design Presentation Outline – Part 2
608 Example One-Story RWFD Building with Steel Deck Diaphragm
609 Example One-Story RWFD Building with Steel Deck Diaphragm
610 Example One-Story RWFD Building with Steel Deck Diaphragm
611 Example One-Story RWFD Building with Steel Deck Diaphragm
612 Example One-Story RWFD Building with Steel Deck Diaphragm
613 Example One-Story RWFD Building with Steel Deck Diaphragm
614 Example One-Story RWFD Building with Steel Deck Diaphragm
615 Traditional Design Method
616 Traditional Design Method
617 Traditional Design Method
618 Traditional Design Method
619 Traditional Design Method
620 Traditional Design Method
621 Traditional Design Method
622 Example One-Story RWFD Building with Steel Deck Diaphragm
623 Diaphragm Seismic Design Methods
624 Alternative RWFD Design Method (Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
625 Alternative RWFD Design Method (Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
626 Alternative RWFD Design Method (Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
627 Alternative RWFD Design Method (Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
628 Alternative RWFD Design Method (Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
629 Alternative RWFD Design Method (Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
630 Alternative RWFD Design Method (Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements AISI S400 Section F3.5.1)
631 Alternative RWFD Design Method (Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements AISI S400 Section F3.5.1)
632 Alternative RWFD Design Method (Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements AISI S400 Section F3.5.1)
633 Alternative RWFD Design Method (Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
634 Alternative RWFD Design Method (Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
635 Alternative RWFD Design Method (Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
636 Alternative RWFD Design Method (Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
637 Alternative RWFD Design Method (Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
638 Alternative RWFD Design Method (Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
639 Alternative RWFD Design Method (Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
640 Alternative RWFD Design Method (Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
641 Alternative RWFD Design Method (Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
642 Alternative RWFD Design Method (Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
643 Example One-Story RWFD Building with Steel Deck Diaphragm
Alternative RWFD Design Method (12.10.4) NOT Meeting AISI S400 Special Seismic Detailing Requirements
644 Alternative RWFD Design Method (NOT Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
645 Alternative RWFD Design Method (NOT Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
646 Alternative RWFD Design Method (NOT Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
647 Alternative RWFD Design Method (NOT Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
648 Alternative RWFD Design Method (NOT Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
649 Alternative RWFD Design Method (NOT Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
650 Alternative RWFD Design Method (NOT Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
651 Alternative RWFD Design Method (NOT Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
652 Alternative RWFD Design Method (NOT Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
653 Alternative RWFD Design Method (NOT Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
654 Alternative RWFD Design Method (NOT Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
655 Alternative RWFD Design Method (Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
656 Alternative RWFD Design Method (NOT Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
657 Alternative RWFD Design Method (NOT Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
658 Alternative RWFD Design Method (NOT Meeting Special Seismic Detailing Requirements, 12.10.4)
659 Example One-Story RWFD Building with Steel Deck Diaphragm
660 Comparison of Design Me thods
661 Comparison of Design Me thods
662 Part 2 -Closing Comments
663 Questions
665 Chapter 8 Nonstructural Components: Fundamentals and Design Examples
666 Learning Objectives
667 Outline of Presentation
668 Fundamentals
669 Nonstructural Components
670 Relative Costs
671 Anticipated Behavior of Noncritical Nonstructural Components From ASCE/SEI 7-22 Sections C13.1 and C13.1.3
672 ASCE/SEI 7-22 Chapter 13: Seismic Design Requirements for Nonstructural Components
673 Code Development Process for Recent Revisions to Nonstructural Provisions
674 Key Terminology
675 Parameters Influencing Nonstructural Response
676 Seismic Force-Resisting System
677 Building Modal Periods, Tn,bldg
678 Component Period, Tcomp, and Building Period Resonance
679 Sources of Component and/or Anchorage Ductility
680 Component/Anchorage Ductility, μcomp
681 ATC-12O Proposed Seismic Design Force Equation
682 Evolution of Seismic Design Force Equation
683 PFA/PGA (Hf) Amplification Factor
684 Building Ductility, Rμ
686 Unlikely vs. Likely to be in Resonance
687 Component Resonance Ductility Factor, CAR, and Component Strength, Rpo
688 Alternative Procedure for Nonlinear Response History Analysis
689 Equipment Support Structures and Platforms and Distribution System Supports
690 Accommodation of Seismic Relative Displacements
691 Development of Nonstructural Seismic Design Force Equations
692 Proposed Equations in NIST GCR 18-917-43
693 Proposed Equations in NIST GCR 18-917-43
694 Revisions in the 2020 NEHRP Provisions
695 Revisions in the 2020 NEHRP Provisions
696 Revisions for ASCE/SEI 7-22
697 Significant Changes from ASCE/SEI 7-16 to ASCE/SEI 7-22
698 Significant Changes from ASCE/SEI 7-16 to ASCE/SEI 7-22 (cont.)
699 Minor Changes from ASCE/SEI 7-16 to ASCE/SEI 7-22
700 Unchanged in ASCE/SEI 7-22 (same as ASCE/SEI 7-16)
701 Questions?
702 Design Examples
703 Design Examples for Architectural Components
704 Architectural Concrete Wall Panel
705 Architectural Concrete Wall Panel Description
706 Architectural Concrete Wall Panel Description
707 Providing Gravity Support and Accommodating Story Drift in Cladding
708 Rocking Cladding Connection System
709 Rocking Cladding Connection System
710 Window Framing System Racking Mechanism
711 ASCE/SEI 7-22 Parameters and Coefficients
712 ASCE/SEI 7-22 Parameters and Coefficients
713 ASCE/SEI 7-22 Parameters and Coefficients
714 ASCE/SEI 7-22 Parameters and Coefficients
715 Applicable Requirements
716 Spandrel Panel Layout
717 Prescribed Seismic Forces: Wall Element and Body of Wall Panel Connections
718 Prescribed Seismic Forces: Wall Element and Body of Wall Panel Connections
719 Proportioning and Design: Wall Element and Body of Wall Panel Connections
720 Proportioning and Design: W all Element and Body of Wall Panel Connections
721 Proportioning and Design: Wall Element and Body of Wall Panel Connections
722 Prescribed Seismic Forces: Fasteners of the Connecting System
723 Prescribed Seismic Forces: Fasteners of the Connecting System
724 Proportioning and Design: Fasteners of the Connecting System
725 Concrete Cover Layout and Seismic Forces
726 Prescribed Seismic Displacements
727 Prescribed Seismic Displacements: Accommodating Drift in Glazing
728 Prescribed Seismic Displacements: Accommodating Drift in Glazing
729 Prescribed Seismic Displacements: Accommodating Drift in Glazing
730 Questions?
731 Seismic Analysis of Egress Stairs
732 Egress Stairs Description
733 Egress Stairs Description
734 ASCE/SEI 7-22 Parameters and Coefficients
735 ASCE/SEI 7-22 Parameters and Coefficients
736 ASCE/SEI 7-22 Parameters and Coefficients
737 ASCE/SEI 7-22 Parameters and Coefficients
738 Applicable Requirements
739 Applicable Requirements (Continued)
740 Prescribed Seismic Forces: Egress Stairways not Part of the Building Seismic Force-Resisting System
741 Prescribed Seismic Forces: Egress Stairways not Part of the Building Seismic Force-Resisting System
742 Prescribed Seismic Forces: Egress Stairways not Part of the Building Seismic Force-Resisting System
743 Prescribed Seismic Forces: Egress Stairways not Part of the Building Seismic Force-Resisting System
744 Increased Seismic Forces for Fasteners and Attachments
745 Prescribed Seismic Forces: Egress Stairs and Ramp Fasteners and Attachments
746 Prescribed Seismic Forces: Egress Stairs and Ramp Fasteners and Attachments
747 Prescribed Seismic Displacements
748 Stairway Design Load Combinations
749 Questions?
750 HVAC Fan Unit Support
751 HVAC Fan Unit Support Description
752 HVAC Fan Unit Support Description
753 ASCE/SEI 7-22 Parameters and Coefficients
754 ASCE/SEI 7-22 Parameters and Coefficients
755 ASCE/SEI 7-22 Parameters and Coefficients
756 ASCE/SEI 7-22 Parameters and Coefficients
757 Applicable Requirements
758 Applicable Requirements (Continued)
759 Prescribed Seismic Forces: Case 1: Direct Attachment to Structure
760 Prescribed Seismic Forces: Case 1: Direct Attachment to Structure
761 Proportioning and Design:Case 1: Direct Attachment to Structure
762 Proportioning and Design:Case 1: Direct Attachment to Structure
763 Prescribed Seismic Forces: Case 2: Support on Vibration Isolation Springs
764 Prescribed Seismic Forces: Case 2: Support on Vibration Isolation Springs
765 Proportioning and Design:Case 2: Support on Vibration Isolation Springs
766 Proportioning and Design:Case 2: Support on Vibration Isolation Springs
767 Proportioning and Design:Case 2: Support on Vibration Isolation Springs
768 Proportioning and Design:Case 2: Support on Vibration Isolation Springs
769 Questions?
770 Piping System Seismic Design
771 Piping System Description
772 Piping System Description
773 Piping System Description
774 Piping System Description: Bracing
775 Piping System Description: System Configuration
776 Piping System Description: System Configuration
777 Piping System Description: System Configuration
778 ASCE/SEI 7-22 Parameters and Coefficients
779 ASCE/SEI 7-22 Parameters and Coefficients
780 Piping and Braces Parameters
781 ASCE/SEI 7-22 Parameters and Coefficients
782 Applicable Requirements
783 Prescribed Seismic Forces: Piping System Design
784 Proportioning and Design: Piping System Design
785 Proportioning and Design: Piping System Design
786 Proportioning and Design: Piping System Design
787 Proportioning and Design: Piping System Design
788 Proportioning and Design: Piping System Design
789 Proportioning and Design: Piping System Design
790 Prescribed Seismic Forces: Pipe Supports and Bracing
791 Prescribed Seismic Forces: Pipe Supports and Bracing
792 Proportioning and Design: Pipe Supports and Bracing
793 Proportioning and Design: Pipe Supports and Bracing
794 Proportioning and Design: Pipe Supports and Bracing
795 Proportioning and Design: Pipe Supports and Bracing
796 Prescribed Seismic Displacements
797 Prescribed Seismic Displacements
798 Prescribed Seismic Displacements
799 Prescribed Seismic Displacements
800 Questions?
801 Elevated Vessel Seismic Design
802 Elevated Vessel Description
803 Elevated Vessel Description
805 Elevated Vessel Description
806 ASCE/SEI 7-22 Parameters and Coefficients
807 ASCE/SEI 7-22 Parameters and Coefficients
808 ASCE/SEI 7-22 Parameters and Steel Material Properties
809 ASCE/SEI 7-22 Parameters and Coefficients
810 Applicable Requirements
811 Applicable Requirements (Continued)
812 Prescribed Seismic Forces: Vessel Support and Attachments
813 Prescribed Seismic Forces: Vessel Support and Attachments
814 Proportioning and Design: Vessel Support and Attachments
815 Proportioning and Design: Vessel Support and Attachments
816 Proportioning and Design: Vessel Support and Attachments
817 Proportioning and Design: Vessel Support and Attachments
818 Proportioning and Design: Vessel Support and Attachments
819 Proportioning and Design: Vessel Support and Attachments
820 Proportioning and Design: Vessel Support and Attachments
821 Proportioning and Design: Vessel Support and Attachments
822 Proportioning and Design: Vessel Support and Attachments
823 Proportioning and Design: Vessel Support and Attachments
824 Proportioning and Design: Vessel Support and Attachments
825 Proportioning and Design: Vessel Support and Attachments
826 Proportioning and Design: Vessel Support and Attachments
827 Prescribed Seismic Forces: Supporting Frame
828 Prescribed Seismic Forces: Supporting Frame
829 Proportioning and Design: Supporting Frame
830 Proportioning and Design: Supporting Frame
831 Proportioning and Design: Supporting Frame
832 Proportioning and Design: Supporting Frame
833 Proportioning and Design: Supporting Frame
834 Proportioning and Design: Supporting Frame
835 Questions?
FEMA P 1026 2021 ?u=/product/publishers/fema/fema-p-1026-2021/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 04:12:28 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/fema-p-1026-2021/ FEMA P-1026 Seismic Design of Rigid Wall-Flexible Diaphragm Buildings: An Alternative Procedure, Second Edition
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
FEMA 2021 254

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
1 Seismic Design of Rigid Wall-Flexible Diaphragm Buildings
5 Foreword
7 Preface
9 Table of Contents
15 List of Figures
21 List of Tables
25 Chapter 1 Introduction
35 Chapter 2 Description of RWFD Buildingsand Their Performance in Earthquakes
43 Chapter 3 Traditional DesignPractice Example
69 Chapter 4 Development of the Alternative RWFD DesignProcedure
85 Chapter 5 Implementation of the Alternative RWFD DesignProcedure
123 Chapter 6 Diaphragm Deflection Check
139 Chapter 7 Comparison of Designs UsingTraditional Practice and the Alternative RWFD Procedure
145 Chapter 8 Future Studies for Design ofRWFD Buildings
163 Chapter 9 Conclusions
165 Appendix A Evaluating RWFD Buildings Using FEMA P695 Methodology
177 Appendix B Evaluation of Traditional Design Procedure Using FEMA P695
201 Appendix C Evaluation of Alternative RWFD Design Procedure for Wood Diaphragms
221 Appendix D Extension of FEMA P-1026 to Bare Steel Deck Roof Diaphragms
237 Acronyms
241 References
249 Project Participants
FEMA P 2192 Volume1 2020 ?u=/product/publishers/fema/fema-p-2192-volume1-2020/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 04:12:28 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/fema-p-2192-volume1-2020/ FEMA P-2192-V1 2020 NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions: Design Examples, Training Materials, and Design Flow Charts - Volume I: Design Examples
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
FEMA 2020

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
1 2020 NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions: Design Examples, Training Materials, and Design Flow Charts
2 2020 NEHRP (National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program) Recommended Seismic Provisions: Design Examples
4 Foreword
5 Preface and Acknowledgements
7 Table of Contents
14 List of Figures
20 List of Tables
22 Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Overview
24 1.2 Evolution of Earthquake Engineering
28 1.3 History and Role of the NEHRP Provisions
32 1.4 Key Updates to the 2020 NEHRP Provisions and ASCE/SEI 7-22
1.4.1 Earthquake Ground Motions and Spectral Acceleration Parameters
35 1.4.2 New Shear Wall Seismic Force-Resisting Systems
36 1.4.3 Diaphragm Design
37 1.4.4 Nonstructural Components
1.4.5 Permitted Analytical Procedures and Configuration Irregularities
38 1.4.6 Displacement Requirements
1.4.7 Exceptions to Height Limitations
39 1.4.8 Nonbuilding Structures
1.4.9 Performance Intent and Seismic Resiliency
40 1.4.10 Seismic Lateral Earth Pressures
1.4.11 Soil-Structure Interaction
1.5 The NEHRP Design Examples
44 1.6 Organization and Presentation of the 2020 Design Examples
45 1.6.2 Presentation
46 1.7 References
52 Chapter 2: Fundamentals
53 2.1 Earthquake Phenomena
55 2.2 Structural Response to Ground Shaking
2.2.1 Response Spectra
61 2.2.2 Inelastic Response
64 2.2.3 Building Materials WOOD STEEL
2.2.4 Building Systems
67 2.2.5 Supplementary Elements Added to Improve Structural Performance
2.3 Engineering Philosophy
69 2.4 Structural Analysis
72 2.5 Nonstructural Elements of Buildings
73 2.6 Quality Assurance
2.7 Resilience-Based Design
2.7.1 Background
75 2.7.2 Functional Recovery Objective
81 2.7.3 Code-based Functional Recovery Design Provisions SEISMIC FORCE-RESISTING SYSTEM
86 2.7.4 Voluntary Design for Functional Recovery
88 2.7.5 References
92 Chapter 3: Earthquake Ground Motions
3.1 Overview
93 3.2 Seismic Design Maps
3.2.1 Development of MCER, MCEG, and TL Maps
94 3.2.2 Updates from ASCE/SEI 7-16 to ASCE/SEI 7-22
95 3.2.3 Online Access to Mapped and Other Ground-Motion Values
100 3.3 Multi-Period Response Spectra
101 3.3.1 Background
3.3.2 Design Parameters and Response Spectra of ASCE/SEI 7-16
103 3.3.3 Site-Specific Requirements of ASCE/SEI 7-16
104 3.3.4 New Ground Motion Parameters of ASCE/SEI 7-22 Chapter 11
108 3.3.5 New Site Classes of ASCE/SEI 7-22 Chapter 20
109 3.3.6 New Site-Specific Analysis Requirements of ASCE/SEI 7-22 Chapter 21
112 3.3.7 Example Comparisons of Design Response Spectra
113 WUS Sites – Irvine (Southern California) and San Mateo (Northern California)
115 OCONUS Sites – Honolulu (Hawaii) and Anchorage (Alaska)
118 CEUS Sites – St. Louis (Missouri) and Memphis (Tennessee)
120 3.4 Other Changes to Ground Motion Provisions in ASCE/SEI 7-22
3.4.1 Maximum Considered Earthquake Geometric Mean (MCEG) Peak Ground Acceleration (ASCE/SEI 7-22 Section 21.5)
3.4.2 Vertical Ground Motion for Seismic Design (ASCE/SEI 7-22 Section 11.9)
123 3.4.3 Site Class When Shear Wave Velocity Data are Unavailable (ASCE/SEI 7-22 Section 20.3)
125 3.5 References
127 Chapter 4: Reinforced Concrete Ductile Coupled Shear Wall System as a Distinct Seismic Force-Resisting System in ASCE/SEI 7-22
128 4.1 Introduction
130 4.2 Ductile Coupled Structural (Shear) Wall System of ACI 318-19
132 4.3 Ductile Coupled Structural (Shear) Wall System in ASCE/SEI 7-22
134 4.4 FEMA P695 Studies Involving Ductile Coupled Structural (Shear) Walls
143 4.5 Design of a Special Reinforced Concrete Ductile Coupled Wall
4.5.1 Introduction GENERAL
Structural period calculation
Base shear calculation
4.5.2 Design of Shear Walls DESIGN LOADS
167 4.5.3 Design of Coupling Beam DESIGN LOADS DESIGN FOR FLEXURE
171 4.6 Acknowledgements
4.7 References
173 Chapter 5: Coupled Composite Plate Shear Walls / Concrete Filled (C-PSW/CFs) as a Distinct Seismic Force-Resisting System in ASCE/SEI 7-22
174 5.1 Introduction
175 5.2 Coupled Composite Plate Shear Wall / Concrete Filled (C-PSW/CF) Systems
177 5.3 Coupled C-PSW/CF System in ASCE/SEI 7-22
181 5.4 FEMA P695 Studies Involving Coupled C-PSW/CFs
186 5.5 Design of Coupled C-PSW/CF System
5.5.1 Overview
187 5.5.2 Building Description
189 5.5.3 General Information of the Considered Building MATERIAL PROPERTIES LOADS LOAD COMBINATIONS
194 5.5.4 Structural Analysis (Seismic Design) C-PSW/CFS AND COUPLING BEAM SECTION
212 5.5.7 Coupling Beam Connection
222 5.6 Acknowledgements
5.7 References
224 Chapter 6: Three-Story Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) Shear Wall
6.1 Overview
225 6.2 Background
226 6.3 Cross-laminated Timber Shear Wall Example Description
229 6.4 Seismic Forces
231 6.5 CLT Shear Wall Shear Strength
233 6.5.1 Shear Capacity of Prescribed Connectors
234 6.5.2 Shear Capacity of CLT Panel
235 6.6 CLT Hold-down and Compression Zone for Overturning
6.6.1 CLT Shear Wall Hold-down Design
240 6.6.2 CLT Shear Wall Compression Zone
244 6.7 CLT Shear Wall Deflection
247 6.8 References
248 Chapter 7: Horizontal Diaphragm Design
7.1 Overview
251 7.2 Introduction to Diaphragm Seismic Design Methods
254 7.3 Step-By-Step Determination of Diaphragm Design Forces
7.3.1 Step-By-Step Determination of Diaphragm Design Forces Using the Section 12.10.1 and 12.10.2 Traditional Method
256 7.3.2 Step-By-Step Determination of Diaphragm Design Forces Using the Section 12.10.3 Alternative Provisions
262 7.3.3. Step-By-Step Determination of Diaphragm Design Forces Using the Section 12.10.4 Alternative Diaphragm Design Provisions for One-Story Structures with Flexible Diaphragms and Rigid Vertical Elements (Alternative RWFD Provisions)
267 7.4 Example: One-Story Wood Assembly Hall
7.4.1 Example Using the ASCE/SEI 7-22 Section 12.10.1 and 12.10.2 Traditional Diaphragm Design Method
270 7.4.2 Example: One-Story Wood Assembly Hall – ASCE/SEI 7-22 Section 12.10.3 Alternative Diaphragm Design Method
273 7.5 Example: Multi-Story Steel Building with Steel Deck Diaphragms
7.5.1 Example: Multi-Story Steel Building – Section 12.10.1 and 12.10.2 Traditional Diaphragm Design Method
280 7.5.2 Example: Multi-story Steel Building – ASCE/SEI 7-22 Section 12.10.3 Alternative Diaphragm Design Method
285 7.5.3 Comparison of Traditional and Alternative Procedure Diaphragm Design Forces
286 7.6 Example: One-Story RWFD Bare Steel Deck Diaphragm Building
7.6.1 Example: One-Story Bare Steel Deck Diaphragm Building Diaphragm Design – ASCE/SEI 7-22 Section 12.10.1 and 12.10.2 Traditional Design method
290 7.6.2 Example: One-Story Bare Steel Deck Diaphragm Building Diaphragm Design -Section 12.10.4 Alternative Design Method with Diaphragm Meeting AISI S400 Special Seismic Detailing Provisions
296 7.6.3 Example: One-Story Bare Steel Deck Diaphragm Building Diaphragm Design – ASCE/SEI 7-22 Section 12.10.4 Alternative Design Method with Diaphragm NOT Meeting AISI S400 Special Seismic Detailing Provisions
301 7.6.4 Comparison of Diaphragm Design Forces for Traditional and Alternative RWFD Provisions
302 7.7 References
303 Chapter 8: Nonstructural Components
8.1 Overview
305 8.2 Development and Background of the Requirements for Nonstructural Components
8.2.1 Approach to and Performance Objectives for Seismic Design of Nonstructural Components
306 8.2.2 Force Equations
307 8.2.3 Development of Nonstructural Seismic Design Force Equations in ASCE/SEI 7-22
308 NIST GCR 18-917 43
314 8.2.4 Load Combinations and Acceptance Criteria
316 8.2.5 Component Importance Factor, Ip
8.2.6 Seismic Coefficient at Grade, 0.4SDS
8.2.7 Amplification with Height, Hf
318 8.2.8 Structure Ductility Reduction Factor, Rμ
320 8.2.9 Component Resonance Ductility Factor, CAR COMPONENT PERIOD AND BUILDING PERIOD
325 8.2.10 Component Strength Factor, Rpo
8.2.11 Equipment Support Structures and Platforms and Distribution System Supports
328 8.2.12 Upper and Lower Bound Seismic Design Forces
8.2.13 Nonlinear Response History Analysis
8.2.14 Accommodation of Seismic Relative Displacements
330 8.2.15 Component Anchorage Factors and Acceptance Criteria
332 8.2.16 Construction Documents
8.2.17 Exempt Items
333 8.2.18 Pre-Manufactured Modular Mechanical and Electrical Systems
334 8.3 Architectural Concrete Wall Panel
8.3.1 Example Description
336 8.3.2 Providing Gravity Support and Accommodating Story Drift in Cladding
340 8.3.3 Design Requirements ASCE/SEI 7-22 PARAMETERS AND COEFFICIENTS
8.3.4 Spandrel Panel – Wall Element and Body of Wall Panel Connections CONNECTION LAYOUT
8.3.5 Spandrel Panel – Fasteners of the Connecting System PRESCRIBED SEISMIC FORCES
8.3.6 Column Cover CONNECTION LAYOUT
360 8.3.7 Additional Design Considerations PERFORMANCE INTENT FOR GLAZING IN EARTHQUAKES
8.4 Seismic Analysis of Egress Stairs
8.4.1 Example Description
369 8.4.2 Design Requirements ASCE/SEI 7-22 PARAMETERS AND COEFFICIENTS
373 8.4.3 Prescribed Seismic Forces
379 8.4.4 Prescribed Seismic Displacements
382 8.5 HVAC Fan Unit Support
8.5.1 Example Description
383 8.5.2 Design Requirements ASCE/SEI 7-22 PARAMETERS AND COEFFICIENTS
387 8.5.3 Case 1: Direct Attachment to Structure
8.5.4 Case 2: Support on Vibration Isolation Springs
395 8.5.5 Additional Considerations for Support on Vibration Isolators
397 8.6 Piping System Seismic Design
8.6.1 Example Description
404 8.6.2 Design Requirements ASCE/SEI 7-22 PARAMETERS AND COEFFICIENTS
8.6.3 Piping System Design PRESCRIBED SEISMIC FORCES
413 8.6.4 Pipe Supports and Bracing
422 8.6.5 Prescribed Seismic Displacements
425 8.7 Elevated Vessel Seismic Design
8.7.1 Example Description
429 8.7.2 Design Requirements ASCE/SEI 7-22 PARAMETERS AND COEFFICIENTS
8.7.3 Vessel Support and Attachments PRESCRIBED SEISMIC FORCES
444 8.7.4 Supporting Frame PRESCRIBED SEISMIC FORCES
454 8.7.5 Design Considerations for the Gravity Load-Carrying System
457 8.8 References
FEMA BCATRegion8FactSheet 2022 ?u=/product/publishers/fema/fema-bcatregion8factsheet-2022/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 04:12:25 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/fema-bcatregion8factsheet-2022/ FEMA FACT SHEET: 2022 Building Code Adoption Tracking: FEMA Region 8
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
FEMA 2022 3

FEMA BCATRegion9FactSheet 2022 ?u=/product/publishers/fema/fema-bcatregion9factsheet-2022/ Sun, 20 Oct 2024 04:12:25 +0000 ?u=/product/uncategorized/fema-bcatregion9factsheet-2022/ FEMA FACT SHEET: 2022 Building Code Adoption Tracking: FEMA Region 9
Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
FEMA 2022
